Chapter 1945
Immortal Emperor Wan Jian gave an affirmative answer, which surprised both Wan Shun and Wan Xie. They frowned slightly, not knowing how to react.

"Some things are irreversible. It's best to let nature take its course. After all, the end point of the prophecy is that good and bad will depend on each other, so it proves that it is not entirely a bad thing. We are ready to deal with it. If it is really a bloody storm, we must also guarantee the sect's safety." smooth."

Immortal Emperor Wanjian said directly.

"Yes, Immortal Emperor!"

The two of them hand in hand, and as the top combat power of Wan Jianzong, both of them have the responsibility to maintain the stability of the sect.

"Wan Heng said that Fairy Jian is very principled in doing things, and it is also because of her that she discovered that the Jingzhou resident disciples were planted with Gu worms. This time, Fairy Jian took action to pull out the scourge of Zongmen Gu worms. At least it proves that for us Wan Jian According to Zong, her appearance is a good thing."

Because Wan Shun is going to take over the protection of the sect from Immortal Emperor Wan Jian who is about to retreat, he is very clear about the recent major events in the sect, and he also has his own judgment.

"Well, Wanshun and I thought of something together."

Immortal Emperor Wan Jian smiled and said, this is also the reason why he prefers Wan Shun to guard the sect for him temporarily, the other party is as careful as dust and looks at things objectively.

"I know what to do."

However, there are tens of thousands of swords in the sword mound, scattered on the ground, on the mountain wall, and scurrying in the air. Everyone is dazzled, and they don't know which one to choose.

Bei Minghan frowned slightly, and told Simple directly.

"The competition that day was very exciting. If it was me, I might not be able to draw with Immortal King Wanxie."

"Have you got the sword you want?"

What Bei Minghan said was sincere.

Xu Kuangshi and Zi Ruo looked at each other after hearing this, but it was hard to say anything to persuade them to stay.

Simple phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and asked:

In order not to waste the opportunity, everyone dispersed and chose their favorite fairy sword. If they couldn't choose, they would use their skills. The fairy sword has a spirit, and it will come to find you. If it doesn't work, just grab one. It's not good Go out empty-handed, understand? "

"Understood, brother!"

"Yesterday, I received a message from the family that something happened in Mingzhou, and we need to rush back as soon as possible, so Elder Han arranged for his disciples to go to the 'Sword Tomb' to get the sword yesterday, and 'Wujianfeng' can only wait for the next time there is a There is another chance."

"What a big loss? Has anyone caught it?"

"If that's the case, don't bother the two elders, let's report to the master and the suzerain."

Or Bei Mingzhi waved his hand and said:

Wan Shun nodded immediately.

"Yesterday, I received a subpoena that some disciples in the family caused sabotage. It seems that some fish slipped through the net."

Simply go out here, and Bei Minghan came directly to find him:
"Elder Jian, are you recovering well?"

"Immortal King Wan Xie is very measured. I replenished the depleted immortal energy, and now it's all right."

Wan Jian ordered directly.

"You came looking for me so anxiously, but what's the matter?"

Added with a simple smile.

"Young Master Xu said when you came in, as long as you hold the sword, you will be teleported out of the sword mound. Each of us has only two hours to choose. If the time is up and you haven't chosen a sword that suits you, you will also be teleported. go out.

Simple and modest, and then asked:

Jian Jian didn't expect Bei Minghan to act quickly, and the arrangements had been made, so he raised his hand and sent a message to Xu Kuangshi, telling him that after the disciples of Bei Ming's family had been to "Sword Tomb", they were about to leave Jianzhou .

"The other party failed to steal the kung fu and blew himself up, but was trapped in the formation of the kung fu pavilion. The elder guarding the pavilion found out and detained the other party. Moreover, this person is a direct descendant of the elder guarding the pavilion, so it is not easy to search for the soul. Can be temporarily closed.

As a senior sister, Zi Ruo immediately asked politely.

Simply turning her eyes and thinking about it, she immediately reacted. It seems that she helped Wan Jianzong to pull out the Gu worms, which has destroyed the other party's deployment, so they played tricks at Beiming's house to force her to return to Mingzhou as soon as possible. She would not run around, nor would she find more Gu worms.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Xu Kuangshi arrived at Keju Peak, accompanied by Ziruo.

On the other side, Bei Mingzhi and his clan disciples, including alchemist Xinrong, are currently in the sword mound to wrestle with the fairy sword they have set their eyes on. Although there is not much time, they do not want to let go of this good opportunity. A sword that suits you.

Three days later, he simply recovered to his peak state, and only then did he open the restriction on the room.

Simple and straightforward.

"I've seen the two elders, why did you leave in such a hurry? But Wan Jianzong didn't entertain well?"

"Elder Han is absurd."

Explained with a simple smile.

After everyone responded, they dispersed to find a suitable sword for them.

"That's what I mean too. After receiving the news yesterday, I have ordered them to go to the 'Sword Tomb' to get the sword. As for the 'Wujian Peak', I can only leave it for the next time I come."

I think it should be the actions of the Huangfu royal family. Combined with the news that Zhima got from Rengu, they want to disturb Beiming's family so that we can return to Mingzhou as soon as possible. "


"Fairy Jian helped me, and when she leaves, she will give a thank you gift in my name."

"Heh! This trick is quite effective. Whether they deliberately exposed the existence of the puppet, or they really exposed it because they stole the top skills of the Beiming clan. In order to eliminate hidden dangers, I have to return to the clan as soon as possible, and I can't take other things into account. gone."

Bei Minghan felt a little regretful, he also wanted to visit Wujian Peak, but if he really wanted to understand something, one or two days might not be enough.

Two hours later, all 22 people including Xin Rong were sent out of the Sword Tomb, while Bei Minghan and Jian Jian had been waiting for a while.

Knowing the reason, the two didn't stay for long, turned around and went to Wan Jianfeng, and told the suzerain and Immortal Wan Heng the news.

The patriarch hoped that we would return to Nether Continent as soon as possible. Elder Jian had better be able to identify it. The elder guarding the pavilion felt that this junior might have been planted with Gu insects and turned into a puppet.

And Xin Rong felt a little helpless, he was at the last breath of being sent out, he casually grabbed a sword stuck in the ground, looked at the reverse edge sword lying in his hand, he was also a little speechless, but it was quite suitable for his alchemy Teacher's.

With a simple smile, he asked the other party to sit down, and directly talked about his situation.

Among the people who came out, some were holding swords in their hands, some were full of frustration, and some had unconcealable joy on their faces, among them, Bei Mingzhi had the strongest smile, you can tell at a glance nice one.

asked simply with a smile.

This time Bei Minghan also nodded in agreement, the other party obviously didn't want to simply wander around in Shisanzhou.

"Get it!"

Here, the simple group returned to Keju Peak. After confirming that she was not injured, Bei Minghan asked her to adjust her breath to recover.

"They don't hesitate to expose the nails they planted, so we should return to Nether Continent as soon as possible, lest the other party jump over the wall in a hurry, and always give them some buffer time."

Bei Minghan shared his analysis.

All the disciples replied in unison.

"That's good! We received a message from the family that we need to return to Mingzhou as soon as possible, and we will set off today!"

"Yes, elder!"

The disciples didn't ask any more questions, and immediately answered with their hands clasped together.

(End of this chapter)

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