Chapter 1971 Suspected Trap
Moran never dreamed that someone from Qianzhou would unite with the sea beast and leave a back door for the sea beast on the defensive cover, allowing high-ranking sea beasts to bypass the defending immortals in front and enter Qianzhou directly from the rear, where they began to wreak havoc and slaughter.

Moran's first thought was that the Zerg had appeared in Qianzhou, but after careful observation, she denied her own judgment. He did not see any trace of the Zerg.

The high-level sea beasts that landed wantonly collected resources. Although they also killed many immortals, they bypassed several well-established families in Qianzhou, and the Mo family was one of them.

"Patriarch, the distress message has been sent, but I don't know when the support will arrive."

The disciples of the Mo family reported to Patriarch Mo worriedly.

The high-ranking immortals of the family were all held back by the attacking tide of sea beasts. They strangled the tide of sea beasts in the sea, but they couldn't spare their hands to help the family. This made them feel that this was a conspiracy against Qianzhou.

"The ancestor is not here, we have to protect the family. Now is not the time to fight recklessly. Check the situation of the family's defense formation at any time. The supply of immortal stones cannot be cut off. We must hold on until the reinforcements arrive."

Patriarch Mo frowned and ordered in a low voice.

"Patriarch, there is such a big commotion here, the immortals who are fighting in the sea area should have noticed something is wrong, why haven't they returned to help?"

Moran was also anxious, and asked the patriarch in a deep voice.

"Third Elder, the communication between Moran and I used the secret language that was discussed in advance. The current situation of her family should be true. She really doesn't know the situation of other families in Qianzhou.

Bei Minghan said indifferently, and finally turned around and went directly to Jian Yuefeng.

After being reminded, everyone realized that something was wrong before. They had received the distress signal, but no amount of information could be found. Now Bei Mingzhi successfully contacted the Mo family.

He simply nodded Baituan's head and said.

Immediately, Bai Daze and Bai Tuan appeared in Jian Yuefeng, and simply let Bai Daze do what he wanted, and took Bai Tuan by his side to teach and teach him the new content of formations.

"Bai Tuan understands!"

Bei Minghan said in a deep voice.


"Yes, patriarch!"

Bai Tuan has no chance to be lazy, but after leaving the Jiexinshi space and having Xiao Gucan as his companion on Jianyue Peak, Bai Tuan's small life is very comfortable.

"This is just my guess. After all, the Mo family doesn't know the existence of Gu worms. She has doubts because she knows the existence of the Zerg race."

"Elders, could it be a trap?"

Patriarch Mo saw clearly and had his own guess.

Although the power hidden in the bones can allow you to advance smoothly all the way, it still takes time to transform or even integrate the power into your own use. "

"Fairy, what's the problem?"

One day, Bai Tuan suddenly came over and said to Jian Jian:
"Fairy, Baituan has already entered the fairy rank. According to the rules of the fox clan, I can have my own name. Baituan wants a domineering name!"

Mo Lan pursed her lips, and was about to say something, when suddenly she felt the communication jade slip she had placed in the storage bracelet vibrate twice, she took it out, her eyes lit up, and she immediately said to Patriarch Mo:

"If your guess is correct, then Elder Jian should be invited to walk with me."

Patriarch Bei Ming pondered for a while, and directly cupped his hands and said to the third elder:
"Third Elder, there is no problem with Beiming Family's sea area defense line at present. If you want to support Qianzhou, you can also transfer personnel at any time, but you are also afraid that this is a trap targeting Beiming Family, so I want to trouble the Third Elder to investigate first and make sure Qianzhou What do you think of the real situation in Africa before we send support?"

Patriarch Mo said decisively.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Moran knew that the patriarch was right.

Bai Tuan knew that the fairy must be doing it for his own good, so he agreed very simply, and even made his own small request:
"Fairy, the Baituan should stop fusing the bones now and walk outside with the fairy. After fully mastering the third-level power of the fairy, how about Baituan continue to improve his cultivation?"

It's just that she mentioned a suspicious point, she suspected that the Zerg had appeared before, but she later denied this guess, but those who teamed up with sea beasts are still full of doubts, I boldly guess that it may be Gu insects."

Bai Tuan scratched his ears, thinking that before he entered the immortal rank, every time he cultivated a tail, the fairy would pull him into the illusion trial and continue to teach him new formations. The foundation is indeed relatively solid.

Bei Mingzhi informed the patriarch Bei Ming of the news sent back by Moran one by one, and then said:

"The situation of the other families in Qianzhou, after the Mo family has contacted the heads of each family, they will send back the news."

"It's a little strange that they didn't cut off Qianzhou's connection with the outside world."

Bai Tuan's nine tails flew up, obviously hoping to simply give him a mighty and domineering name.

Jian Jian is very satisfied with Bai Tuan's decision, he is not greedy, he listens to advice, and is much more mature than before.

Bei Mingzhi held the folding fan in his hand and said directly.

Bai Tuan tilted his head and asked.

"Haste makes waste. After entering the immortal rank, your speed needs to be slowed down. You have no cultivation base, no experience, and your cultivation base is not solid, which is not good for your subsequent cultivation.

"Patriarch, Master Zhi of the Beiming family sent me a message, saying that he had received our request for help and asked me about the current situation in Qianzhou."

"We don't know the situation of other families, so it's not easy to talk nonsense. You should first tell Mr. Zhi about the situation of the Mo family. Now I will contact the heads of other families and ask them about their situation."

Bei Mingzhi didn't dare to hide it, his skin was tense, and he quickly explained the reason, but there was nothing he could do, the aura of the third elder in his family became stronger again.

Hearing this, Bei Minghan paused, then turned his head and said coldly:
"Why didn't you say it just now?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bei Mingzhi bowed his hands to everyone, and left after him. After catching up with Bei Minghan, he said:

The simplicity is that not long after leaving the space of the Boundary Heart Stone, Bai Tuan had just passed the tribulation thunder of the third level of the immortal level not long ago, and after consolidating his cultivation, he was simply stopped from fusing the bones.

"You have also seen that there are immortals who are taking the opportunity to collect resources. They are in collusion with high-level sea beasts. It is impossible to guarantee that there will be no betrayers among the immortals fighting in the sea area. They should be stumbled."

Mingzhou Beiming Family

The third elder agreed directly, it was more convenient for him to act alone, and then he turned and left the meeting hall.


It's just that after entering the immortal rank, his bone fusion speed has been accelerated, and his cultivation base has grown faster, but Big Brother Bai has started to suppress his advancement speed. He is still a little puzzled, isn't the faster the better?Thinking about it now, it was probably because he was afraid that he would not be able to control too much power, so he suppressed him.

"When you return to the Fox Clan, let your ancestor Jiushao do it for you! I won't do it for you."

Simply said with a smile.

After hearing this, Bai Tuan jumped onto Jian Jian's knee, and immediately expressed his attitude:

"Fairy, let me do it! Who knows when I can go back, Baituan is going to practice outside now, I am so tall and mighty, and if I call Baituan again, other monsters should laugh at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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