Chapter 1948 Very popular
Seeing where she will be in the future, Xinrong felt much more at ease.

After this period of time, the ancestor opened a small stove, coupled with the nine-turn alchemy technique passed on to him by Elder Jian, his alchemy rate and the level of alchemy have improved. With his current alchemy technique, he can guarantee that Will be left behind by the Beiming family.

"Xin Rong thanked the two elders for planning a lot for me and taking care of me all the way. If there is anything useful to the two elders in the future, you can give me instructions at any time."

Xin Rong finally showed a smile and promised seriously.

"This time is a win-win situation. From now on, you can make alchemy with peace of mind and concentrate on cultivation. The Beiming clan will handle other matters."

Bei Minghan's complexion softened a lot. He admired this kind of people with great perseverance and real talents, and he was willing to take care of them a little bit more.

"Third Elder, I have hoped for you to come back. Did the journey go smoothly?"

A loud voice came, and the next moment, a cyan figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"Second Elder!"

Bei Minghan cupped his hands, and then introduced Jian Jian and Xin Rong to the second elder.

Simple and clear, the other party is so enthusiastic because she is valuable and worthy of being admired. Anyway, she will not stay in Qianyuan Immortal Realm for a long time. It seems that Beiming's family is a good choice at present, and she is willing to put more thought into it .

The second elder said with a smile, the smile on his face was not fake.

"Elder Jian is wise, the alchemists he recruited will definitely not be bad. I will be responsible for all the alchemy matters in the clan. I will arrange for someone to send alchemist Xin to the alchemy peak in a short while."

"Elder Jian, I am in a hurry to recall you because some disciples are causing sabotage in the clan. We temporarily arrested him, and he is a direct descendant of the fourth elder who guards the pavilion. We have not searched for souls for the time being. We judge that the other party has been planted with Gu insects. , so I have to trouble Elder Jian to take action."

After hearing this, the Second Elder knew that Elder Jian was a rare sober person who understood her position in the Beiming family. She would be a competent elder, but she would not be a knife that the Beiming family could wield at will. .

"Xin Rong is the alchemist that I and the third elder recruited. I hope the clan will arrange it properly. He has his own alchemy inheritance. Whether he is willing to accept an apprentice is entirely up to him, and I will not interfere."

Jian Jian returned the salute with a smile, and then turned his gaze to the man who fell on the ground. The man couldn't move at this time, only his eyes were rolling around. After seeing Jian Jian, his pupils shrank, obviously frightened.

The patriarch of Beiming is a middle-aged man in the Empress of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm. He has worked hard for the sake of the clan. He has gray hair on his temples. It looks like it is white. The patriarch of Beiming doesn't seem to care about these things, and he has not taken any Although the elixir looks old, it also has a natural momentum.

Bei Minghan on the side saw everything in his eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes. As long as Elder Jian is willing, she can get along well with anyone, and he sighs in this regard.

"This is Elder Jian! Bei Mingqian is so polite!"

Patriarch Bei Ming directly turned to the topic.

"Elder Jian is too polite. You gave us two big gifts one after another before you arrived at the clan. We all look forward to your return to the clan as soon as possible, for fear that you will be cut off by other clans."

"This is the fourth elder who guards the pavilion."

The four elders looked around and saw the only strange face before throwing the person in their hands on the ground, and then cupped their hands to Jian Jian:

After speaking, he waved his hand, and a young man whose face was five points similar to the Sixth Elder walked in quickly. After saluting to everyone, he was about to leave first with Xin Rong.

Jian Jian said a few polite words, then pushed Xin Rong out, and said with a smile:

Xinrong has to apply for the identity jade pendant and take the alchemy examination. According to the level of the alchemy he can refine now, he can arrange a specific residence. Things have to be implemented one by one. In addition, the sixth elder can't wait any longer. Arrange for your juniors to take others to do business first.

Xin Rong bowed his hands to everyone, followed the young man and left the meeting room first, and then the elders of the twenty disciples solemnly thanked Jian Jian, and left the meeting room, leaving only the patriarch and the two disciples in the end. Elder, Third Elder, Sixth Elder and Ninth Elder accompanied him.

Bei Minghan gave a brief introduction in a low voice.

Simply raising his eyebrows and smiling, he felt that the other party's performance was very interesting, and then said directly to everyone:
"There are no Gu worms in his body."

The fourth elder was tall and straight, like a green pine, with a very friendly appearance, not as cold as Bei Minghan.

"It is also my honor to be able to come to Beiming's house."

"It is the blessing of my Beiming family that Jian Xianjun can come to my Beiming family to be a guest elder. On behalf of the family, I welcome Jian Xianjun's arrival."

After a while, the fourth elder personally carried his direct descendants into the hall. This is the descendant he was optimistic about. He was very annoyed that he did something that would harm the family, but he didn't want one person to affect their lineage, so he insisted on waiting Elder Jian, who can pull out Gu worms, came back for public interrogation.

Only then did Bei Minghan hand over the storage ring that had been put away to the patriarch:
"This is the [-]% of the resources that Xinrong promised in the matter of the Yanzhou Remains Mansion. The patriarch is looking at the arrangement."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, both of you!"

The patriarch of Beiming directly handed over the storage ring to the Ninth Elder, who was more silent than Bei Minghan. This young and mature man had vicissitudes in his eyes, but his eyes were also clear. No wonder he was able to manage the family's resources.

Simply smiling the whole time, nodding in response from time to time, showing that he listened very seriously, without any intention of perfunctory, which made the second elder speak more vigorously.

"The fourth elder is polite, and it's simple for me."

The Sixth Elder, who had been waiting for an opportunity, immediately said:

Said simply and simply.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the meeting hall of Beiming's family. There were already some people gathered in the hall, the patriarch of Beiming and the three elders who had not retreated, plus the elders who simply pulled out the Gu insect disciples, there were also 23 people.

Immediately, the second elder changed the topic and began to introduce the development history of the Beiming family, so that Jian Jian could learn more about the family and integrate into the family more quickly.

"Elder Jian is sure?"

"It's not a big deal, bring people here!"

Hearing this, Patriarch Beiming's smile deepened, and he appreciated the simplicity even more.

Simply looking at the second elder who was smiling, he politely cupped his hands and said:
"It's simple, I'm new here, please give me some guidance from the Second Elder."

"Second elder praised me a lot. Since I am the elder Ke Qing of the Beiming family, I will be loyal to my choice and fulfill the duties of the elder Ho Ke Qing."

Jian Jian and Xin Rong greeted each other with everyone before taking a seat on the left hand side of the patriarch.

The patriarch of Beiming said with a smile on his face.

The fourth elder obviously didn't expect this result, and asked with a frown.

"I'm sure!"

Simple and not angry, he gave an affirmative answer again.

Since he wasn't controlled by a Gu worm, then he was instructed to do so. If he wants to know the specific reason, he can only search for the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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