Chapter 1970
After hearing this, Bei Mingying thought that Jianjian's family was a small one, so she was sent to the sect, so she followed the topic and said:

"I heard from the third elder that Elder Jian is good at a lot of things. I don't know what sect he joined?"

"I entered the Immortal Sword Sect, but I entered the Artifact Refining Peak."

He simply took a sip of his tea and said with a smile.

"Elder Jian is also good at refining weapons?"

It is not surprising that Bei Mingying entered the Sword Sect. Although Jianjian is not a pure sword fairy, her combat power is there. As for entering the Qifeng Peak, she has never heard of the third elder.

"They were all forced by the Zerg. Their carapace is a very good material for refining weapons. Since we want to deal with them, it is natural to attack the shield with the spear of the other to save the most effort."

Simply smiled and said, she took the initiative to lead the topic on the right track, and she was tired of going around, if the pleasing Bei Minghan came, she could barely bear it.

As soon as Bei Mingying heard the topic, she stopped rambling, and started to ask about Zerg issues that the family cared about.

She simply answered the other party's questions one by one. During the period, she drank two cups of tea and ate a jade-faced fruit. Bei Mingying couldn't hold back, and also ate a 3000-year-old jade-faced fruit. The good thing is that the eyes are bright.

"We female fairies, we still have to treat ourselves better, this beauty-preserving thing is indispensable."

Bei Mingying very much agreed with the proposal of the third elder.

Back in the Elder Hall, Bei Mingying put away her smiling face. She entered all the news that she had briefly revealed today into the jade slip, and then handed it over to the Fourth Elder. After the elders analyzed it, they began to formulate their coping strategies.

Secondly, although Jian Jian promised to destroy the advance worm nest, what about the follow-up?At that time, they have to deal with it by themselves, whether to learn from the Qifang Immortal Realm and establish a battlefield to stop the attack of the Zerg, or to attack in an all-round way and completely strangle the Zerg, it all depends on the situation.

This is not good news, after all, the closest to Qianzhou is their Beiming family.

Patriarch Bei Ming looked at the news in his hand, Yu Jian frowned and said:
"This situation is wrong. It's only been a month. I don't believe Danzhou's defense is so weak."

Mixed with too many purposes, any feelings are not pure, she is as smart as Fairy Jian, how could she not see it, and I am the elder of Beiming Family in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, I have my own responsibility, I will not avoid it Not to fight, this is not in line with my way. "

Third, after the news spread, the coordination among the various races and continents is also a problem. It will take time to achieve unity. They don't know how long it will take for this sea beast tide to end. They need to consider these.

"My plant pet is taking care of it. It's rare for me to be free, so I just cultivate my body and mind. This is Yuyan fruit. If the year is enough, it can help you return!"

"Been taught a lesson."

First of all, they have to consider the actual situation of Qianyuan Immortal Realm. After all, the sea is the main place here. They consider that the Zerg may use sea beasts to multiply, and even make sea beasts into puppets, and then manipulate sea beasts to carry out non-stop attacks on the Thirteen Continents. No matter which continent is too much.

Several elders stayed in the elder hall for a day and a night, roughly discussing the family's coping strategy, and then left separately.

Bei Minghan shook his head very calmly, and said softly:
"If I knew the news about the Zerg race, I might give it a try. Even if I knew that she was not from this world, I would still go to see the fairy world where she is, but now that I know that the Qianyuan Immortal world will face the Zerg race in the future, I am absolutely sure." Fairy Jane will not be kept.

Bei Mingying touched her face, she was indeed a little bit jealous, she didn't feel it normally, there was no comparison, but now that there was a comparison, Bei Mingying felt that she should pay more attention to her face.

The conversation between the two sides was quite pleasant. When Bei Mingying left, she received three thousand-year-old jade face fruits, which made her smile deepen by two points, and she left Jian Yuefeng in a happy mood.

Bei Minghan's rejection was too straightforward, and his words were too straightforward, which made it hard for the second elder to say anything, so he could only sigh:

Bei Mingying also echoed in a deep voice:
"Although in previous years, there were cases of seeking help from other continents, but it was basically at the end of the sea beast tide. How long has it been? And it was still broken by high-level sea beasts. Where is the fairy king in Danzhou?"

"Ahan, if you admire Elder Jian, you can express your feelings to her. If you can let her stay in Beiming's house, it might not be a bad thing."

"Danzhou is a bit far away from us. The nearest Lingzhou should send someone there. We'll wait for news."

Although Bei Minghan said so, but only he knew the emptiness in his heart. He stood outside the elder hall, stared at Jian Yuefeng from afar for a while, then turned back to his Xuefeng, and looked at his last I like the snow scene, but I suddenly feel a little deserted.

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the Ninth Elder appeared in the meeting hall, and his face was also a little gloomy:

Patriarch Bei Ming said.

She said with a simple smile, then turned her phoenix eyes and added:

"Let all the disciples of the clan participate in the battle against the sea beast tide. There is nothing more tempering than this. Our Beiming family does not raise delicate flowers."

"Let Bei Mingzhi contact the Qianzhou Mo family. We need to know the most accurate news. I don't want the disciples of the Bei Ming family to die."

After the topic about Zerg came to an end, Bei Mingying said with emotion:
"This Jianyue Peak has been taken care of very well by Elder Jian. Sitting here, I feel like I am in a fairy mountain outside the territory. Every fairy plant has been taken care of to be full of vitality. Even a small fruit is a good thing. After eating it, I feel like I have returned to the age of a flower."

Bei Minghan, who was about to leave, was stopped by the second elder, who directly put on a soundproof cover, and then said:

Many of the simple suggestions are very useful, at least they don't need to collect information from scratch, which is already their advantage. As for adjusting the strategy in conjunction with their Qianyuan Immortal World, it will be a matter of later.

"Just received a distress message from Qianzhou. Their defense was breached by a high-level sea beast, and it was very difficult to resist."

The attack of the tide of sea beasts will not end in a day or two. The immortals of Thirteen Continents are ready for a protracted battle, but less than a month after the war started, bad news came from Danzhou, a sea beast broke through the defense , entered Danzhou, and it was a high-level sea beast, wreaking havoc on Danzhou's territory.

Danzhou immediately asked the other continents for help, which made all the continents tense for a while.

Then let Bei Minghan leave.

Bei Minghan's cold voice sounded.

"The third elder is right, there is no experience comparable to actual combat."

After a brief look, her lips curved a little. There is no woman who doesn't care about her appearance, and she knows this best.

The second elder ordered directly.


In the next breath, a message talisman flew out.

As for the Mo family in Qianzhou, they could only raise the clan protection formation at this time, staring at the sea beasts and people outside the formation.

 Babies, let’s have three chapters today!Add more tomorrow!See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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