Chapter 1949
Bei Mingqian's face was a little dark, obviously he was angry, and he was not planted with Gu worms, so he did it voluntarily. He didn't find any abnormalities in this kid before, so he had already guessed it, but he still reported it. There was a glimmer of hope, but reality gave him a slap in the face.

The people on the ground also realized that their own death was approaching, and their eyeballs rolled even more violently, as if they wanted to say something, but unfortunately the Fourth Elder didn't want to hear it, so he raised his hand and directly covered the opponent's head, searching for the soul in public, it can be seen that it was also Out of breath.

The simple expression is very calm. Since you choose to betray your family, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

A quarter of an hour later, the Fourth Elder withdrew the hand covering his head, with a gloomy face, and directly slapped him down, smashing him into powder.

I simply felt the momentary surprise of Bei Minghan beside me, including the head of the Bei Ming clan and several other elders. Obviously, the four elders seldom get angry.

"Fourth, calm down."

The Second Elder comforted him, it was also the first time he saw the usually amiable Fourth Elder lose his temper.

"This unworthy idiot, stupid and unaware, and vicious! What a waste of the family's training for him."

The fourth elder said bitterly.

The several elders looked at each other, and they were not in a hurry to ask why, they all waited for the fourth elder to calm down and say it himself.

What they want to express to me is that even if there are no puppets controlled by Gu insects, there are still people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the Huangfu clan, and there are still people who are willing to betray the clan. "

After listening briefly, the round fan in his hand paused, and then he replied via voice transmission:
"When did you stay behind?"

Bei Minghan nodded, and then talked about what happened after the two of them met in Mozhou, and how they helped Wan Jianzong's disciples to pull out Gu worms, and also explained in detail.

"Master, don't be angry, Zhima has left behind. If the Huangfu clan dares to stretch out its claws at you, Zhima will make the entire Huangfu clan disappear from the Qianyuan Immortal Realm!"

"Elder Jian, no matter whether you appear or not, the Huangfu royal family will find an excuse if they want to move our Beiming family, but this time because of your appearance, their deployment was exposed in advance, and they had to abandon an embedded family. The nail in the clan, doing this on purpose is disgusting to us.

"I'm ashamed to say that the disciples of the Beiming family were poisoned by Gu insects, and this beast also contributed a little bit."

A fool would let Xianjun Jian go, not to mention what the other party's ranking on the "Tianwei Ranking" would bring to the Beiming family, it was because of Xianjun Jian's existence that those puppets that had been planted with Gu insects would have nowhere to hide.

The elders in the hall heard the simple words, and their hearts sank. The Huangfu clan has a lot of schemes, so this is putting pressure on them. Because of the existence of Elder Jian, they will be the main targets of the Huangfu clan.

The Fourth Elder did not hide anything, and was ready to tell the whole story. If he lied about something today, once the truth came out, they would all be implicated.

And not long ago, Huangfuge sent news to this beast, asking him to steal the top-level exercise of my Beiming family. As long as he can steal the exercise, he can save her life, so he took the risk and took advantage of my identity as a direct descendant Entered the Gongfa Pavilion.

It's a pity that the highest-level exercises are on the top floor of the exercise pavilion. Without the token and my permission, you can't enter. He strayed into the formation, and I found it after he was trapped, but he quibbled that he was looking for me Yes, so I entered the formation by mistake.

That Huangfu song seduced this bastard a lot, he couldn't control himself, and was so dazzled that he followed Huangfu song's instructions and led the elite disciples of the clan to Bingren Mountain to pick colorful snow lotuses, and deliberately got into an affair with the disciples of Huangfu's clan. conflict.

Sesame squinted her little eyes and said excitedly.

"Actually, after I brought Mr. Zhi and the third elder together, I thought that since I came out, I would take my disciples back while practicing. With the two of us protecting them, they would be less dangerous. I also I want to see, what step did the Huangfu royal family use Gu worms to achieve?
Perhaps it was because my actions touched their sore spots that they created troubles within the Beiming family and forced me to come back, and they also know that I can definitely tell whether the evil disciples have been planted with Gu insects.

The simple voice was a bit cold, and there was a sarcastic sneer on the corner of his lips, and he actually challenged her from a distance.

He simply held his round fan and fanned it lightly. A breeze mixed with the aroma of marigolds reverberated throughout the meeting hall, making the atmosphere less rigid.

Naturally, I wouldn't believe such a clumsy lie. Seeing that I didn't believe it, this bastard actually wanted to explode himself. Fortunately, I was prepared and controlled him directly. I thought he might be one of them, so I wanted to wait for Elder Jian to arrive before interrogating him. "

After listening to it briefly, I felt much better. It was worthy of his usual support. Xiao Zhima was very reliable at critical moments, but she sometimes ignored it. Zhima is also a Gu insect and has its own instincts.

The Fourth Elder had already calmed down, and bowed his hands to everyone:
"Today I lost my temper!"

The second elder said with a serious face.

"When this bastard was training outside, he met a female disciple of Huangfu's royal family, named Huangfu Ge, this woman had saved his life, and the two of them became acquainted after going back and forth.

"Huangfuge has fallen. The one who sent him the news is definitely not me, but a member of the Huangfu clan. The purpose is to force me and the third elder to return to the clan, and at the same time, it is also to slap the Beiming family in the face."

"It doesn't matter, what did the Fourth Elder know from the boy?"

The Fourth Elder finished speaking in one breath, with a very ashamed expression on his face, after all, his junior did not play an honorable role in it.

Zhima seemed to sense the anger of her own master, and whispered quietly:

This is a good thing for us, because they are temporarily unable to make a move, so they will use this method to find us unhappy, and by the way, create a gap between us and Elder Jian, such a clumsy approach, how could we be fooled, the Huangfu royal family has not covered the sky with one hand We are waiting for them to come to our door! "

"In Jingzhou, on the day you fought against Xianjun Wanheng, didn't the elders of the Huangfu clan bring people to watch the fun? They saw your unfriendly eyes, and I didn't like it, so I gave them a small gift."

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, he said softly.

Patriarch Beiming knew some news. Regarding the matter of assisting Wan Jianzong, Bei Minghan hadn't come and sent the news back, so he simply took this opportunity to speak directly.

The disciples in the clan were planted with Gu insects, which was a passive action during the conflict with the Huangfu clan. He actually provided the Huangfu clan with an opportunity to harm their own clan.

As for those who betrayed the family, they will naturally find out and eradicate them completely. It is not a problem at all if a family does not have one or two nails.

Patriarch Bei Ming and the remaining three elders also nodded in agreement.

Simply showing off his face and smiling, he lightly shook the round fan in his hand, giving everyone a reassurance:

"Huangfu's family has Gu worms, and I also have Immortal Gu. If they dare to stretch out their claws, I will make them pay a terrible price."

 See you guys tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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