After sending Bei Minghan away, Jian Jian continued to drink Baihua Niang, and gossip with Zhima in his mood:
"Tsk tsk, Bei Minghan is really charming. That Qiandai has been compared to the dust by me, and she still doesn't give up."

"Elder Han is indeed a good person, plus she has saved Qiandai's life, that's why Qiandai fell in love with him at first sight."

Sesame Analysis is straightforward.

"What is love at first sight? It's nothing more than love at first sight. Bei Minghan is equal in terms of status, status, appearance, and cultivation. Qiandai always has something in mind. The more people ignore her, the more energetic she will be." Son, the Qian family probably supports it, otherwise she wouldn't be able to come with Qian Luo this time."

Jian Jian took another sip of the wine, with a relaxed look on her face, and she was also looking forward to tomorrow's good show.

"Maybe it's true love?"

Sesame said with the tip of her tail cocked.

"Tsk, let's wait and see!"

It's not that she looked down on Qiandai's intentions, it's just that there are too many things in this woman's eyes, except that she didn't see the deep love, otherwise she wouldn't have turned around and left at that time, obviously she didn't want to accept the reality.

On the second day, Bei Minghan arrived at Jianyue Peak ahead of schedule, and saw Jianyi changing into a magic robe.

What Jianjian is wearing today is the high-end fairy dress that was purchased in the Yaoxianyu, with a gradient of maple leaf red, paired with a set of hair made from shark beads, which is even more charming, and once again surprised Bei Minghan.

Simply twirling the round fan with the Butterfly Love Marigold that is often used in his hand, smiled and let Bei Minghan sit down, and then said:

"Sit for a while, Xiao Gushen has already gone to the foot of the mountain to pick up the guests."

"Please trouble Elder Jane, there will be no next time this kind of thing happens."

Bei Minghan still cupped his hands and said apologetically.

"It's okay, I don't dare to be the number one in other skills, but I consider myself number two in the ability to cut peach blossoms. I believe no one would dare to be the number one."

Simply laughed and joked.

The corner of Bei Minghan's mouth twitched, and he covered it up by drinking tea.

At this time, Qianluo and Qiandai, who had already arrived at Jianyue Peak, looked at the stone tablet, thinking about each other in their hearts, but their faces were not visible, and Qiandai's eyeballs rolled extremely fast.

After waiting for a while, the restriction in front of him was opened, and a three-headed plant elf waved to the two of them inside the restriction:
"Please come in, two guests, the master sent me to pick you up."

Xiao Gushen's soft voice came out.

Although he can dominate Jian Yuefeng, but if he leaves here, he will be a treasure coveted by others. Never go out with them.

Sesame also specifically told him that it was his responsibility to plant Jian Yuefeng's Xianzhi well, and that he should not grow too inflated before he had no ability to protect himself. Keep it carefully, if something really happens one day, Zhima will be able to find him.

Although Gushen was afraid of bugs, he still accepted it under Zhima's stare. After all, even Big Brother Liu Chuan accepted it, and he didn't dare to refuse it. Even if he refused, he believed that Zhima could make Zigu settle on him.

Xiao Gushen simply put Zi Gu on his little grip, so that he can feel more at ease, so even if he is welcoming guests, he will not step out of the mask.

"It's work!"

Qian Luo looked at the fine ginseng, his eyes flashed, and he immediately said with a smile.

On the other hand, Qian Dai was a little jealous, and looked at Gushen twice more, and the little Gushen immediately noticed that her short legs were getting smoother, so she didn't want to talk to this kind of person who coveted him.

Qian Luo was not blind, so she could only turn her head and stare at Qian Dai, and quickened her pace.

After a stick of incense, Xiao Gushen brought the two of them to the cave house halfway up the mountain.

"Master, the guest has arrived."

"Okay, go get busy!"

Simply wave the round fan and let Xiao Gushen go to work first.

Before leaving, Xiao Gushen specially sent a voice transmission to complain to the master, saying that the ugly woman coveted him and looked at him wrongly.

Jian Jian narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, glanced at Qiandai who was staring at Bei Minghan in a daze, and felt that this woman had a brain hole.

Qian Luo is really embarrassing, she didn't want to come, but if she didn't follow, if the clan sister offended the two immortals, she would have to come to deal with the aftermath later, she was really tired.


Qianluo coughed heavily, bringing Qiandai back to her senses, and then saluted respectfully:

"Qianluo pays homage to the two immortals, and disturbed the purity of the two today."

"Qiandai pays homage to the third elder and elder Jian!"

Qiandai withdrew her eyes reluctantly, and then saluted.

Bei Minghan, who had been sitting upright with downcast eyes, put down the white jade teacup in his hand, and said directly:

"Can I bring ten thousand years of ice crystals? How many fairy stones do I need?"

Knowing that these words were addressed to her, Qiandai's eyes lit up, she suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said softly:

"Originally because of the life-saving grace of the third elder, I should have given it to you directly, but in exchange for this ten-thousand-year ice crystal, I also borrowed some resources from the clan, so..."

"You tell me the number."

Bei Minghan became a little impatient, and didn't buy Qiandai's account. Qianluo, who was on the side, watched her heart and didn't intervene.

Qiandai pursed her lips, lowered her eyes and said:
"1 yuan fairy crystal!"

After hearing this, Bei Minghan frowned, as if the price exceeded his expectation.

Simply turning the round fan in her hand, she found it more and more interesting, because since Qiandai saw them, she didn't look at her at all, and even saluted herself, she lowered her eyes, respectful but respectful, it's a pity that she did something too much up.

Simply wave the round fan, and the 1 yuan fairy crystal appeared in front of Qiandai and Qianluo, and then she said slowly:

"Little friend Qiandai, you can take out the Wannian Ice Crystal."

Qiandai looked at the fairy crystal in front of her, clenched her hand for two points, took a deep breath, then raised her head to look at the bright and moving simplicity, the jealousy in her eyes flashed away, and then she opened her mouth and said:

"Elder Jian, this ten thousand year ice crystal is to be traded with the third elder"

The implication is not to sell to her.

"Han and I don't distinguish each other, I will give you the fairy crystal, and you just hand over the things to him."

Simply said with a smile.

But these words were a bit heart-wrenching for Qiandai, she still couldn't hold back, and looked at Bei Minghan again, hoping to get a negative answer.

As a result, Bei Minghan just poured a cup of tea for Jian Jian and pushed it over, and then said directly to Qian Dai:
"I need to examine the ten thousand year ice crystal."

Since it was a transaction, they paid for the fairy crystal, so they naturally had to inspect the goods.

No matter how unwilling Qiandai was, she could only touch the storage bracelet, took out a box, and handed it to Bei Minghan herself, with a seal on it.

Bei Minghan waved his hand to undo the seal, and then opened the lid of the box, a gust of icy cold air was emitted instantly, the tea placed on the jade table froze instantly, and the icy cold air was still spreading outward.

Bei Minghan immediately realized that this was not his own mountain, and he couldn't let the cold air disperse, otherwise Elder Jian would be unhappy if the flowers and plants on Jianyue Peak were frozen.

Bei Minghan immediately waved his hand, gathered the spreading icy air and held it in his hand, just about to grab the ten-thousand-year-old ice crystal the size of an adult man's fist for a detailed inspection, but the ice crystal flew straight in front of Jian Jian.

Jian Jian looked at the ten-thousand-year ice crystal suspended in front of him, but the hand shaking the fan slowly stopped.

Babies!Three chapters are presented today, Fengling is a bit tired, so I won't update more, see you tomorrow! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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