Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1966 After several twists and turns

Chapter 1966 After several twists and turns
The once-in-a-thousand-year tide of sea beasts is a routine operation in Qianyuan Immortal Realm. Its purpose is to consume the excess low-level sea beasts in the sea.

Bei Mingzhi brought twenty family disciples, and finally returned to the family land of the Beiming family. Since they separated from Jian Jian, these disciples really entered the sea like fish. After getting the good stuff, arm yourself and start training in the surrounding islands.

Here I have to mention that when simply using the identity of Ziyan to enter the God Realm's reincarnation Chenhai Divine Soul Sealed Land, the leader Jiu Lao and Mo Lan beside him both came from the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, but Jiu Lao's cultivation base After recovering, he has been staying at Guixu Holy Mountain, and Moran's family is in Qianzhou, which is very close to Mingzhou.

This continent is like spring all year round, and it is rich in various flowers. It is the supplier of raw materials for making spices, and the fragrance pavilion in Jingzhou Baiyi Street is the industry of Qianzhou.

When they left the sealed place, their memories were all erased by Lord Yan Luo, so they don't remember anything except the resources exchanged in the storage bracelet which can prove that they entered the secret realm.

They thought it was a characteristic of the secret realm, in order not to reveal the location of the secret realm, but the companions who disappeared with them never appeared again, and they were not stupid, so naturally they would not publicize it.

They just handed over the things they brought back to the family. Among them, what Jiulao and Moran cared about the most was a jade slip that engraved the Zerg invasion.

The news inside was too shocking, which made Jiu Lao vigilant and Mo family afraid, but they couldn't publicize this kind of thing. Firstly, there was no source for the news. No threatening alien invaders.

For things that didn’t happen, no one would believe what they said, and they would be questioned about their ulterior motives, so this matter was suppressed.

What's more, Jiulao and Moran didn't remember their common experience, so they couldn't find each other for verification, so this matter was put down by both parties.

Jiu Lao had shared the news with the other three mountain guard elders. The other three mountain guard elders took it very seriously, but they didn't want to publicize it. They just knew what they knew.

Coincidentally, in Beimingzhi, he took his family disciples to Qianzhou to pick up the task experience, and happened to accept the same task as Moran's family disciples. The two parties finally decided to act together, and the rewards for completing the task were distributed according to their efforts.

During the cooperation between the two parties to pick butterfly flowers in Xijian Mountain, the cooperation was quite pleasant, and there was no quarrel. Moreover, the clever Moran also found out the identity of Bei Mingzhi. After hesitating, she still invited him to the family for entertainment. After all, compared with the Beiming family, their Mo family can only be regarded as a small family.

The Mo family has only one fairy from the first stage of the fairy king. The small family is better than the small family. There are not too many conflicts and they are very united. This time Moran invited Bei Mingzhi and his party to visit the family, and the patriarch immediately understood. Moran's intention.

Moran wanted to pass the news about the Zerg in his hands to the Beiming family. As for whether the other party believed it or not, what they would do in the future was beyond their control. After handing over the things that made them fearful, they could feel at ease.

After Bei Mingzhi read the contents of the jade slips, he was a little confused. He had reason to suspect that the other party did it on purpose and threw this hot potato to Bei Ming's family.

"Master Beiming, Moran swears by his lifelong cultivation and future immortality, this news is definitely not compiled by my Mo family, it was brought out after I entered the secret realm, but I don't have any memory about the secret realm.

The ancestors of the family also checked my soul, and there is no trace of being erased, so we are willing to believe that the content inside is true, but we are a small family, even with such important news, there is nothing we can do!

I'm not sure if this is a warning, so I decided to hand over the news to a more capable family. If Moran said a lie, I would immediately be struck by lightning and die! "

The rules of heaven immediately fell down, proving that Moran was not lying, which also made Bei Mingzhi believe it a little more.

"Have you spread the news?"

Bei Mingzhi received the jade slip and asked directly.

"No, because Moran came back from the secret realm safely, and only found the jade slip when he checked the storage bracelets. After reading it, he was so flustered that he immediately met the patriarch. After that, the patriarch took the younger generation to meet the old ancestor. We are the only ones in the Mo family. The three know."

Moran told the truth.

"Have you verified the news here after that?"

Bei Mingzhi asked very carefully.

"Young master, how do you verify this? We don't even know if it's true or not, but because I've read the content inside, I pay more attention to it on weekdays. Although I was a little surprised, I really didn't find out what was in the jade slip. The Zerg mentioned, at least not found in Qianzhou."

Moran said with a bitter face.

"Furthermore, our Mo family is a small family after all, with limited energy."

Bei Mingzhi nodded after hearing this. At this time, the strength of the big family is highlighted, which is why the Mo family chose to pass the news to them.

"Since that's the case, I will take the news jade slips away. No matter what happens in the future, our Beiming family will not take the credit for your Mo family's achievements."

Bei Mingzhi made a promise, and their family didn't bother to do so.

"Thank you, Mr. Beiming, the Mo family does not seek meritorious deeds, but no faults."

Patriarch Mo immediately replied with a smile.

If because their family suppressed this warning message and did not come out, wouldn’t they become sinners if Zerg invaded in the future? It was obviously a warning to prepare the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, but because they were timid and afraid of getting into trouble, they attacked the Immortal Realm It's really not something the Mo family can bear if everyone is caught off guard.

Bei Mingzhi could also understand Patriarch Mo's thoughts, so he didn't stop much, and left Qianzhou with the family children.

When they returned to Mingzhou, the sea boat they were on was attacked by Xiaobo sea beasts. This was a sign of the incoming sea beast tide. After they repelled the sea beasts, they accelerated their speed and returned to the Mingzhou tribe land.

Bei Mingzhi, who returned to the clan, met with the patriarch non-stop, and handed the jade slip of news to the patriarch. He was dissatisfied with concealing such important news, and he himself tended to believe that the news about the Zerg in the jade slip was true.

After seeing the news in the Jade Slips, Patriarch Beiming also took some time to digest. This time he went directly to see the Great Elder Beiming Di, who was the only one in the family who was only one step away from the Immortal Emperor Realm. able.

Afterwards, the elders of the Beiming family who did not retreat received a summons from the patriarch and went to the clan's meeting hall to gather.

The elders all knew that there were signs of an outbreak of the sea beast tide recently, and they all thought that this gathering was to discuss the matter of resisting the sea beast tide.

And Jian Jian was the only guest elder who was invited, and she was also the last one to arrive. After entering the meeting hall, she realized that she was the only non-staff elder.

(End of this chapter)

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