Chapter 1961 Fairy Image
Simple and unfeeling, he used the contribution points he earned in Beiming's family to directly exchange for "Ice and Fire Jue". When recording the exercises, the fourth elder also kindly reminded:

"Elder Jian, this exercise is incomplete, it only works, and there is no matching attack moves. You are not the root of ice and fire, you can use it as a reference, it is best not to practice."

The fourth elder knew very well that the "Ice and Snow Dance" that Bei Minghan exchanged from the Gongfa Pavilion was for Elder Jian.

"Thank you Fourth Elder for reminding me that I am exchanging this fragment of exercise for reference."

She responded simply and kindly, and he was kind enough, so she naturally appreciated it.

When he simply returned to Jianyue Peak, Xiao Gushen jumped up and down to report the things on the peak:

"Master, the ten little disciples have all drawn qi into their bodies within the time specified by you, and are now consolidating their cultivation. Five of them have advanced to the second level of qi refining, and the rest are also at the first level of qi refining. for."

"It's not bad. It seems that the body training soup is not wasted. You look at them and come to see me when their cultivation is solidified."

Jian Jian directly instructed that she has a lot of things to do, so she can't watch these disciples practice every day.

"Yes, Master!"

Xiao Gushen took the order and happily went to the foot of the mountain.

After getting two heaven-level ice-type exercises, it is natural to study them carefully. The first one I am familiar with is "Ice and Snow Dance". She feels that after practicing this exercise, she can become a cold and beautiful girl. Ice and Snow Fairy, so that the image of my own fairy will stand.

The exercises are divided into nine layers, and each layer has a nice name. The first layer is the rain that turns into ice, the second layer is ice-covered and snowy, the third layer is ice and snow, the fourth layer is ice and snow, and the fifth layer is ice-covered snow. Cover, the sixth floor is frozen for thousands of miles, the seventh floor is ice melted and snow melted, the eighth floor is ice soul and snow soul, and the ninth floor is ice spirit dance.

Just by listening to the name, you know that the more you practice the technique, the more powerful it will be. Not only can you mobilize the power of ice and snow around you, but you can also use the technique to cultivate an "ice spirit". in the feeling.

Because she already has "Bing Ling", this means that she has almost reached the highest level of cultivation in one step. Why is it almost because she has not taken the previous eight steps.

But because of the "Bing Ling" foundation, she will not have any obstacles to make up for the missing steps, and it will be very smooth, not to mention that this is the Nether Continent, with ice and snow all year round, and the cultivation environment is also the best.

Jian Jian couldn't help but share his joy with Liu Chuan behind him:
"With this exercise, my ice spells will also improve qualitatively, and I will be a beautiful ice and snow fairy in the future!"

"It's not that I want to hit you. When you don't make a move, you can barely pretend to be a demure and beautiful fairy. As long as you move your hand once, no one will associate you with the word fairy. Everyone says you are a fairy." Killing God, don't you know?"

Liu Chuan has always spared no effort in combating simplicity, and even pretended to be afraid of her floating, and wanted to stabilize her foundation.

After simply hearing this, he knew that his face was a bit dark without looking in the mirror, so he asked Yanagawa unhappily:

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

"What have you done, don't you know? How did the guards injured in Xiling die? How did the territory of the Fox clan be overthrown? How did Mo Liao fall? Who snatched Haiba's boat? How did Wan Xie lose? ?”

After listening to Liu Chuan's series of questions, Jian Jian coughed a little guiltyly, and put away the jade slips of exercises, and the round fan in his hand moved two minutes faster.

"Isn't this catching up? I also want to be a beautiful fairy who only moves her mouth but doesn't move her hands. But people don't give me a chance."

Simple or guilty, he defended himself a few sentences.

"Tsk tsk, as long as you're happy!"

Liu Chuan didn't even want to roll his eyes. He thought that his master didn't have the fate to be a beautiful fairy, so he should work hard to advance!Since she likes the kung fu, she can practice it, anyway, it is a heavenly kung fu, which can bluff people.

After Jian Jian thoroughly comprehended the first layer of turning rain into ice, ten young disciples stood neatly in front of Jian Jian, accepting her master's inspection.

For the hardworking little disciples, Jian Jian has always been amiable. After scanning the spiritual sense, she had an accurate understanding of the progress of the ten people's cultivation. Then she raised her hand and popped out ten light balls, which fell into the eyebrows of the ten little disciples Consciousness sea.

"This is the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique" from the Qi Refining Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage. It will be unlocked layer by layer according to your cultivation base. As for the exercises after the Nascent Soul Stage, you have to go to the exercises. This is the decision of the family elders."

Said simply and generously.

This was requested by the Beiming family. After all, the exercises given simply can increase the spiritual root value, which is a bit eye-catching, and the feeling of practitioners is the most intuitive.

Beiming's family didn't want the exercises to be exposed, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also wanted to test the ten young disciples after they had advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, so that they could safely pass on the second half of the exercises to them.

"Master, after we advance to the Nascent Soul stage, can we use our own efforts to exchange for the following exercises?"

Among the ten disciples, the first child who succeeded in drawing qi into the body asked respectfully.

"You have to have confidence in yourself. It is precisely because the family values ​​you that you don't want you to grow up in the greenhouse. The foundation of being a teacher has been laid for you. How you will go on the road of cultivation in the future depends on you. It's still the same sentence Words: The master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual."

Said simply and kindly.

"Yes, Master, the disciple understands!"

She simply nodded, and then gave rewards according to each person's cultivation level. Everyone who entered the second floor of Qi Refining received a storage ring. The space in the storage ring was the smallest she had at hand, which was a thousand cubic meters. The remaining disciples are storage bags with a space of [-] cubic meters.

The ten disciples received the rewards, their eyes were shining. Although the one holding the storage bag envied the one who had the storage ring, he also knew that it was because of his high cultivation level and hard work that he was given the storage ring by the master.

At the same time, it also encourages them to continue to work hard. After all, everyone entered the master's sect together. With the same treatment, the master did not favor any one person. It makes no sense for them to refine qi at the second level, and they are only at the first level!
And the disciples who have obtained the storage ring will not relax, don't think that they haven't seen the burning eyes of the juniors, they can only maintain their dominant position, they can only practice hard!
That's how the competition was formed!I simply expressed my satisfaction, and the enthusiasm of the young disciples was mobilized.

"You guys are lucky. When I was practicing, I didn't have anyone to teach me. Even the spiritual plants in the body training soup were all accumulated by myself. Now you are protected by your family, so you are much luckier than me. "

She said with a simple smile, and then answered the doubts of the ten disciples, and then sent them all to practice. Now her work on repairing the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron is about to officially begin.

(End of this chapter)

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