Chapter 1980 How about the truce
Simply put away the piano, and when he returned to the ship, Bei Minghan had already asked his family disciples to clean up the sea area, which were all resources.

"Elder Jian is really all-rounder, and his piano skills are so outstanding. I only heard Bei Mingzhi mention it once before, but I was lucky enough to listen to it today. It is really unforgettable for me."

Bei Minghan also gave a rare compliment.

"It's my honor to be able to be heard by the third elder! But my qin music is mediocre, lacking some artistic conception. After all, it is used to kill the enemy. It lacks some softness, and the killing is too heavy."

Simply laughing and self-exploiting his shortcomings.

When Bei Minghan lowered his eyes and thought about it, he understood the simple meaning, and the cold voice sounded again:

"But because of the battle with the Zerg? I remember that it was mentioned in the Jade Slip that there is a kind of Zerg called steel-winged bats, and the sound of the piano can disrupt the connection between them."


The two were about to return to the cabin, Bei Mingzhi hurriedly fell into the sea boat, cupped his hands and said to the two:
"Two elders, according to the pre-arrangement, our team stopped a group of high-level sea beasts, the Zeng family also stopped a group of high-level sea beasts, and the disciples of Ice and Snow Palace stopped the third group of high-level sea beasts. Attack the defensive cover of Nether Continent from three different directions.

Fortunately, we made arrangements in advance, and the defensive cover was not damaged. It took us some effort to take down those sea beasts. "

A fairy from the Ice and Snow Palace in a ferret cloak asked aloud, the admiration in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

With a flicker of Jian Jian's eyes, he waved his hand directly and imprisoned the sea beast with the power of space, and it was time for the sesame to play its role.

Bei Minghan's face turned cold again, and he said in a deep voice:

"Elder Beiming, what is this? Bugs? Are they controlling these high-level sea beasts?"

Jian Jian and Bei Minghan exchanged glances, it seemed that the news this time was very accurate, which saved them a lot of effort.

"Since it can't end early, how about a pause?"

Shui Zhen looked at the disgusting female fairy in front of her, and expressed that she was under a lot of pressure. They are now prisoners and have no capital to negotiate with them.

The previous Qiandai had already been kicked out of the sect by Wan Jianzong because of her stupid behavior. The family directly abolished her cultivation and sent her to the mortal world.

"The two elders, the ones who are alive are here, and some escaped. They should be involved in the waves."

Shui Zhen swallowed her saliva, and said with some difficulty:
"Please forgive me, Fairy, we don't have the ability to end the tide of sea beasts ahead of schedule."

"Elder Beiming means that these Gu worms have their own masters, and someone planned this unconventional attack behind the scenes."

Bei Mingzhi saw the eyes of the third elder of his family, touched his nose, smiled, and shut his mouth.

"Thank you, Elder Beiming!"

"Fairy, what do you want?"

Jian Jian said "tsk tut" in his heart, but he didn't expect the big popsicle to be quite lucky.

Bei Minghan just waved his hand, and went directly to the water prison where the sea beasts were held. Inside were all sea beasts of the sixth and seventh ranks, and there was even a jellyfish beast of the late seventh rank, which Bei Minghan personally caught.

Hearing this, Bei Minghan frowned, and didn't immediately agree, but simply regarded himself as the background board, and didn't say much, this is a matter of Mingzhou.

Simply standing on the front line of eating melons, he did not answer the fairy's question aloud, but also waited for Bei Minghan's explanation.


The disciples of the Zeng family and the people from the Ice and Snow Palace also communicated in low voices, analyzing the pros and cons of letting go of these high-level sea beasts, and finally turned their attention to Bei Minghan.

Simply make sure that these high-level sea beasts are manipulated by Mozhi's Human Gu.

Afterwards, the three of them went to a small island where the sea beasts were imprisoned. The disciples of the Zeng family and the Ice and Snow Palace hadn't left yet, and there were also many disciples of the Beiming family. After seeing the two elders of their own family, they immediately bowed their hands in salute.

Bei Mingzhi gave the report with a wink.

A quarter of an hour later, under the amazed eyes of everyone, the small black spots hidden deep in the sea beast's body were pulled out by sesame seeds, but the place where they came out made Jian Jian a little hard to say.

"Tsk tsk, these Gu worms are quite good at taking advantage of loopholes, knowing that the sea beast's skin is rough and thick, they actually followed the fart."

Xu Kuangshi sent a message to her about the result of this treatment, and it was probably revealed by Qianluo. He didn't want the Qian family and the Beiming family to turn against each other because of Qiandai.

"This is a Gu worm. It was only recently exposed. He enters the body of the sea beast and can control the sea beast, making it the puppet of the Gu worm master."

The sea beast in the water prison saw the person coming, and looked at Jian Jian and Bei Minghan with fear. These two were the most powerful of them all, especially the female fairy, who seemed to them to be quite disgusting.


"I gonna go see!"

Then he bowed his hands and saluted, and then continued:
"We are also involuntary. Now that we know the problem, we have to return to the deep sea and tell Neptune about this. I hope you can let us go."

"It is necessary to let it go, but we can't let it go like this. We have helped the sea beast so much, so we must give us something in return!"

At this time, the high-ranking sea beasts who have slowed down the gods have finished communicating in private, and sent the white jellyfish to negotiate. The other party turned into a tender-faced girl and said to Bei Minghan:
"Elder, thank you for helping us and removing hidden dangers for us. Shui Zhen thanked you all!"

And Bei Minghan turned his gaze to Jian Jian, and the cold voice sounded again in the water prison:
"Elder Jian, what do you think?"

The original words of Qianjia Patriarch are: Don’t you like love and love, don’t you want to practice hard?Then don't waste family resources, talk about love in the ordinary world, and it will be considered as the love of your thousands of disciples.

"Seeing that the Holy Mountain of Guixu is about to open, why don't we end the tide of sea beasts as soon as possible?"

If Jian Jian knew the thoughts of these sea beasts, he would definitely skin them. You can slander her with anything, but you can't slander her beauty.

He simply gathered the purple fox cloak on his body, and then said:

With a simple smile, he made a request.

The Zeng family's disciples reacted quickly, and a green-robed male Shangxian said immediately.

Bei Minghan took out two jade slips from the storage ring, and pushed them to a man and a woman who spoke just now, intending to let the families and sects who had seen the Gu worm know of the existence of the Gu worm, and he was going to share the news Spread out little by little.

Before Bei Mingzhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by a simple cough. Everyone saw it, so there was no need for him to explain.

After being said so simply, everyone also remembered that there is still less than a year before the Holy Mountain of Guixu will be opened, but because of the obstruction of the tide of sea beasts, no one from Thirteen Continents has sent anyone to go to the holy mountain of Persheng Sea. Mountain.

"This is detailed information about Gu insects. You can bring them back to your clan and sect. It's best to take precautions early."

The two accepted the jade slips and immediately agreed with them.

Ask simply in a negotiating tone.

Shui Zhen really doesn't know how to answer, can she still do it like this?Halfway through the fight, then stop, and wait for the holy mountain to be opened before continuing?
"I think it's still feasible to discuss it with Neptune. Please stay a few more days. We have written the message and please take it back."

Jian Jian said to Shui Zhen with a smile.

 Boys, three chapters will be presented first, and there will be more later, try to get more codes.

(End of this chapter)

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