Chapter 1944 Challenge 2
"I'm afraid it won't be easy for Wan Xie to completely defeat Fairy Jian this time."

Immortal Emperor Wanjian flicked the string of beads in his hand, and said to Immortal King Wanshun with a smile.

Wan Shun is a man with a three-dimensional face and sharp edges and corners. His skin is too fair, but he does not look feminine, but has a kind of dignity. Standing beside Immortal Emperor Wan Jian, he is not inferior at all. Shui Jing is watching the competition of this leapfrog challenge.

"Whoever makes him owe, if you want to discuss, just bring it up. Now that he is challenged, even if he wins, he loses, and if he draws, he loses. Losing is even more embarrassing."

Wan Shun hit the nail on the head when he opened his mouth, pointing out Wan Xie's embarrassing situation.

"Don't even mention that Fairy Jian, a Taoist fellow cultivator, really has something extraordinary. Mo Liao was beheaded by her, and the Devil Emperor didn't even show his face."

Wan Jian watched the two people coming and going in the arena, fighting in a ball, and their figures were indistinct, and said to Wan Shun on the side.

"I've heard about this a little bit, and it seems to be related to her real body of the Demon Race, and her real body is the God of War of the Demon Race!"

Immortal King Wanshun is not deaf to things outside the window. He received such sensitive news after the death of Mo Liao.

"That's why I said that it won't be easy for Wan Xie to win today."

"Fairy Jian is too modest, you didn't lose, we were considered a tie, but in terms of cultivation, you have won."

Wan Xie really wanted to roll his eyes, but finally endured it, and simply admitted:
"That's right! On the surface we are tied, but in fact I lost. I plan to retreat when I go back, and get a good understanding of this duel."

The destructive power of the simple purple fist shadow is constantly increasing. In addition to the increase in power, it also contains the power of law, and the fist shadow attack that incorporates the law of space can appear in any direction, and can even change the angle of attack by distorting space , making people hard to guard against.

Bei Minghan's cold voice came, and he could tell that the simple battle had taken a lot of damage.

But the boss watching the competition through the water mirror can see that the two sides are currently evenly matched, both are consuming the other's immortal energy, and the strength and speed of the attack are constantly improving, but neither can overwhelm the other at the moment.

Immortal King Wanshun heard this, but it was not easy to irritate the other party.

The battle between Jian Jian and Wan Xie in the arena was not affected, the distance between the two became smaller and smaller, Wan Xie deliberately slowed down, while Jian Jian accelerated his speed, just when the defensive cover was in danger and was about to shatter. When it cracked, the sword shadow and fist shadow all disappeared.

Jian Jian had accepted Moyue Zhan, jumped off the ring, and was immediately surrounded by disciples of the Beiming family, all of them looked at her with star eyes, it was too much face for them, does this count as a success in the challenge? ?
"Go back and adjust your breath first."

With a flicker of simple eyes, he took the lead in closing his fist, took a step back, avoided the opponent's blade, and said with a smile on his lips:
"I lost, thank you for your advice."

Holding the folding fan in his hand, Bei Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"It's okay, it's okay, the defensive cover is not broken, otherwise I will have to pay for the fairy stone."

The yin and yang taiji disk in Jianjian's body has been operating to the extreme, constantly absorbing the power in the air, and transforming them into Xianyuanli and Moyuanli. , The coordination was seamless, and Wan Xie did not find a point to break the rhythm.

And Moyue Zhan is responsible for intercepting Wan Xie's black sword shadow. Every time there is a collision, the sword shadow dissipates, and the crescent moon also disappears. The two offset each other, and then there are more sword shadows and crescent moons facing each other.

Bei Mingzhi already had experience, and said directly to the disciples of the Beiming family around him:
"All back!"

"If you lose, you lose. Find so many reasons!"

The elder Shoufeng of Zhanfeng in the arena also sensed something was wrong, and said directly:
"The disciples of Wan Jianzong leave the arena of the battle, so as not to be affected."

"Yes, Immortal Emperor!"

"Regardless of the future relationship between Wan Jianzong and the Beiming family, Fairy Jian must make good friends."

Wan Xie went to see Immortal Emperor Wanjian, and was surprised to see Immortal King Wanshun. He bowed his hands and said directly:

Immortal King Wan Xie took away the sword directly, then looked at Jian Jian with piercing eyes, smiled and said:

Wan Xie said very bachelorly, it is not shameful to lose, no one here has lost a few fights, this is the most common thing for a sword fairy.

The simple and ethereal figure closely followed Wan Xie's footsteps, looking for all possible attack angles. As the two of them made moves more and more frequently, people in the arena could no longer see their figures clearly, and it was even more difficult to judge who was in charge now. got the upper hand.

Immortal King Wan Xie said bluntly, although he was a little bit unfinished, he turned around and disappeared on the ring after the defensive cover fell, and with his departure, a mirror of water in the air also disappeared.

Bei Minghan raised his eyebrows lightly, feeling that Azhi's focus was a little off.

Then with a wave of his hand, Moyue Zhan returned to her side, but he did not return to Dantian, but slowly turned around his master, as if he could attack again at any time.

Wan Xie wanted to block all of Jianjian's punching routes, but a purple-gold light flashed in Jianjian's eyes, and then, using the same tactic, she also swung her fist halfway to block the opponent's attack.

Although the disciples of the Beiming family did not understand why they retreated, they all subconsciously followed the orders of their clan brothers and dodged to leave the surrounding area of ​​the ring.

Immortal Emperor Wanjian flicked the Buddhist beads in his hands, and ordered in a deep voice.

The two protagonists left, and the disciples of Wan Jianzong lost their scruples, and immediately discussed the battle just now, all of them looked excited.

At the same time as the voice fell, the Wanjianzong disciples surrounding the ring retreated like a tide, temporarily retreating to a safe distance.

Everyone looked at the two people on the ring, Wan Xie's black long sword landed on Jian Jian's neck, Jian Jian's fist stopped on Wan Xie's dantian, and Mo Yue Zhan was suspended above Wan Xie's head.

When I was simply sparring with Immortal Wanheng before, I destroyed a defensive cover. This time, Wan Jianzong's defensive cover was quite strong. Although there was no sword shadow or fist shadow hitting the defensive cover, with the two With the improvement of human combat power, the defensive cover also began to tremble.

Immediately, the two turned their gazes to Shui Jing, and at this time the entire arena was covered by sword shadows and fist shadows.

Jian Jian liked such a considerate person, nodded with a smile, and walked back to Keju Peak with Bei Minghan.

Wan Shun said coldly.

"Fairy Jian's strength has reached the Immortal King Realm. She didn't try her best during the battle. Of course, I also kept my hand. If we fight to the death, we may lose both."

"She untied my heart knot and broke the shackles that have always troubled me. She is a rare and transparent person, and I suspect that she is not from the Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

After hearing this, Wan Xie and Wan Shun looked at each other, and then Wan Shun said:

"There was a prophecy in Tianji Pavilion that the arrival of people from outside the world will bring an irreversible bloody storm, and good and bad will depend on each other! Do you doubt that Fairy Jane is the person in the prophecy?"


(End of this chapter)

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