Chapter 1967
The Second Elder, Third Elder, Fourth Elder, Sixth Elder, Ninth Elder, and Patriarch Beiming have all met, and there is also a middle-aged female fairy that she has never seen.

"I have seen you elders!"

Simply smiled and bowed to everyone.

Several elders also bowed their hands to return the salute. After looking around, the chief of Beiming clan briefly introduced to him:

"This is the Eighth Elder of the clan. She retreated last time, so she couldn't meet Elder Jian."

"Bei Mingying, I've heard about Elder Jian's name for a long time, and it really lives up to my reputation!"

Bei Mingying smiled and cupped her hands.

"Everywhere, it's all misinformation. Jian is the one who is lucky enough to be an elder guest in Beiming's family."

Jian Jian didn't understand what the other party meant by "worthy of his reputation", he still replied politely with an official answer, and sat down at the bottom.

Bei Mingying watched Jian Si take a seat, she looked away, lowered her eyes to think, this Elder Jian was more unfathomable than what she saw from the news of Yu Jian, and her words were also impeccable.

After everyone arrived, the figure of Beimingdi appeared in the first place, and everyone got up to salute together:
"Big elder!"

The first elder had a serious face and was dressed in a snow-white fairy robe. After he sat down, he waved his hands to let the elders sit down and talk, and at the same time, he glanced at Jian Jian, who was at the bottom.

Simply followed the crowd to meet the ceremony, then sat down properly, and listened with her ears. She didn't intend to speak. It looked like a high-level meeting of the Beiming family. It was better for her to speak less and listen more.

It's just that sometimes things backfire. Patriarch Beiming took out a jade slip and passed it on to the elders present. Jian Jian was the last one to receive the jade slip.

After reading the contents of the Jade Slips, she was silent. She was sure that the contents of the Jade Slips were sorted out by her, and that she was not the one who leaked them out. What about the local immortals here?Who did it before her?

Bei Mingdi glanced at everyone's faces and found that only Elder Jian was the calmest and looked thoughtful.

"Elder Jian, what did you discover from the jade slips?"

Bei Mingyi asked aloud.

One sentence interrupted the simple contemplation, and made everyone turn their attention to the last simple.

Simply handed back the jade slip, and after thinking about it, he asked:
"May I ask Patriarch Beiming, where did you get this jade slip?"

"It was brought back by Bei Mingzhi from the nearby Qianzhou. He took the disciples of his family to accept the task in Qianzhou. He happened to meet the Mo family's children in Qianzhou. The jade slip came from the Mo family."

The patriarch of Beiming had asked Bei Mingzhi carefully before, and he knew where the jade slips came from, so he didn't conceal the source.

Simply stroking her storage bracelet, there was a jade slip with the same content as the jade slip she had seen just now. Countless faces flashed in front of her, and finally they were fixed on the fairy named Moran, and then she raised her head and asked road:
"Did the Mo family say where did the jade slips come from?"

"A secret realm, the Mo family disciple who brought back the jade slip is named Mo Lan, but she doesn't have any memory about the secret realm, and she doesn't remember why the jade slip appeared on her body."

Patriarch Beiming immediately said that he felt that Elder Jian knew something.

After hearing the answer from the Patriarch of Beiming, Jian Jian was quite sure that this Moran was Bi Moran. After thinking for a while, he stroked the storage bracelet on his wrist, took out the most original jade slip, pushed it in front of the Great Elder, and said softly:

"The news inside is true."

Beimingdi's spiritual sense is powerful, and he only needs to scan it to know that the content inside is almost exactly the same as what Azhi brought back, and he is very sure that the patriarch that Azhi boy met directly when he returned to the family did not go to look for Elder Jian , It is even more impossible to pass this unconfirmed news to Elder Ke Qing.

The Jianjian jade slip was passed on again, and Bei Minghan also looked at Jianjian. He was also curious about where Jianjian got the jade slip from.

"Elder Jian, how do you know that the news in Yujian is true?"

In the end, he couldn't hold back and asked directly.


He sighed briefly, feeling very helpless. He didn't want to reveal his identity so early, but this is a suitable news to inform the existence of Zerg.

All the elders looked at the helpless Elder Jian, and saw that the other party took out a scroll of animal skin and threw it directly into the air. The scroll slowly unfolded, and a shrunken version of Elder Jian appeared inside, the size of a pea ding.

Xiao Jianjian stretched her waist, and found that she had become the focus of attention this time. When she turned around, she saw her master, raised her eyebrows, and two words appeared above her head, "What's the matter?"

Jian Jian coughed lightly, stood up, came to the live map, and said to Xiao Jian:
"Show everyone what you found last time."

After scanning around for a while, Xiao Jianjian finally snapped his fingers, and then the map of Qianyuan Immortal World appeared on the scroll, and then the angle of view increased again and again. The nest, then stopped.

Simply raised his hand and pointed:

"This is the insect nest, which is made up of an abandoned planet. Inside is the insect race you saw in your jade slips. Now there are 14 years left before the journey to Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

All the elders were full of question marks, why Elder Jian was so sure, Bei Minghan seemed to realize something, he pursed his lips tightly, and his face became more and more stern.

Jian Jian didn't wait for everyone to ask questions, and nodded directly to Xiao Jian. Xiao Jian understood, and raised the star map again, until the seven-party fairyland appeared on the star map.

Simply pointing to the location of the Seven Square Immortal Realm with his hand, he said with a slight smile:

"I am from here! The Seven-Fairy Immortal Realm has been invaded by the Zerg. I have fought against the Zerg all the way from the Realm of Cultivation, and have not stopped until the Immortal Realm. This time I was plotted by the Zerg lurking in the Seven-Fairy Immortal. Entered the endless sea of ​​Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

After briefly speaking, Shi Shiran returned to the last seat and sat down, leaving time for everyone to digest the news.

Xiao Jianjian raised his head, put away the star map scroll by himself, and returned it to Jian Jian's hand.

With a simple flip of the hand, he put away the living map again, took a round fan in his hand, and fanned it slowly.

Bei Minghan lowered his eyes and pondered. Ever since he met Jian Jian, the other party had never mentioned where he came from. They guessed that the other party was a disciple of the Hermit Family, and the other party had not answered directly.

But the other party said that she fell into the Endless Sea because of someone's plotting against her. Before that, because the enemy sent someone to look for her, she showed a trace of murderous intent. He should be talking about the insect nest close to the Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

Bei Minghan thought about it carefully, Elder Jian had never concealed her identity, but she had never voluntarily revealed her own identity. If it wasn't for the jade slip that Bei Mingzhi got by accident today, she might not have said so much.

Bei Mingying was the first to ask a question, but the question was a bit unfriendly:

"Elder Jian, are those Zergs following you?"

It is not surprising that you will be questioned like this, and said lightly:

"The Zergs made a big effort to lure the black hole in the starry sky, and wanted to put me to death, otherwise, my artifact, the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, would not have been injured and fell down to protect me. The Zergs wanted me to die, so how could they know that I fell into a dry place?" Primordial Immortal Realm?"

 Babies, today is another five chapters, the bald-headed Wanzi update!Please give a monthly ticket, recommend, reward and collect it!To everyone (`), see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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