Chapter 1963
Jian Jian didn't continue to ask Jiexinshi, but rolled Xiao Gushen into Jiexinshi's space, and went directly to see Baituan.

In the palace, Bai Tuan was stretching his muscles and bones, while flicking his five tails, he couldn't hide the smile on his face. With the fusion of Huantian Fox's bones, he also noticed the benefits. The improvement of his blood was one aspect. The inheritance memory is becoming more and more complete, and the most important thing is that the cultivation base is gradually rising.

He was worried that the growth would be too fast and the foundation would be unstable, so he specifically asked Brother Bai about it, and Brother Bai said it was because he was already a five-tailed man before his bloodline was stripped, and now it can only be regarded as rebuilding, and he has accumulated enough demon power. Naturally, he will recover quickly, and it is normal to be faster. When he wants to repair the sixth tail, he will start to cross the tribulation.

Sure enough, when he cultivated the phantom of the sixth tail, he felt that if he did not cross the calamity, he would not be able to continue to fuse the skeleton of Huan Tianhu, so he immediately told the big brother Bai who was protecting the law.

When Jian Jian's figure appeared in the palace, a group of white shadows flashed by, and in the next breath, Bai Tuan had already thrown himself into Jian Jian's arms. Bai Tuan proudly flicked his tail and said:
"Fairy! Fairy! Bai Tuan's tail has grown back, and he will soon be able to cultivate a sixth tail!"

"Well, I saw it, Bai Tuan is really amazing! He has cultivated the sixth tail in such a short time!"

Jian Jian smiled and touched Bai Tuan's head, and praised him generously.

"I would also like to thank Fairy for allowing Big Brother Bai to take care of me, so that Bai Tuan can fuse the skeleton of Huan Tianhu wholeheartedly."

Bai Tuan is a gracious person, and he was the first to thank him.

Last time, he was really stunned by Huan Tianhu's memory, coupled with the bone-shattering pain, he was in a trance. He only remembered that Fairy Jian patiently encouraged himself, and then fell into a deep sleep to digest the memory. This time it was rare to wake up. Naturally, I have to thank Fairy Jane.

After listening briefly, he smiled and said:

"Since your ancestor handed you over to me, I will naturally protect you. Although you suffered a crime this time, you also got a chance, and your bloodline was improved, so that the Huantianhu lineage can return to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm. This is It's your credit."

"Bai Tuan will work hard, and he will return to the Qifang Immortal Realm in a glorious manner, so that Patriarch Jiushao will be shocked!"

Bai Tuan squinted his fox eyes, enjoying the simple touch, and then set a lofty goal for himself.

"Okay, if you are ready now, go through the thunder tribulation where you advanced to the sixth level first."

Simple and timely pouring a ladle of cold water.

"Hey! I can't dodge it anyway. I will be struck by lightning sooner or later. Besides, Brother Bai said that crossing the catastrophe is good for me. It can clean up all the negative things that have been integrated into the bones. Bai Tuan is ready!"

Bai Tuan answered very simply this time.

"Okay, then let's go out to cross the tribulation!"

Simple and not wordy, after nodding to Bai Daze who was smiling and not saying a word, he hugged Bai Tuan and walked out of the Boundary Heart Stone space with Gu Shen.

The moment the white group appeared, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, dark clouds rolled, and the robbery clouds gathered together in an instant, accurately locking on the object of crossing the catastrophe.

With a kick on his hind legs, Bai Tuan left the simple embrace and landed in the deep pit struck by the thunderbolt. His body gradually enlarged and became a complete form. He looked up at the thundercloud brewing in the sky.

The "rumbling" thunder in the sky spread far away, and Xiao Gushen was so frightened that he hid directly behind Jian Jian, his little hands tightly clutching the hem of his master's skirt, which would make him feel more secure. Let him be a plant to become a spirit, even if he enters the immortal rank, he is still afraid of thunder.

Jian Jian is very confident that Bai Tuan will cross the catastrophe. There is really nothing to worry about. Although Bai Tuan has not yet reached the immortal level, part of his bones have been transformed into fairy bones, and he will definitely be able to withstand lightning strikes.

Things were really as expected, Jie Lei was powerful, falling fast, even ruthless and accurate, but they were all carried down by the white group. Although the hair was chopped into black charcoal, the sixth tail It grew out smoothly.

The most important thing is that after being struck by the thunderbolt, a faint black filthy aura emanated from Baituan's body. This should be the resentment and turbidity on the skeleton of the Huantian fox. It seems that being struck by lightning is not no good.

After the rain fell, Bai Tuan came back to life again, shook his hairless body, waving his six fox tails happily, and ran to Jian Jian to show them off.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

It can be easily felt that the aura around Bai Tuan's body is solid, and the demon power is restrained, which shows that the foundation is still very solid.

"Do you want to stay outside for a while, or continue to fuse the bones?"

Simply asking for Bai Tuan's opinion, she felt that everything should be relaxed and not too tense.

Baituan's fox turned his eyes, looked around, and was quite sure that this was not Qingzhou, then thought for a while and said:

"Fairy, Bai Tuan will follow you around and go back after familiarizing yourself with the new environment. It won't take too long."

"Okay, I've returned to the family land of the Beiming family now, and my new residence is in Jianyue Peak. I'll take you back to have a look in a while."

Jian Jian also agrees with Bai Tuan's decision.

Only then did Xiao Gushen stick out his head and stare at Bai Tuan, and then the two began to declare their family background and knew each other well, so there was no need to intervene easily.

He simply looked at it, pursed his lips and smiled, then raised his hand and released the Zi Yu Yin Long Cauldron.

As soon as the Purple Royal Silver Dragon Cauldron appeared, the dark clouds in the sky rolled more violently than before, and the scope was still expanding, almost covering half of the territory of the Beiming family, which also alarmed several elders and the head of the Beiming family.

The corner of Jian Jian's mouth twitched, and he said to Zi Yu helplessly:

"It seems that you are going to be struck by lightning this time, and the Heavenly Dao of Qianyuan Immortal Realm doesn't intend to let you go!"

"It doesn't matter, I have been forged by the thunder of heaven and earth since I was born, which is good for me. Besides, the repair materials this time are really precious, and I will admit it when I was struck by lightning."

Zi Yu is straightforward, his master is already very strong, he has found the best materials, and cultivated his spirit body to the best state, but the master has limited cultivation after all, so the forging of the last tribulation thunder is indispensable Yes, so that he can return to his peak condition, even better than when he was simply found before!
The Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron has already flown to the peak of the tribulation, slowly getting bigger, showing its extraordinary, and at the same time getting ready to meet the tribulation thunder.

Bei Minghan's figure flashed, and he appeared beside Jianjian. He was entrusted by the clan boss to inquire about the situation.

"Elder Jian, why is there such a big commotion today?"

The appearance of Bei Minghan did not make Jian Jian look away, but she still answered the other party's question wholeheartedly.

"Today is also a coincidence. I just repaired the alchemy furnace, and the spiritual pet Baituan was about to cross the catastrophe, so I put them together."

Bai Tuan obediently bowed his head to Bei Minghan, and the other party's eyes flashed. He knew this spiritual pet. Bei Mingzhi specifically mentioned that for this little guy, Elder Jian directly overthrew the territory of the Qingzhou Fox Clan. If it wasn't for the appearance of the Demon Emperor, the Fox Clan would have been almost wiped out, which shows how much he loves him.

Bei Minghan nodded, and then turned his gaze to Danding spinning in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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