Chapter 1952 Taking care of Xinfeng
In the space of Jiexin Stone, Bai Tuan was sleeping deeply. This time, his two hind legs had been replaced. He was impacted by Huan Tianhu's memory, and he was sleeping and digesting. Now he is a four-tailed white fox.

"Is the Baituan's integration going smoothly?"

He briefly stroked Bai Tuan's small head, and softly asked Bai Daze beside him.

"With your encouragement, Bai Tuan insisted on replacing and fusing both hind legs this time before falling into a deep sleep."

Bai Daze praised it.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please take care of Gu Baituan a bit more. I have arrived in Mingzhou now, and now I am staying in the Beiming family. You can also come out and look around."

Simply and truthfully told the current location.

"Don't worry, after Bai Tuan merges and grows a sixth tail, he will go out to cross the tribulation, and I will go out with him then."

Bai Daze obviously had plans long ago.

After listening briefly, he frowned slightly, and then asked directly:

Zi Yu didn't want his body to continue to be in tatters, so after thinking about it, he gave a time limit.

Bei Mingcong was counting the days with his fingers, and when the appointed day came, he arrived at the foot of the mountain early. The first thing he saw was the thousand-year-old piece of ice engraved with "Jian Yuefeng", which was named by Elder Jian.

Bei Mingcong said with interest.

Immediately, he took the ginseng to the halfway up the mountain, where it has become a sea of ​​flowers, a sea of ​​colorful flowers, spreading from the foot of the mountain to the simple entrance of the cave, and the entrance of the cave is the territory of Liu Chuan, he not only took root himself, but also Some descendants were released, and they were all in a good mood when they saw the fresh greenness of the green willows.

Xiao Gushen was still worried and reminded again.

After chatting for a few more words, she simply exited the Boundary Heart Stone space. This time she went to her Zifu space. In the center of the fairy crystal vein, stood her Ziyuyinlongding.

"Okay, I'll take advantage of this time to bring all the little disciples of the Beiming family on the right track. Afterwards, I will retreat for a period of time and concentrate on repairing you, so they won't think too much about it."

"Come with me! Don't step on the flowers I planted."

"I exchanged the sky-replenishing stone from the small box, which can repair the Silver Dragon Cauldron. We will start when you wake up, and we will start when you think it is appropriate."

The remaining two days were spent jumping up and down with the ginseng. After the blessing of the formation and the careful maintenance of the ginseng, the whole mountain became more and more vibrant. The family is surrounded by mountains.

After staying with Zi Yu for a while, she didn't leave the space of Zi Yu until the other party fell into silence again.

"Well, I understand. It's just that it will be very painful. I hope Baituan can persevere. This is also a kind of training for him."

Gushen went a long way, and found that the visitor was still staring at the mountain in a daze, so he immediately spoke out.

Bai Daze said directly.

Simply said with a smile.

"Fortunately, you are protecting me, otherwise, I would have died if I was plotted against this time."

"Fairy Jian's worries are very reasonable. I mentioned this matter to Baituan. It is best to go with the flow and get promoted after the catastrophe. This is also a good thing for him. Jielei can replace the impurities in the bone after fusion in his body. Eliminate grievances, so that he will be less likely to be affected by the memories carried in the bones."

Bei Mingcong rubbed his nose. It was also the first time he saw Xianzhi who was successful in cultivation. He couldn't help but stare at him for a while, making people think that he was coveting, and immediately reported himself as a family.

Little Gushen's eyes flickered, feeling that his master was really generous. In this way, from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, it must be like spring all the year round. He also wanted to stay for a longer period of time, and he was tired of staying in the space.

The flowers that are all over the mountains, competing for splendor, spread all the way from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain. The faint fragrance of flowers in the air makes people feel relaxed and happy. It is really a fairy place.

"It's work!"

He briefly touched the scarred body of the cauldron, and said softly.

The mask in front of Bei Mingcong flashed, and then a passage was opened, a three-headed doll stared at Bei Mingcong with big eyes, the two looked at each other for a long time, and it was the little Gushen who spoke first:

"Bai Tuan has fused the bones of the Huan Tian Fox. I'm afraid the thunder tribulation sent down by the Dao of Heaven will not be weak. It is best to let Bai Tuan adjust his state to the peak before going out to overcome the tribulation."

"I also feel lucky!"

"You're lucky, the black hole that the other party drew is not that big, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take you to protrude the strangling power of the black hole, and finally landed in the same level of the fairy world. It's a blessing, your luck has always been good."

Simply knowing that he might not be awake for too long, he immediately briefly explained the matter of entering the Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

"Follow up!"

Xiao Gushen immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, and answered loudly.

Zi Yu is still a little weak, but he is more worried about the current situation.

Bai Daze is a little envious of Bai Tuan, Jian Xianjun is very attentive to him.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, I will arrange the formation, and you will cultivate the flowers and plants for two more days, and I will arrange others to take care of them later."

Zi Yu also said a few words with emotion.

"With the support of Fairy Jane, he will definitely survive."

"If you like, you can stay on the mountain for a while, and help me take care of the mountain by the way."

Simply touching the cauldron, he felt that Ziyu had woken up from a deep sleep, and immediately beamed with joy:
"Zi Yu, you finally woke up? How is the situation?"

"I'll take you up the mountain, don't stare at me, Fairy Jane is my master!"

Jianjian stayed in the space for five days this time, and after coming out, the whole mountain peak had changed its appearance. Xiao Gushen sensed the presence of her master, and immediately came to the top of the mountain to look for her.

"Master, Gushen has arranged all the mountain peaks according to your instructions, but the temperature here is a bit low, except that the Bingpo flowers transplanted on the top of the peak are well adapted, and the ones halfway down the mountain are not as good."

Only then did Bei Mingcong raise his head and look at the mountain peak. It didn't matter what he looked at, and he opened his mouth wide. It was a big change. If no one led him, he might really get lost.

After finishing speaking, he raised his head arrogantly.

"Give me another year."

Simply get to the point.

Simply said in a good mood.

Simply take out ten large and small formation disks from the storage ring, pinch them with your fingers, and place them on the entire mountainside to the foot of the mountain. Immortal crystals are embedded in the formation disks, which can gather immortal energy while maintaining a constant temperature, and run a hundred times. 80 years is no problem.

The sleeping Bai Tuan seemed to feel a familiar touch, rubbing his head against Jian Jian's palm, and continued to fall into a deep sleep, causing Jian Jian to smile.

"Yes, Master!"

Gushen reported truthfully.

"It hasn't fallen apart yet, how long have I been asleep, where are you?"

The eagerness in Gushen's little eyes naturally did not escape the attention of the master Jian Jian. She said with a smile:


Half an hour later, Bei Mingcong saw Elder Jian who was sipping tea leisurely under the willow tree. His admiration could not be expressed in words.

Along the way, he didn't just look at immortal plants and grasses, he was also distinguishing the grades of various flowers and plants. At this time, he was 12 sure that Elder Jian was not bad at immortal stones. He was too arrogant. , That is the fairy stone paved along the way!

 Babies, let’s pass three chapters first, and there are still more before twelve o’clock~ If you have time, vote for a monthly ticket~ Fengling will show your heart to everyone (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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