Chapter 1951 It is best to give
The patriarch directly arranged for his junior, Bei Mingcong, to take over the selected mountain with his own warrant and simplicity.

Simply knowing that the elders of the Beiming family still have something to discuss, they smiled and cupped their hands and said:
"After the mountain peak is arranged, all elders are welcome to come and sit down when you have time."


The elders all smiled and agreed.

Bei Mingcong's baby fat round face was full of excitement. He had never seen such a beautiful elder. It was a coincidence that he came here today. He felt that he was very lucky to accept such a task.

"Elder Jian, this way please!"

Although Bei Mingcong was only 12 years old, he was clever and intelligent. He could see that the family attached great importance to this Elder Jian, and he became more and more respectful.

Simply looking at the little boy who only reached his waistline, he smiled kindly and left the meeting hall.

After leaving briefly, the elders were a little more casual, and now they can talk about the help that Bei Mingzhi has won for the family.

"Third Elder, you and Elder Jian have been together for the longest time, what do you think of him?"

Although Bei Mingcong was only 12 years old, he still had the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan. He stood at the foot of the mountain and issued a message talisman. After a while, 31 people descended from the mountain, all ordinary disciples of Beiming's family.

Then he turned his head and said to Bei Mingcong:

"Elder Jian's ingenuity is not inferior to her appearance. She takes ten steps at a time and she has considered Xinrong's future. If the Beiming family wants to make a greater breakthrough in alchemy, they must properly support alchemist Xinrong. "

"You can go back and report to me now. Just say that I like this mountain very much. You need to decorate it first. Come back in seven days and run errands for me to send posts. I invite some elders to be guests."

"Of course, according to our offerings! The benefits that Elder Jian has won for the family one after another, the help of the family's children, and the heaven-level spiritual exercises that he has offered, all these credits are converted into contribution points and given to Elder Jian. He will let him do whatever he needs." Xiao Cong to exchange."

The patriarch asked the most practical question. If you want to keep people, you have to pay, and it's not just a matter of saying offerings.

"Elder Jian is a person with real skills. After I met her in just a short time, I found that she has achieved something in rhythm, elixir, formation, and body training, especially in killing enemies. She is absolutely superior. Bei Ming Treating 20 of them, using the battle formation given by Elder Jian, it was a tie with Wan Jianzong's sword formation."

The clever Bei Mingcong here has already arrived at the selected mountain with simplicity. Seeing the actual mountain, simplicity is more and more satisfied. This peak is 2000 meters high and belongs to a medium-sized mountain. The top of the mountain is white, and it should be snow-covered all year round. Covered, the mountainside is covered with a thin layer of ice and snow, only the green can be seen at the foot of the mountain.

Jian Jian touched the willow leaves on his wrist and said with a smile:

Bei Mingcong said with a smile.

"Yes, Master!"

"Master, is this mountain peak to be rearranged?"

After Bei Mingcong finished speaking, he bowed and walked away.

"Yes, A Cong made a note. Elder Jian, you can arrange it according to your own preferences. A Cong will go back first."

Simply throw the storage ring obtained before to Xiao Gushen.

Xiao Gucan took the storage ring, and after looking at the contents, he dived into the mountain and went to check the site.

The second elder leaned back on the chair lazily, and asked Bei Minghan directly.

Bei Minghan continued.

The patriarch of the Beiming family and the four elders unified their attitudes, and passed on the word to let the family know the existence of Elder Jian and his contribution to the family, and warned some people not to underestimate them just because they are elders of Keqing. If they dare to make a move, they will not be soft when the time comes.

"Elder Jian is unfathomable, she has her own principles and bottom line in doing things, and she will not compromise easily, but she will generously share the inheritance. I asked her once, and she told me that it was to learn from the elders of the family. In order to keep the inheritance going, be open-minded and have a big picture."

With a crisp voice, Bei Mingcong explained the reason to the 30 people.

Bei Minghan thought for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything. In fact, Elder Jian is not bad for fairy stones. People buy spices with fairy crystals. I heard Bei Mingzhi mention it by chance.

"Do you want to mention Elder Jian's offering?"

"Therefore, it is best for Beiming's family to offer Fairy Jian."

Xiao Gushen asked, blinking his eyes.


Nodding briefly, she took out a transparent mask from the storage ring given to her by the sixth elder, and covered the entire mountain peak, which was regarded as delimiting the territory.

"Chuan, you should also go and have a look. If you want to settle down, tell Xiao Gushen."

"Yes, I told you the request. This is the material sent by the Beiming family. You can use it. If you don't like it, you can transplant some low-level immortal plants from the space."

With a flash of simple figure, he went directly to the top of the mountain, spread his consciousness, and searched the whole mountain carefully, but found some low-level spiritual plants and a few caves, obviously those who practiced here people left behind.

The second elder said with a smile.

After the little ginseng landed on the ground, his small body trembled a bit. The temperature on the top of the mountain was really too low. Out of plant instinct, he preferred an environment like a sunny rainforest.

These 31 people have not entered the immortal rank, and their cultivation bases range from Zhuji to Yuanying. They all know the descendant of the patriarch, and there is compensation, plus the one standing next to the other party, they can't even look at their faces. Unknown fairies, no one dared to do anything wrong, they all bowed their hands respectfully and left the mountain.

Bei Minghan watched it live, and said it in more detail.

The Sixth Elder sighed.

"Elder Jane, please!"

The second elder is very straightforward, and the problems that can be solved with immortal stones and resources are not problems.

Simply swiping the sword, leveling the peak to form a platform of [-] square meters, and then after the divine consciousness communicated with the ginseng in the space, the little guy was dragged out.

"Seniors in the clan, this mountain is now allocated to Elder Jian. You go to find a new place to go. In order to compensate everyone, each person will allocate two hundred more contribution points."

Liu Chuan lazily responded, and then flew out from the simple wrist, and floated down the mountain.

Bei Minghan's evaluation is very high.

"The reason why Xinrong is willing to be recruited is not only to use the power of the Beiming family to enter the Yifu, but also to get the protection of the Beiming family and completely get rid of the Ban family. The main reason is the nine-turn alchemy technique that Elder Jian exchanged with Xinrong. inheritance."

After a cup of tea, Liu Chuan took root on the mountainside and occupied a piece of land in the place where Xiao Gushen delineated to build a simple cave.

Xiao Gushen came back to reply:
"Master, I still need to choose some low-level cold-resistant immortal plants for ginseng, and plant them around the peak. From the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain, there will be flowers all over. It just needs the blessing of the master's formation."

Gu Shen shook his chubby hands, explained and planned each item, and asked for simple opinions at the same time.

She simply replied one by one, and was very satisfied with the plan of Gushen. She only made a few small requests, and then she acted as a shopkeeper and entered the Jiexinshi space to see Baituan.

(End of this chapter)

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