Chapter 1950 Throwing Candied Dates
Simple words are domineering, no matter whether others believe it or not, Bei Minghan believes it. He knows very well that Elder Jian is not the kind of person who is aimless.

"I believe Elder Jian, whether it's Huangfu's family or Mozhi's, our Beiming family has never been afraid!"

Bei Minghan said in a deep voice, he must be on the side of his family.

"The third elder is right. Beiming's family has been threatened a lot, but we haven't inherited it until now. We just have to come if we have the ability. It's still unknown who will win the battle, not to mention that we are already prepared."

The second elder put a smile on his face again, expressing his position on behalf of the entire Beiming family.

They really didn't pay attention to a Huangfu royal family. They said it was a clan, but they didn't even have the most basic blood relationship. Because of the influence of their birth environment, each of them had their own little thoughts. When things really came to an end, they might not Twist into a rope.

How long has the Huangfu royal family been established?It is less than 1 years old, and it is incomparable with a family like theirs with a profound heritage and a heritage of more than [-] years.

It is also incomparable with some big sects. The disciples of the sect are also selected from the ordinary world and some small families. Teaching them from an early age not only cultivates loyalty, but also protects the small family. For the common benefit, the cohesion of the sect Not bad either.

On the other hand, the Huangfu royal family has ambitions but not enough accumulation, otherwise they would not have chosen such an unappealable method in order to achieve their goals.

If the Huangfu royal family challenged the Beiming family in an upright manner, the Beiming family might look up to them, but the more the other party behaved, the more they would look down on them, but looking down does not mean that they will take it lightly, otherwise they will not It's easy to ask Bei Minghan to escort the disciples who have problems to see him.

The Sixth Elder said directly that excellent disciples are the most important resources of the family, and naturally they must be well protected, otherwise they have been cultivated with great difficulty, but it is cheaper for others, and they will cry to someone.

"Before I returned to Mingzhou, the third elder told me that I had selected a group of young disciples who met the requirements according to the requirements, so that I could choose suitable successors for the exercises when I came back. Now that I have come back early, this matter can also be raised. It's on the agenda."

The smile on the second elder's face became even bigger, and he was the first to express his opinion:
"Elder Jian can rest assured that my Beiming family does not reject competition and has its own ideas, but if anyone dares to exchange the outstanding disciples of the family for benefits and send them to make furnaces, the family will never forgive them. Once found out, the family will be expelled immediately." , there is no room for negotiation.”

After simply listening to the words of the elders, a smile appeared on her face, expressing that she was very satisfied with everyone's attitude, at least it attracted their attention. If she makes a move in the future, she will be famous as a teacher. Don't blame her for not saying hello in advance up.

"It's easy to handle, Elder Jian chooses himself."

Simply put.

Patriarch Beiming said with a smile.

"The Beiming family never raises a stove, nor does it send a stove. We don't bother to do that."

"Elder Jian is right. This exercise is very exquisite, and it can exert even greater power in the cultivation environment of Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

"As long as the disciples who practice "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique" have great perseverance, their cultivation speed will increase after they are promoted to Nascent Soul, and their chaotic spiritual roots will also grow in a balanced manner, which means that they will be the top furnaces. .

He said with a simple smile.

Simple is to continue to turn the round fan in his hand, and start to talk about the special features of the exercises:

Everyone present here has already reached the immortal level, and spiritual level exercises are no longer attractive in their eyes. If they simply take out the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Immortal Technique" now, they may be able to excite them a little bit.

"It can be located on the outskirts of the Beiming family land. It doesn't need a lot of space, just any vacant snow peak. I will arrange it according to my own preferences."

I am cultivating independent disciples for the Beiming family, not cultivating a cauldron for marriage or to achieve ulterior motives. I hope you can understand that if I let Jian find out that someone has moved their minds that shouldn't be, I will There are some ways to take back the exercises. "

Looking at the simple words of solemnity, several elders also looked serious, and the second elder immediately said:
"Elder Jane, please tell me."

"Okay, so Jian can rest assured!"

Turning her simple and beautiful phoenix eyes, she figured out the key point, so she smiled and changed the subject directly:

"If Elder Jian has concerns, let the ancestor directly cover the spiritual roots of these disciples, so as to prevent others from worrying about them."

Simple words are serious, but she also made clear her attitude. She has her own bottom line, which no one can cross, not even the Beiming family.

Bei Minghan also spoke out.

The Fourth Elder was the first to speak. He had already seen the kung fu technique. As the elder who guarded the kung fu pavilion, he still had some insight. Then he handed the kung fu jade slip to the second elder.

Simple is not polite. Of course, she has to choose the place she wants to stay in the future. In the end, she directly chose a medium-sized snow peak. This snow peak was not completely covered by snow. Can see some green and bare ground.

Simple and very generous, just took out a jade slip, and burned the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique" on the spot, which contained all the techniques from entraining Qi into the body to the Mahayana stage. As for the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Immortal Technique" of the Immortal Rank, she planned to see the situation Besides, if you take out things too easily, you are afraid that the Beiming family will not cherish them.

"This technique belongs to the heaven-level technique. Through practice, the uneven five spiritual roots can reach the same value, and eventually become a chaotic spiritual root, and the cultivation speed of the chaotic spiritual root is not slower than that of a single spiritual root, and the spiritual power There are more reserves and more ways to attack."

The exercise turned around and returned to the hands of the fourth elder. The fourth elder sealed it and put it directly into the storage ring. There was another heaven-level spiritual cultivation exercise in the exercise pavilion, and he felt much better. .

The second elder said directly, and then nodded to Patriarch Bei Ming.

The jade slip on which the exercises were written was pushed directly in front of the fourth elder guarding the exercise pavilion. The fourth elder swept away his previous depression and accepted the exercises with a smile.

"Elder Jian, before you came, we had already selected a snow peak as your place of cultivation, but now that you want to bring disciples, you have to choose another place."

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he continued to speak slowly:
"Everyone present here is a member of the Beiming family who has the right to speak, and Jian has to say some ugly things first, I hope you can listen to them."

After hearing this, the smiles on the faces of the elders and patriarchs deepened a bit. It is hard not to dislike such a knowledgeable and courageous person.

The patriarch directly unfolded a map of the Beiming family's clan land, pulled it directly to the periphery, and clicked on a few places, which showed that these snow peaks were all empty, and only some cold-resistant fairy plants were planted.

"Just this mountain!"

After a simple selection, the Sixth Elder immediately pushed over a storage ring and said with a smile:

"This is the material that Elder Jian needs to arrange the mountain. If it is not enough, you can arrange someone to come to me to get it."

Simply accepted all of them, and directly said:
"Thank you for being so thoughtful and giving me seven days to set up the mountain. After seven days, I can send the selected disciples to the mountain to see me."

(End of this chapter)

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