Bei Minghan didn't stop him, but just looked at Jianjian silently. He thought there should be something wrong with this ten thousand year ice crystal.

But Qiandai's nervous heart raised her throat, and Qianluo on the side also frowned, as if she had a bad premonition.

The corners of Jian Jian's lips curled slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, he directly raised his left hand, grabbed the ten-thousand-year ice crystal, and directly crushed the ice crystal under the wide-eyed eyes of everyone.

Qiandai's heart skipped a beat, Qianluo opened her mouth in surprise, even Bei Minghan was a little surprised.

The crushed ice crystals fell on the ground, and there was hoarfrost in an instant. It can be seen that the coldness of the ten thousand year ice crystals is not fake, and in the palm of the simple white jade, there are some small black particles suspended, only one tenth of the sesame seeds , If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, you need to use your spiritual consciousness to see clearly.

With a simple move of the right hand, she dragged Qiandai to her knees in front of her. In Qiandai's slightly frightened eyes, she only said four words:
"You've crossed the line!"

Qiandai saw a flash of blue light in her simple phoenix eyes, and then she didn't know anything, she was stunned, and her eyes lost their luster.

Qian Luo had already realized that something had happened, and immediately cupped his hands and said:

"Elder Jian, Qiandai her."

She didn't know what to say next, she said she was unintentional, but she took out the Wannian ice crystal, it was a Gu worm, she saw it when she was stationed in Jingzhou, and the painful faces of Wan Jianzong's disciples are still vivid in her memory , and there is more than one Gu worm, ten Gu worms are sealed in this ten thousand-year ice crystal, which shows that the person who casts the Gu is bound to win.

After Bei Minghan's consciousness swept over the Gu worm in Jianjian's palm, his face became even colder, and he looked at Qiandai with unkind eyes. Is it because he was too polite to Qiandai, making this stupid woman feel that he will not kill.

For a moment the air was a little stiff, Qian Luo didn't even dare to vent her breath, she was not blind, even if Qian Dai was killed this time, she would not be wronged.

The simple consciousness is very powerful, just one look, dragged Qiandai into a dream, and thus knew the whole incident.

Immediately, she raised her hand and popped out a gray ball of light, which sank into Qiandai's dantian, directly sealed the opponent's cultivation base, and then said to Qianluo:

"Qianluo, you take her back to the family and tell your parents what happened. As for the reason why she did this, you can ask yourself! I won't do it for you. How to deal with her is up to your Qian family."

Hua Luo waved the round fan and sent both of them out of Jian Yuefeng.

Qian Luo glanced at the closed mask with complicated eyes, grabbed it before regaining her senses, and said bluntly:
"You idiot, you actually want to control Elder Bei Minghan so boldly, the family was killed by you this time!"

"Clan sister, listen to me"

Qiandai felt that her legs were weak, and at the same time, she also noticed that her cultivation was sealed, her face flashed with horror, and she wanted to quibble, but Qianluo didn't give her this chance, and directly sealed her mouth, holding her He quickly left the family land of the Beiming family.

In Jian Yue Peak, Sesame had already swallowed those ten Gu worms, and Jian Jian also took back the immortal crystals all over the place, so he said apologetically:

"Third Elder, today I crushed the ten-thousand-year ice crystal and made your deal come to nothing."

"It doesn't matter, you are here to save me. If I really refine this ten thousand year ice crystal, it will be too late even if I realize there is a problem."

Bei Minghan's face has softened a lot, and he has no objection to the simple way of handling it.

"Third Elder, don't worry, she can't die in Mingzhou, but I also vent my anger for you. I sealed her dantian. Unless the Immortal Emperor takes action, she can only be a fairy with no life."

Simply said with a smile.

"Thank you, Elder Jian, for causing you trouble."

Bei Minghan cupped his hands.

"It's okay, it's just that this Qiandai has a deep obsession with you. After being rejected by you and seeing me again, she still has some unwillingness to give up, so she was taken advantage of by someone with a heart."

With a simple smile, he began to talk about the results of the investigation.

A year ago, Qiandai hid in the dark and watched Bei Minghan and Jianjian leave Wanjianzong. The loss in her heart was beyond words. After that, someone came to Qiandai and claimed that she had a Wannian piece of money. Bingjing, it's just that the origin is a bit dishonorable, but it can be sold to her at a low price so that she can please Bei Minghan.

This person also tempted Qiandai. He had a spell in his hand called "Love Spell". The "love curse" was cast for Qiandai to see.

This aroused Qiandai's thoughts. She wanted to fight for it again, so she wanted to buy the "Love Curse". I understand, if you want to buy "Love Curse", you have to buy Wannian Ice Crystal first.

Qiandai didn't know that this was a trick specially set up for her, so she gritted her teeth and spent all her net worth, and even borrowed the fairy stone from her family to successfully buy the Wannian Ice Crystal, but the "love curse" was just used as a trick.

And Qiandai got the Wannian Ice Crystal, and under the suggestion of the other party, she wanted to use the Wannian Ice Crystal to meet Bei Minghan, and then took the opportunity to cast the "love spell" on Bei Minghan. She didn't know the Gu worms in the Wannian Ice Crystal, This is the real layout of the house.

With such a trap full of loopholes, Qiandai actually fell for the bait and became a knife in the opponent's hand. She simply didn't know whether she admired her dedication to Bei Minghan, or felt sorry for her and wanted to plot against others, but became the target of others' plots.

"Qiandai doesn't have much love for you, it's just because you rescued her, which made her a little smug, and was instigated by the jealous people in the clan, and wanted to keep in touch with you.

And if she can marry you, not only will her status rise, but she will not be short of training resources in the future, and the family will provide for her. After this calculation, she feels that the advantages of pursuing you outweigh the disadvantages, so she is so shameless. The grace of saving his life was used as an excuse to pester him several times.

It's just that her entanglement makes you more and more bored, and some people in the clan laughed at her for being overconfident, which made her even more difficult to get off. Then she saw me again, and she was even more sure that she had no chance, so she took the risk and used This kind of low-level method. "

With a simple breath, he told Bei Minghan all the news he had found out.

Bei Minghan's face became even colder. He never expected that he would save others with his kindness, and finally recruited a rotten peach blossom for himself, which almost put him in danger.

"In any case, thank you Elder Jian for your help. If you need anything, just ask!"

Bei Minghan clasped his hands again.

"You know the whole story, and I don't want to talk nonsense. I want an ice-type immortal-level exercise. Maybe the third elder can find it for me?"

simply asked with a smile.

She is not the kind of person who doesn't thank her for her great kindness. While she is still in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, she will take back all the favors that should be taken back.

Bei Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jian Jian to let her fulfill her promise now, pursed her lips and asked:
"Why does Elder Jian want ice-type exercises?"

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