Chapter 1979 A famous song

The simple arrival naturally attracted the attention of all parties in Mingzhou, not only because of her strength and beauty, but also because she was the elder of the Beiming family.

After all, the Beiming family is the commander in chief against the tide of sea beasts, and there is already a high-ranking elder from the Immortal King Realm sitting in charge. At this time, another elder from the Immortal King Realm came, and everyone guessed if something happened.

Bei Minghan had already received the news from the Second Elder, and knew that there would be a real change in the battle with the sea beast tomorrow, but he didn't know that Jian Jian actually came in person. It was obvious that the Second Elder did not inform on purpose.

After the two entered the cabin and sat down, Bei Minghan said:

"I just received the message from the Second Elder. I didn't expect Elder Jian to come so soon!"

"The disciples are fighting for their spirits. I don't need to spend too much time guiding them to practice. I just received an important message from the Human Gu, so I just came here directly."

He said with a simple smile, and then handed over the storage ring entrusted by the second elder to Bei Minghan.

"Before I came, the Eighth Elder had already begun to deploy manpower. To strengthen the defense of the entire Nether Continent, I came to support you."

Bei Minghan's face was still stern. After hearing the simple words, he just frowned and said:
"Mozhi has already set his sights on you. Let Gu deliberately spread the news. It must have bad intentions. You have to be careful."

Jianjian has already received the news from Zhima. Most of the people who gathered this time were mid-level sea beasts, and some high-level sea beasts were also mixed in. The densely packed sea beasts came rushing from a distance surrounded by turbulent waves.


Bei Mingzhi picked up the important ones, and briefly talked about the battle with the sea beast tide.

These news are simply known, but not particularly detailed. After listening to Bei Mingzhi's words today, I have a better understanding of the overall battle situation.

"How do you feel about fighting sea beasts in the past two years?"

Bei Mingzhi restrained his complacency, and said with a smile.

"Hehe! Just to be proud in front of Elder Jian. I'm still very low-key on weekdays. They can't envy them if they want to. This is my luck."

A piece of "Blue Sea Tide Birth Song" sounded over the entire sea area, and then everyone saw that the calm sea surface in front of their eyes began to turn up waves, from one, two to countless, and the waves were getting higher and higher. It became more and more violent, and with the power to destroy everything, it rushed towards the oncoming wave of sea beasts.

We have also practiced the battle formation that Elder Jian gave us before, and we can use it freely now. Using the battle formation, we blocked two groups of high-level sea beasts that sneaked around the sea ship. named. "

He said with a simple smile, and with a flash of his figure, he left the ship's defensive cover and stood in the air.

It's just that the third elder reminded us that there are uncertain factors mixed in this time, which may break the rules, so let us be cautious and always pay attention to the movements of sea beasts.

Bei Minghan nodded, simply knowing the importance, he would not say much, and then turned to the topic, talking about tomorrow's defense.

Asked simply and casually, since the first line of defense came, it is natural to care about the battle situation.

Bei Mingzhi said immediately.

"That's good! I remember, you will be reincarnated into the clan in these two days?"

The marshmallow immediately turned into a soft and white cloud. Supporting its owner, he simply sat cross-legged and took out the sword-shaped guqin that had not been used for a long time. He plucked lightly with his jade fingers, and a string of melodious piano sounds flowed out and spread out. far away.

I simply thought about it and asked.

If it was said that it was because of his cultivation talent and his direct lineage status before, now he earned it himself, and it was a recognition of his contribution to the family, not to be smug.

"Well, don't worry, the third elder said just now, after two days, our group of people who have returned will return to the clan with Elder Jian."

After everything was arranged properly, Jianjian also met Bei Mingzhi who came to thank her specially.

Bei Minghan directly threw the white piece in his hand back into the chess box, and the two disappeared into the boat room together.

"Third Elder, the moonlight is beautiful tonight. I'm a bit itch to play a song. Please appreciate it."

On the second day, starting from the rising of the sun, the combat immortals of all families in Mingzhou have increased their vigilance. While killing the low-level sea beasts step by step, they are paying attention to whether there are any abnormalities. They wait until the sunset and the moon rise. What's the difference? They had some doubts about the accuracy of Beiming's news, but they still didn't relax their vigilance.

Jian Jian sipped the fairy tea that Bei Mingzhi respected her, and said with a smile.

"Tsk, the arrangement of the third elder is really tight."

"Hurry up and put away your smug face, otherwise the other disciples of the Beiming family will want to beat you up."

Simply said with a smile.

"Be more vigilant tomorrow, maybe tomorrow's sea beast tide will break the rules."

Simply laughed and joked, and then reminded:

This guy is very proud of the spring breeze now, because he will simply invite him into Beiming's family. Not only will he get a reward, but the resource supply from the family will increase by [-]%. Swordsmanship is on the agenda, and although he is busy, he is getting more and more attention from the family.

The inspectors on the ship didn't find any abnormalities, and they were still inspecting everywhere as usual. When they saw their two immortals appearing, they immediately crushed a jade talisman. After five breaths, everyone took their positions.

"We are already familiar with the battle against the tide of sea beasts. In the past, low-level sea beasts charge first, which can be regarded as indirectly sending us resources. High-level sea beasts will not appear until the later stage. This is a common practice.

When Bei Mingzhi came to see Jianjian, he found that the entire defense line composed of sea ships was being adjusted in a small range, and the defense was strengthened. With the arrival of Elder Shang Jian, after listening to the other party's suggestions, he has basically confirmed that something big will happen tomorrow.

"Yes, Zhi understands!"

Jian Jian and Bei Minghan are playing chess on the chessboard, the two of them move their moves in a leisurely manner, and exchange chess moves from time to time, very patiently.

Until the moon was in the middle of the sky, after a sunspot fell, the phoenix eyes flashed, and he said directly:

"I know that the two of us are eager to kill each other now, but the time has not come, so we both chose to wait and see and hibernate. Of course, if there is a chance to cause trouble for each other, both of us will spare no effort to do it."

The sound of the zither is constant, the waves are endless, and the power of the law of the water system is simply integrated into the sound of the zither, allowing the sea beasts who dominate the sea to realize the power of nature for the first time.

The thick-skinned sea beasts either had their shells broken by the waves, or were swept into the deep sea by the waves, without even a chance to emerge, or they collided with their companions, and they also wanted to launch a counterattack, but compared with the entire sea area, , they also appear extremely small.

Under the bright moonlight, the entire sea area seemed to come alive, playing with all the sea beasts in his applause, and smashing the menacing sea beasts into pieces.

When the moon sets and the sun rises, the piano music ends, the sea surface returns to calm, the tide of sea beasts collapses, and Jian Jian becomes famous for this song.

(End of this chapter)

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