Chapter 1965 Extinguish the flames
With a "puchi", Jian Jian couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Bai Tuan was not happy anymore, shaking his fox tail and said:

"Baituan will definitely be more handsome than the third elder after transforming into form. The fairy chooses me! You must choose me!"

Bai Tuan tried hard to recommend himself.

He simply nodded Baituan's little head, and said with a smile:
"I know that Bai Tuan's ambition is very lofty. Don't you want to become the most powerful formation master of the fox clan? Don't you want to be a formation master now?"

"It doesn't conflict with staying with the fairy."

Bai Tuan was very clever and said directly.

"If you stay by my side, the Fox Clan will always only have you as a formation master. Aren't you going to teach some talented little foxes?"

Simply keep asking.


Bai Tuan was also in trouble, how could he forget to think about this.

"Fairies have their own mission, and I don't plan to find a Taoist partner in the fairy world. I will think about these after I ascend to the gods. You should give up this idea as soon as possible!"

Simply decided to extinguish the little flame of Bai Tuan, mainly because this child didn't understand what liking is at all, he felt that staying by his side meant being together, and when he merged all the memories of Huan Tianhu, he would understand what Tao is couple.

"Bai Tuan understands, anyway, if the fairy wants to return to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm, she won't choose that third elder!"

This is what he cares about most.

After simply listening to Bai Tuan's words, he was even more certain that this little guy didn't understand what Taoist couple meant at all. What he cared about was not letting the third elder steal his attention.

Bai Tuan knew that his position by the fairy's side would not be shaken, so he happily began to inquire about what happened after he was plotted against, and when he returned to Jian Yuefeng, he even followed Xiao Gushen, and went around the entire Jian Yuefeng, playing like crazy After a month, he reluctantly bid farewell to Jian Jian, and continued to return to the Jiexinshi space to fuse the Huantian Fox skeleton.

During this month, there was a little guy like Bai Tuan jumping up and down around Jian Jian, and the whole Jianyue Peak was a little lively. Because it is so high, they just took a few more glances, and then continued to devote themselves to cultivation.

Simply this month, I only met with the little disciples once, and concentrated on answering their doubts. The rest of the time is for them to practice on their own, and the courses to improve their combat power will be postponed, at least until the late stage of their Qi refining period .

The thought she spent on the ten people was not as much as her four disciples in Lingyun Continent, but because of the different realms now, her guidance also benefited these children, and they practiced harder.

The Beiming family learned from the mouth of the third elder that the artifact that was promoted that day, because it protected Elder Jian before, so the rank fell. They are somewhat sour. Counting this, the elder Jian There are already two artifacts, not to mention his natal fairy weapon and natal magic weapon.

The Sixth Elder cared most about simple alchemy, so he went directly to ask the Third Elder:
"Since Elder Jian has the alchemy cauldron, and she also exchanged the inheritance of alchemy with Xinrong, her alchemy skills must not be bad, right?"

After thinking for a while, the third elder said:
"I've only seen it once, when her alchemy was damaged, so she only used her own fire to upgrade the top-grade elixir refined by Xinrong to the quality of the best elixir. I haven't seen Elder Jian practiced elixir medicine."

"Elder Jian will definitely make alchemy, what a great opportunity, just let it go!"

The Sixth Elder regretted it. At that time, his attention was on Xin Rong, and he ignored Elder Jian.

"Sixth Elder, I advise you not to think about it. She has ten disciples with her, and it is impossible for her to accept the task of alchemy. Moreover, Elder Jian really has no shortage of cultivation resources."

The third elder decided to calm down the excited sixth elder.

On the other side, there was news about the Danding artifact, and it was quickly spread. Everyone in Mingzhou saw such a big movement. It makes no sense that those spies are blind. Anyway, there are a lot of envy and hatred.

After the Huangfu royal family got the news, several elders got together again, this time not only because they learned that Jian Jian had the alchemy artifact, but also because the Mozhi Demon King sent two more female Gu.

Now the focus of their discussion is whether to continue to allow the disciples of the Huangfu family to cultivate the Mother Gu, or to give up the benefits brought by the Mother Gu, and everyone hesitated for a while.

Mother Gu can help them gather the power of several other continents, but Mother Gu is not cultivated by themselves, so these controlled people cannot be used by them in the end, they can only use the child Gu in a limited time, for The family benefits.

However, the Huangfu clan is not reconciled to being the sword in Mozhi's hands. If the opponent crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, then they will be the unlucky ones, and they still have Huangfushan's hole card.

"This time, let Huangfushan's natal Gu devour the two female Gu, and her natal Gu can be promoted. Then we will reply to the other party that it is easy to do. She has already set her sights on our Huangfu family. Fazi has a big move."

The second elder finally came up with such an idea.

Several elders discussed it, and felt that there was room for maneuver in this decision. On the one hand, it could deepen the conflict between Mozhi and Simplicity, and on the other hand, they could also secretly strengthen their power. It can in turn control the mother Gu sent, so that they will not be controlled by others.

If they simply knew their plans, they would definitely scoff at them, seek skins from tigers, and eventually lose their own skins, Mo Zhi is not so easy to fool.

These things are going on in the dark without affecting simplicity in the slightest.

Jian Jian taught his disciples earnestly at Jianyue Peak, and the ten young disciples were also very upbeat. Within five years, all of them reached the peak of the Qi refining stage, and they were only able to build a foundation with one kick.

The simple teaching is on the one hand, the main reason is that the ten people are also very introverted, with the reward of the master hanging, and the attention of other people in the clan, they don't want to be underestimated, and after they have the exercises, they His cultivation speed is no worse than that of Binglinggen's disciples, which also gives them confidence.

And Bai Tuan is also very competitive. He is promoted once a year and survives a catastrophe. After three years, he is already a real Nine-Tailed Magic Sky Fox.

Afterwards, the speed of Baituan's fusion of bones became faster and faster, and his endurance also increased, and the time of each deep sleep was also shortened. With the fusion of Huantianhu's memory, the childishness in Baituan's eyes also slowly dissipated, but facing When it was simple, he was still the white group who was a bit shameless.

Jian Jian once quietly asked Bai Daze:
"Bai Tuan has already transformed, why has he never shown a human form in front of me?"

With the little guy's temperament to show off, this is very abnormal.

"Cough! Bai Tuan has indeed transformed into a human form, but because of his young age, the human form looks like he is only thirteen or fourteen years old. Bai Tuan thinks that he is not tall and handsome enough, so every time he sees a fairy, he still takes the fox form."

Bai Daze sold Baituan directly.

"So that's the case, there are quite a lot of narrow-mindedness."

He simply pursed his lips and smiled.

In the seventh year of simply coming to Qianyuan Immortal Realm, a large-scale sea beast tide occurred in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and Thirteen Continents entered a state of defense.

 Babies, old rules, there are two more chapters later~
(End of this chapter)

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