Chapter 1968

Simple is not angry, she is an outsider, it is normal to be questioned.

The elders of the Beiming family digested the information simply provided, and Beiminghan was the first to ask a question:
"Elder Jian, if it wasn't for this jade slip today, wouldn't you plan to tell your story?"

"I can only say that some things are predestined. I have been to the secret realm that Miss Moran mentioned. Although I don't remember what happened in the secret realm, the jade slips she brought back about the Zerg should be Printed from me.

In fact, after I got the star map and knew the existence of the insect nest, I was thinking about how to tell this to the Beiming Family, and even the entire Qianyuan Immortal World, but there was really no good chance.

Without any evidence, I told you that the Qianyuan Immortal Realm will be invaded by Zerg from the Outer Domain, do you believe it? "

After a simple showdown, I didn't feel anxious at all. I waved the round fan in my hand, as if I would say whatever you asked.

"Elder Jian, do you want to go back to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm?"

Bei Mingying asked aloud.


To put it simply and directly, she will not be humble at this moment.

As for protection, without the Beiming family, there are still the Kuishan family and the Nanfeng family. I believe they are willing to protect me even for the immediate benefit. "

"It's not easy for me to come to Qianyuan Immortal Realm once, so I naturally have to see the 'Guixu Holy Mountain'. Besides, I rank well on the 'Tianwei List', so I should be able to win more resources for the Beiming family. Returning to the Holy Mountain of Ruins, it shouldn't be too much to understand the power of the law, right?"

After listening briefly, she curled her lips into a smile, and felt that Bei Mingying was really a smart person. On the surface, she was trying to get help for the family by retaining herself, and she was such a person who had fought many battles against the Zerg for many years.

Bei Mingdi was still serious, but his tone of speech eased a lot.

Beiming said loudly, his words also represented the commitment of the entire Beiming family.

Simply turning the round fan in her hand, she said with a smile that she would not leave an excuse for people to attack.

"That insect nest is the advance of the Zerg race, and they came to Qianyuan Immortal Realm to explore the way."

Bei Mingying just wanted to say that you have also received the offering and protection of Beiming's family, but Jian Jian seemed to see through this, and said directly before the other party opened his mouth:
"I really didn't pay attention to Beiming's offerings, because I don't lack resources.

He simply and generously admitted that he didn't have two or three hole cards, so could he blow himself up?
"Besides, I didn't do anything that harmed the interests of the Beiming family. Instead, your Beiming family benefited from me."

If you are smart, build a good relationship with Elder Jian before she leaves, and collect as much information as possible from the Zerg. Even if we really have to face the invasion of the Zerg in the future, we will fight with preparation instead of rushing to the enemy.

The simple and unrestrained walk made all the elders in the hall fall into deep thought, especially Bei Minghan, who touched him the deepest. At this time, he felt a little irritable for no reason, and his brows furrowed unconsciously.

Beimingdi didn't ask for opinions, but gave orders directly.

"Senior praised me absurdly, I only have confidence to be fearless!"

He simply nodded and said, feeling that Bei Minghan had a long-term view.

The expressions of the people were all seen by Bei Mingyi, and when everyone calmed down, he opened his mouth and said:

From the time she met Bei Mingzhi to meeting the three elders, she had already paved the way for herself, and even planned her own affairs after leaving Qianyuan Immortal Realm. Such a person is not you What you can control is not what you can calculate, as long as you treat each other with sincerity. "

"You have spent the longest time with Elder Jian, and you are the most familiar with her. You don't have to be distracted by the sea beast tide that will follow. You will stay in the family and cooperate with the patriarch to allocate clan members and coordinate resources. By the way, communicate with Elder Jian more to understand Everything about the Zerg War."

This time, everyone responded in unison.

Simple and timely bid farewell, and after getting Bei Mingdi's approval, he turned and left the meeting hall in a chic manner.

"It's very likely."

Since you suspect that the insect nest came after me, when I return to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, I will eliminate that insect nest. As for the presumed Zerg invasion in the future, it will be the matter of Qianyuan Immortal Realm. "

"Why don't you consider cultivating in Qianyuan Immortal Realm?"

Jian Jian stood up, bowed his hands to the elder, and said with a smile:

The second elder was thoughtful, rubbing the jade pendant around his waist, the fourth elder seemed to have expected it, the corners of his lips were slightly pursed, and the eyes of the sixth elder were delighted, obviously more interested in the resources simply left to the Beiming family, eight The eyes of the elders were a bit complicated. The Ninth Elder remained silent as always, looking at Jian Jian who was leaving, but there was a look of fear in his eyes, but Patriarch Bei Ming felt a sense of dust settled.

"Jian has already informed me of the information I know, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone, so I will leave first!"

This Fairy Jian's status in the Qifang Immortal World will not be low. Whether it is cultivation base, combat power, or mental calculations, she should be one of the best in the same level, even above all of you.

Bei Mingdi directly called out his names.

Bei Mingying continued to ask.

"Yes! Great Elder!"

"Fairy Jane, when are you going to return to the fairyland where you are?"

The second elder said with a smile.

Bei Mingdi asked directly.

Since I met Elder Beiminghan, I have done my best to provide opportunities for the Beiming family. The experiences of the twenty disciples, the swords I got from Wanjianzong, the battle formations I taught them, and the battle with Xin Isn't it enough for the alchemy inheritance exchanged by Rong Rong, the exercises given to Beiming's family, the ten disciples I'm training now, and even the entire Jianyue Peak? "

"I am the master. Bei Mingzhi's reward is doubled this time. He not only recruited a capable guest elder for the family, but also let the Bei Ming family firmly grasp the initiative in the face of future bloody storms." , plus the Zerg news brought back, his future training resources will also be doubled.

"Yes, I like to cooperate with a family that has a bottom line and a good family style. I am just a passer-by. The future of Qianyuan Immortal World depends on you.

Simply replied with a smile.

"You are very bold. This calmness is not comparable to that of the Beiming family's children."

"Fairy Jian's love is inherited by my Beiming family. No matter what happens in the future, you will always be the elder guest of the Beiming family."

Simply gave the answer in the affirmative.

Bei Minghan immediately responded.

"But Fairy Jian still chose my Beiming family, which proves that you are still optimistic about our Beiming family."

With a simple smile and a shallow smile, he twirled the round fan in his hand and told what he had done one by one, which silenced all the elders.

"Yes, Han understands!"

"Three elders!"

"I don't belong to the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and the Seven Fang Immortal Realm still has my unfinished missions and unaccounted for accounts, so I naturally have to go back and settle them.


Bei Minghan finally spoke again.

Bei Minghan knew that it was related to the family and even the entire Qianyuan Immortal World, and this matter could not be neglected.

"After the tide of sea beasts is over, I will contact the four great immortal cultivating families one by one to share the news about the Zerg race. Now I don't want any news to leak out, and the patriarch of Beimingzhi will personally tell me."

Beimingdi looked around for a week, and ordered directly.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, we know the severity."

(End of this chapter)

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