Chapter 1954
Patriarch Beiming expressed his satisfaction when he learned that Jianjian had left ten young disciples. This was more than he expected. He thought it would be good to keep five or six disciples.

Afterwards, he simply listed the prescriptions for the body training decoction, and asked Bei Mingcong to run errands to find the needed spiritual plants and magic plants. A wave of operations also follows the process of accepting apprentices from the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Lingyun Continent.

During the entire eight months, the ten young disciples spent both pain and happiness. Every time they took the exercise decoction, they felt like dying. It was really sour.

But the benefits after soaking are obvious. In addition, the spiritual plants and magic plants needed to refine the body-building decoction can be said to be piled up with fairy stones. Although they are young, they also understand that opportunities are rare.

Especially their five spirit roots, very few people can really achieve something. Many people practice until their lifespan is exhausted, and they are just a small steward in the family. This is already the best destination, and Elder Jian told them that as long as they persevered, it would not be a problem to cultivate to the Mahayana stage, or even enter the immortal rank.

Also because of this carrot hanging, these ten little fellows worked extraordinarily hard. Body training boxing, to polish the body to the best condition.

Afterwards, Jian Jian taught ten young disciples the method of drawing qi into the body, and then rewarded each of them with a marrow-cleaning spiritual fruit, and let them each lead qi into the body. The time limit is ten days. If the breath enters the body, it will be eliminated.

The ten little disciples looked serious, holding the marrow-washing spiritual fruit exuding an attractive fragrance in their hands, and confidently returned to their respective small caves at the foot of the mountain.

This is for the convenience of teaching them nearby, Jianjian specially asked Liu Chuan to make it out, the ten caves are all hidden in the sea of ​​flowers, you can't see it unless you look carefully, the ten little disciples also love Jian Yuefeng's flowers and plants, and they are familiar with the little ginseng After reading it, I also knew the value of these fairy plants, and I became more careful, never destroying every plant and tree on the master's mountain.

After sending all the little disciples away, Jian Jian took a leisurely sip of Baihua Niang, blowing the breeze comfortably. She had communicated with Zi Yu just now, and Zi Yu's condition is much better now, because the Immortal Crystal Mine With the cultivation of her body, her spirit body has solidified a lot, and in two months, she will be able to cooperate with her in repairing the silver dragon cauldron.

At this moment, in Keju Peak, Qian Luo's face sank like water, looked at the clan sister opposite, and said bluntly:
"Qiandai, I advise you to give up your heart. Elder Han is not something you should worry about. Besides, there is Xianjun Jian by his side. I didn't hit you. You are not as good as Xianjun Jian."

With a simple smile, he let the other party take a seat, and shared his own Baihua Niang.

Through the names, she was sure that Qianluo and Qiandai came from the same family. This time, Qiandai must have refused to give up and came to Mingzhou together with Qianluo in order to meet Bei Minghan.

Simply put, it is an affirmative sentence.

Jian Jian also has Ice Lingen herself, and she is also greedy for such a good thing, so she naturally knows it in detail.

Simply smiled and spread his hands.

Qiandai didn't wear a veil this time, but she felt more and more embarrassed after hearing what the elder sister said frankly, she bit her lip desperately, while secretly resenting her heart, she pretended to be sad and said:

"She said she has a ten thousand year ice crystal in her hand, but she just wants to trade with me face to face."

"This is a good thing, especially for the Ice Spiritual Root. If it can be refined, improving the cultivation level is secondary. The main thing is to increase the value of the spiritual root. It would be a pity to miss it."

"Third Elder, last time I didn't say a word, at least there is still room for maneuver. Even if there are rumors, there are no tricks to spread. If I come forward to help you this time, it will be really unclear."

"So you want to ask me for help."

Bei Minghan was not polite either. After taking his seat, he took a sip of his wine before saying:

Qian Luo's eyes flickered slightly, she was not so easy to be fooled, she really thought she couldn't see through the small thoughts of her clan sister.

"Third Elder, why are you free to come to Jian Yuefeng today?"

Bei Minghan looked up at Jian Jian, and said with certainty.

Bei Minghan nodded directly in response, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The corners of Bei Minghan's lips finally curved, he raised the wine glass in his hand, and made a simple toast with flowers and Buddha.

"I know that Elder Jian is very busy with his disciples, so I didn't want to disturb you, but Qian Luo from Wan Jianzong came to deliver a letter, and he also brought Qian Dai. The other party insisted on seeing me, and if he couldn't see me, he stayed outside my cave. Annoying or not."

Before the small altar of Hundred Flowers Brew was finished, Xiao Gushen led Bei Minghan to see her bouncing around.

Qian Luo was simply impressed. It was the first time they met in Xiangxiang Pavilion in Jingzhou. This purple-robed female sword fairy was acting with Xu Kuangshi. At that time, there were two other female disciples of Wan Jianzong.

"If I refine this [-]-year-old ice crystal, the Ice Spirit Root will be able to reach its full value. Combined with the kung fu I have cultivated, I can cultivate into an Ice Spirit Body to a large extent. This will be of great help to me."


Qiandai raised her voice by two points this time, as if to express her determination.

It was so simple and rare to hear the impatience in Bei Minghan's tone. It was obvious that patience had reached its limit. After all, this time Qiandai was here on behalf of Wan Jianzong, so he couldn't just send someone away directly.

Simply knowing Bei Minghan's temperament, he must do what he says, if not because the Wannian ice crystal in Qiandai's hand is very important to him, he would never come to find him, but even if he needs it, he doesn't want to give Qiandai anything. In the space of reverie, a transaction is a transaction.

Not surprisingly, Bei Minghan simply knew the value of the Wannian ice crystal, and did not hide it, and said directly:

"Let the two of them come directly to my Jian Yuefeng tomorrow, and you'll just be by my side."

Simply put.

"Since it's a repayment, why bother to propose a face-to-face deal and just send the Wannian Ice Crystal in your hand to Elder Yu Han."


Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he asked with a smile.

Bei Minghan stroked the wine glass and said in a deep voice.

"I know, that's why I have the audacity to say it in person. If Elder Jian is unwilling, I will not force it. I will give up the deal."

"I just want to repay Elder Han for saving his life"

"It's rare for the third elder to owe me a favor. I'll help you with this favor. Just remember, when I think of something I need, I will tell you."

"I just want to see him for the last time, so that I can completely give up on myself."

Jian Jian was already in the space refining room, separated a group of Phoenix True Fire and began to refine the sky-replenishing stone. This will take time, and she needs to make preparations in advance.

"Okay! Thank you Elder Jian!"

"It seems that the blow last time was not big enough! She must have a reason to see you, right?"

Before Qian Luo finished speaking, a messenger talisman flew over and landed in front of her. After she had seen it, she glanced at Qian Dai with complicated eyes, and then said:

"Elder Han promised to deal with you face to face, but he must let me accompany you."

"Really? That's great! Thank you, Clan Sister, for your success."

Qiandai's eyes were amazingly bright, she finally waited.

 See you guys tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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