Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1962 Restoring the Purple Imperial Palace

Chapter 1962 Restoring the Purple Imperial Palace
After briefly explaining a few words to Xiao Gushen and Liu Chuan, he stepped into the space, took out the Purple Royal Silver Dragon Cauldron in the center of the fairy crystal vein, and went to the refining room in the bamboo building.

The temperature in the refinery room is very high, because the separated phoenix real fire has been continuously refining the sky-replenishing stone. After nearly a year of refining, the sky-replenishing stone has softened and is turning into a liquid.

"This time the little box has cost a lot of money."

Zi Yu naturally knew that the Sky-Mending Stone was a good thing, and was a little surprised that the small box could take out such a precious thing.

"I gave him the 'Luck Bead'."

He said with a simple smile, and then added:
"The little box is also very nervous about you, even if I don't use the 'Qi Luck Bead' to change it, he will definitely help you, but I don't want the 'Qi Luck Bead' to reappear, and the things are given to the little box, and the best repair The material, I think is very cost-effective."

Jian Jian sat cross-legged in front of Zi Yu Yin Long Ding.

"It's good for the fairy to be successful. Anyway, the small box is yours. It's really a good deal if the fat and water don't flow out to outsiders."

Zi Yu was rarely in a good mood, so he also teased a few words.

"Then we will officially begin!"

Simple and positive.

"I'm ready to start anytime!"

Zi Yu answered with great enthusiasm, it seemed that she was really ready.

With a simple exhalation, she directly sacrificed the entire phoenix real fire, and under the blessing of her immortal power, the fire intensity and temperature increased again, enveloping the entire sky-replenishing stone, speeding up the refining speed.

Under the condition of full firepower, it took another month to turn the entire sky-replenishing stone into a colorful crystal liquid.

"Zi Yu, it's coming!"

The Purple Royal Silver Dragon Cauldron didn't need to simply say hello this time, it took the initiative to fly above the real fire of the Phoenix, and then simply used its spiritual consciousness to control the already refined seven-color liquid, injecting little by little into the damaged parts of the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, and slowly repairing the body of the cauldron. gullies.

This is a meticulous job, simple and highly concentrated, to ensure that there is no waste in the slightest. After seven days, all the mending stones have been used up, and the entire Silver Dragon Cauldron has returned to its previous appearance.

Jian Jian was satisfied with a sigh of relief, and then increased the Phoenix real fire, wrapped the entire tripod in it, and carried out a second calcination. At the same time, according to Zi Yu's guidance, she completed the array patterns on the tripod's body. At this time, she is powerful Consciousness played a role.

Seventy-seven and 49 days later, Jian Jian removed the Phoenix True Fire, and the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron spun around twice before landing on the ground again. Seeing the newborn Yinlong Cauldron, Jian Jian smiled and narrowed his eyes.

The entire Silver Dragon Cauldron is still dominated by purple, but on the basis of purple, it seems to be coated with a layer of colorful rays of light, which makes people see its extraordinary at a glance.

Afterwards, he simply closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath. After adjusting the state to the best, he left the space.

Jian Yuefeng was still as usual, there was no major change in two months, and he was simply going to find a place to release the Zi Yu Yin Long Cauldron to see if it would trigger a thunder disaster.

When he asked Ziyu back then, Ziyu himself was not very sure. After all, he was a divine weapon before. This time, in order to save it, he was seriously injured and fell down. It is said that there should be no thunder disaster after recovery, but because the materials for repairing him are too Well, it may be noticed by Tiandao.

After discussing, the two decided to find a suitable place and be prepared to be struck by lightning.

Jian Jian is leaving Jianyue Peak this time, Xiao Gucan is very happy, he wants to go out with his master to have a look, he has visited the whole Jianyue Peak, the celestial plants and spiritual plants are well maintained, he really has nothing to do.

"Tsk, little Gushen, your mind has become wild, and you are not afraid that others will trap you away!"

Simply teased.

Little Gushen straightened her chest and said boldly:
"Don't be afraid of Gushen, I am the master's Gushen, no one can trap me!"

After listening briefly, he curled his lips into a smile and said directly:

"Okay! If that's the case, you can go out with me to see the scenery elsewhere in Beiming's house."

"Thank you master!"

Xiao Gushen was overjoyed, and left Jian Yuefeng following Jian Jian.

Jianjian is wearing the azure robe today, with the elder Keqing's jade pendant hanging around his waist, and the purple fox cloak on his outside, and he is walking towards the steward's pavilion in Waifeng with a small ginseng all the way.

The disciples of the Beiming family who met along the way would stand still and salute respectfully, and they would all nod their heads in simple responses, while Xiao Gushen became the focus of the disciples' attention, almost drooling all over the floor.

"Master, they all covet me!"

Xiao Gushen was frightened by the green eyes, and complained directly.

"Well! Prove that you are valuable, you have to protect yourself!"

Simply said with a smile.

Little Gushen was not stupid, he knew it was because he was by the master's side, otherwise he would have been kidnapped long ago.

"I will burn an amulet for you later, and you will take it with you."

Simply soothe.

"Thank you master!"

Now Xiao Gushen immediately felt a sense of security.

After walking through the three snow peaks, the rest of the scenery is similar. Simply roll up the small ginseng, and you will arrive in front of the building where the steward's pavilion is located in three or two steps.

The Steward's Pavilion on the outskirts was still very busy. There were quite a few disciples coming in and out, as well as disciples from families attached to the Beiming Family, plus disciples recruited from the ordinary world.

Jian Jian took Xiao Gushen, found the steward unimpeded all the way, and said directly:
"Is there a place to cross the robbery here?"

The steward saw the jade pendant of the elder Ke Qing on Jian Jian's waist at a glance, and after saluting respectfully, he said:
"Yes, the elders are going to use it to cross the tribulation?"


"Elder, please wait a moment!"

The steward turned around quickly and entered the back hall, and came out holding a black jade plaque after a while:

"Elder, this is the prohibition card for Dujie Peak. You can find the corresponding mountain according to the map on the back."

"It's work!"

Simply raise your hand and take it.

"Elder, a thousand points of contribution are needed. If Dujie Peak is too damaged, contribution points will be deducted."

The steward saw that he simply took the prohibition card and was about to leave, so he quickly added.

"I see!"

He simply took off his identity jade pendant and asked the other party to mark out the contribution points, and then left the steward's pavilion with Gushen.

The steward who received Jian Jian stood up straight and touched the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. Fortunately, he was polite and respectful enough. This is Jian Jian, the newly recruited guest elder of the Beiming family. Being able to kill without blinking an eye shows how strong his combat power is.

It's not that there are no immortal kings in the Beiming family, but there is really no one who can leapfrog the ranks and kill the immortal king, and this elder Jian has been extremely low-key since entering the Beiming family, and he hardly shows his own Jian Yuefeng. It's good luck.

Jian Jian didn't care about the discussion behind him at all, he found Dujie Peak all the way, after inserting the black jade token, he entered a scorched mountain peak, which was struck by Jie Lightning.

She was about to release the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, but she was the first to receive a voice transmission from the Jiexin Stone:

"Fairy Jian, Baituan is about to cross the tribulation!"

After hearing this, Xiu raised her eyebrows and said:

"So fast?"

 See you guys tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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