"According to what you said, the Holy Mountain of Guixu is about to open. In order to enter the top [-] and for the allocation of resources, there will be some competition at that time. We will make a move at that time and order them to stay dormant for the time being. Don't make any big moves. But Beiming’s family still needs to focus on surveillance.”

The Great Elder finally agreed to the proposal of the Third Elder, and the other party also wanted to plan the overall plan.

After they made an agreement, they spread the news, but Mozhi on the other side was not happy.

"Hehe! A group of idiots still want to hibernate, but they also did a good deed, forcing Jian Jian to return to Nether Continent."

Mozhi crushed the jade slip that conveyed the news, with an evil smile on his face, that's fine, he was far away from the territory of the demons, so he could take action, but he had to wait for a suitable opportunity.

Whether it's the Huangfu royal family or Mozhi, they all quieted down at the same time, and began to wait for the so-called right time, which instead caused Thirteen Continents to fall into a strange calm, and none of this affected the simplicity. She and Bei Minghan had already arrived Mingzhou.

Entering the range of Nether Continent, one simply felt a cold breath, and the exhaled breath was already filled with white air, and instead of green mountains and green waters, it was covered with snow.

Bei Minghan flicked his sleeve robe, and released all the disciples of Beiming's family. He did the same and released the rest.

"Now that you have arrived at Mingzhou, whether you want to continue your training or return to the clan land is up to you. Elder Jian and I will not intervene. We have to go back to the clan land first."

Bei Minghan said to everyone with his hands behind his back.

The next moment, Bei Mingzhi was surrounded by these people, Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran crowded in the front.

This time, no one objected, and they responded with one voice, and then the group quickly left for the nearest Ice City.

Bei Mingzhi naturally knew everyone's small thoughts, so he directly fulfilled everyone's wishes.

Bei Mingqi said with a smirk.

"Third Elder, we will arrange it ourselves, you don't need to worry about it."

Neither Bei Minghan nor Jian Jian would interfere, so they disbanded on the spot with a wave of their hands, and the two of them disappeared in place with only Xin Rong.

Both of them are outstanding, and they became the focus of everyone's attention before they finished shopping. Xinrong also changed into a white fairy robe trimmed with white ice bear fur. Come on, in order to avoid the Ban family, he has been hiding everywhere, and he hates being exposed to everyone's sight.

She flicked through the storage bracelet, took out the purple fox cloak that Nine Tails had given her, changed into a white fairy robe that she didn't often wear, and matched it with a set of white magnolia defensive artifacts. After taking care of himself, he put on a big cloak and started wandering around Ice Lake City with Bei Minghan.

Of course, this does not include Xin Rong, who is going to bring this person back to the family directly. After all, he has provided a lot of resources and has the alchemy inheritance, so it is more at ease to send him back to the family early.

The clan land of the Beiming family is located in a continuous snow peak with active vitality, and it seems that there is no end in sight. The entrance of the clan land is a tall arch made of thousands of years of ice, and the door is guarded by disciples.

Bei Minghan ordered directly.

Xin Rong now has the resources of Yi Mansion as a foundation, and there is no shortage of fairy stones in his hands. Besides, he went to Beiming's house. He probably won't go out many times, so he didn't choose high-end fairy robes, but only chose one that is the best to protect against the cold. of.

"As long as you are smart, I don't believe that you didn't gain anything in the widow's residence? The two elders let you keep it for yourself. Your storage ring is not empty."

Simply waved to the hesitant Xin Rong.

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, he was not so easy to fool.

"Yes, brother Zhizu!"

"Meet the third elder, please show your identity jade pendant."

As soon as the three of them showed up, the guard disciple became vigilant. After seeing his third elder, he obviously relaxed a little, but still stepped forward to salute respectfully:

Bei Minghan was easily recognized because of his silver hair. After all, this is the headquarters of the Beiming family, and there are many guesses about Jian Jian and Xinrong, especially when Bei Minghan and Jian Jian appeared alone. All of a sudden, the third elder of Beiming's family had found his favorite.

"Xinrong, have you bought the fairy robes to keep out the cold?"

Bei Mingqi was not annoyed when he was exposed, he still said cheekily.

Immediately, the figures of the three of them disappeared again. After they left, the people around began to guess the identities of the three.

The three of us here headed towards the center of Nether Continent, and felt the colder and heavier. After a brief experience of nine-turn body training, this coldness is really nothing, but Xinrong is not cold-resistant, and his cultivation base is low. , I have never been to Mingzhou before.

Although the two disciples were shocked by the simple appearance, they still inspected the identity jade pendant before returning it to them, and then turned their attention to Xinrong.

"Yes, it has been added."

"Okay, then we'll go."

"Brother Zhi Clan, where are we going next? This time we came out to increase our knowledge and combat power, but the storage ring is a bit empty."

When Bei Minghan and Jianjian appeared at the entrance of Beiming's clan, the news had spread back to the clan as if they had wings.

Bei Minghan was still dressed as when we first met, with silver hair dancing lightly, probably because of the environment, he felt a little colder than usual.

"His name is Xinrong, he is the alchemist I recruited, just use my identity jade pendant to register."

These family disciples came out this time, and it has been less than half a year, and the time is a bit short. They have discussed it in private and plan to practice for a while.

In the end, the three of them briefly appeared in Ice Lake City, and simply asked Xinrong to buy himself a more cold-resistant magic robe before setting off.

Without any impatience, Bei Minghan raised his hand and took out his jade pendant, and simply flipped his hand to take the jade pendant of his identity as an elder Ke Qing.

When they came out this time, there were two elders escorting them. They also tasted the sweetness of the experience, so they were not in a hurry to return to the family. Besides, Nether Continent was also their base camp, and the danger was reduced. They still wanted to stay outside for a while.

"Hee hee, since the clan brother knows, don't say it, at least give Archie some face."

"Forget it, knowing that your combat power has improved, you all want to do some real combat, and you also want to show off your newly acquired fairy sword, so let's go to the nearest 'Ice River City' to see, and if there is a suitable task, then follow it."

Bei Mingzhi, as the person with the highest cultivation base among them, naturally stood up to answer for everyone.

"Yes, Third Elder!"

When they appeared at the entrance, Patriarch Beiming had already received the news and immediately arranged for the second elder to greet them.

The second elder was also curious about the elder Keqing brought back by the big icicle in Beiminghan. Recently, several of their elders who have not retreated, but they have received news from Azhi, and they are very curious about this Xianjun Jian.

Here, Bei Minghan walked towards the center of the clan with simplicity, introducing the general distribution of the clan while walking, and pointed out a snow peak to Xinrong.

"That Xuefeng is the place where the alchemists of the family gather. After meeting the patriarch, you will also be arranged there."

Good evening, my dears~ Two chapters first, there are more before twelve o'clock~

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