Chapter 1969 Sea Beast Tide Begins
Going back to the simplicity of Jian Yuefeng, he was also talking to Liu Chuan about revealing his identity.

"Is it a little hasty?"

Liu Chuan was a little worried.

"Only in this way can we see the attitude of the Beiming family most intuitively, and the large-scale sea beast tide has already appeared, coupled with the news of the Zerg race, even if they have any bad thoughts about me, they dare not treat me now. I shot."

Since Jian Jian decided to reveal that he was not from this world, he had already taken these factors into consideration.

"It's good to count on your own achievements. I reckon that the third elder has already guessed about your future."

Yanagawa continued.

"Looking at his attitude today, there should be guesses, but I'm not sure. The number of times he will visit me will definitely increase in the future. The Beiming family also wants to learn from me the experience of dealing with the Zerg!"

Simply shaking his rocking chair, chatting under Yanagawa's body while shaking the folding fan in his hand.

"After all, this is the territory of the Beiming family, so don't take it lightly, you still have to be defensive."

But Jian Jian's provocative words at the beginning have now come true, and he slapped the Huangfu clan in the face, making the outer city disciples headed by Huangfu Song feel dissatisfied with the Huangfu clan, no one wants to be treated as cannon fodder.

The Demon Continent and Nightmare Continent are the territory of the Demon Clan. Naturally, the sturdy Demon Clan will not allow the Sea Beast to dominate their territory. All families and forces have participated in the battle with the Sea Beast.

Huangfu and the royal family still don't know what they are doing, and they have nothing to hide from Mozhi, and both sides are speeding up the pace of calculating each other.

Danzhou and Qianzhou belong to small continents, and each has its own strengths. Danzhou is good at alchemy, and Qianzhou is good at making incense. The small families in the continent are united together to resist the tide of sea beasts. The nearby continents will also give appropriate support. Steadily resist the tide of sea beasts.

Bei Mingying spoke very politely this time, and she was not as aggressive as before.

"I'm going to retreat and refine that mother Gu as soon as possible, otherwise it will be easy to find me."

"Tsk tsk! So I don't like bugs."

A month later, a large-scale wave of sea beasts finally staged on all continents. All kinds of sea beasts of all ranks began to attack the defense line of the sea area. All continents began to resist the sea beast tide in an orderly manner. Sea ships entered the adjacent sea area in batches and began to fight with sea beasts.

The emerald green wicker above Jian Jian's head swayed with the wind, making the rustling sound of leaves rubbing against each other, and then came Yanagawa's murmur:

Simple smiled and answered, summoned Xiao Gushen to pick fairy fruits, make tea, and prepare to chat while tasting tea.

"Hey, this is Zhima's ability, I can't move those elders, and I naturally have the means to deal with their disciples from the Beiming family!

Under the watchful eyes of the second elder, Huangfushan raised her hand and sent her natal mother Gu into the host body. Seeing the frightening look on the disciple's face, and the endless wailing sounds beside her ears, she just Fully control the natal Gu to devour the mother Gu.

Jian Jian welcomed the first guest after the entire Qianyuan Immortal Realm had stabilized. It was not Bei Minghan, but Bei Mingying.

Qingzhou is the territory of the monster clan, and there are many amphibious monsters among them. They are not afraid of the sea beast tide at all, and they regard this as an opportunity to collect resources and vent their vigorous energy.


From Zhima's tone, he was planning to wipe out all the disciples of Beiming's family.

When Mozhi received the news from Huangfu's family, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face. He really thought him a fool. His human Gu had clearly told him that the one who devoured him and sent the mother Gu was not the simple Jinsi Fairy. insanity.

The second elder said softly, his daughter is now the trump card of the clan, and he has also gained a lot of benefits.

"Okay, you just go to refining, leave it to me here."

And those human immortals who stayed in Qingzhou for training also spontaneously organized together to take on the defense of an area. Whoever beats the sea beast will get the harvest. There is no dispute about this.

"Because the battle ahead is good, I can take a break from my busy schedule and come to your Jianyue Peak to hide for a while. Elder Jian don't want to chase me away."

"Sesame, you are small, but your tone is not small."

Liu Chuan still reminded.

This time there is no need to answer simply, Zhima said:

Simply lift the round fan and invite Bei Mingying to take a seat.

Obviously, this ally of mine also stayed behind and had his own little plan, but is his mother Gu so easy to devour!Mo Zhi narrowed his eyes, it seemed that this ally who was holding back could be abandoned.

Mingzhou, Yanzhou, Fengzhou, and Lingzhou are surrounded by four major immortal cultivating families, and they all mobilize their manpower in an orderly manner to resist the impact of the sea beast tide in batches.

"Eighth Elder, please sit down. Why do you come to my Jianyue Peak to sit down when you have time? Is the situation in front of the battle against sea beasts okay?"

The master said that if a family wants to pass on, it is not just supported by a few elders. What is needed is the growth of the family's disciples from generation to generation. There are large-scale faults in the cultivation of disciples, and it is not far from decline. "

Yanagawa joked.

A full hour later, the disciple was completely dead, and the mother gu was completely devoured, Huangfushan said flatly:

If you simply know the actions of the Huangfu family, you will definitely sigh: As expected of being born in the royal family, you can really do things!Facing the tide of sea beasts, she didn't forget to plot against herself, she was going to praise her for being big-hearted.

Because Jianzhou, Fengzhou, and Liangzhou had large sects in charge, they all fought against the tide of sea beasts in an orderly manner.

"Brother Liu Chuan, don't worry, Sesame has left behind. If Beiming's family makes any moves that are not conducive to the master, Sesame will definitely make them suffer."

Jingzhou is the territory of the Huangfu royal family. They don't want to consume themselves, so they mainly arrange for the disciples who practiced in the outer city of Huangfu imperial city to fight. They also summoned the scattered immortals in Jingzhou to assist Jingzhou in defending Jingzhou by issuing tasks. Sea territory.

The second elder took Huangfushan to meet the host of the new mother Gu in private, and conveyed the decision of the family, which made her look complicated. She understood the family's intentions, and because of understanding, her heart It was three points colder.

Because there were signs before the start of the sea beast tide, the forces of the Thirteen Continents were always paying attention to the sea area and made preparations in advance. Although there were losses, they were within the acceptable range, and the sea area battlefield was still stable.

After listening briefly, he pursed his lips and smiled, knowing that this was Yanagawa's approval of Zhimaliu's backhand.

There was only a group of elite disciples from the inner city of Huangfu, and they still sat in the back of the town. This kind of blatant discrimination made them even more repulsed by the surname Huangfu in their hearts. After all, they all came from the royal family, so how could they not have their own surname? Internal undercurrents are surging.

"Elder Jian has a family inheritance in the Qifang Immortal Realm, so he still joined the sect."

Bei Mingying decided to start the conversation with the safest topic.

"There is a family inheritance, and I have also entered the sect."

 Babies, there are some card texts today, first pass two chapters, and then look at the code words, there will be no less than three chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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