Chapter 1981
After the two returned to the cabin, they simply sat down casually, played with the round fan in their hands, lowered their eyes and began to think about the feasibility of the truce with the sea beasts proposed earlier.

Bei Minghan looked at Jian Jian who was in deep thought, his eyes softened a little, put away the chessboard, started to brew lotus heart tea, and pushed the first cup of tea to Jian Jian.

At the same time, the good news that Mingzhou forced the sea beasts back temporarily also spread back to all the families and sects in the continent, and at the same time, there was also news about Gu insects, which surprised all the high-ranking immortals in Mingzhou. Unexpectedly, there was a pair of invisible hands pushing behind it.

Afterwards, I became a little angry. Did the owner of this Gu worm lose his mind? Even if it was for revenge, there was no need to involve the entire Thirteen Continents!Obviously uneasy and kind!
They still don't know that only Mingzhou, Danzhou and Qianzhou are being targeted for the time being, and the news that they simply communicated with Beiming's family all imply that this is a conspiracy against the entire Thirteen Continents.

In fact, their hints are also correct, but currently Mozhi doesn't have the ability to attack thirteen continents at the same time.

Kai Shance of Mozhou also received the news immediately, and he also supported the simple idea of ​​a temporary truce. After all, the Holy Mountain of Guixu is opened every 1 years. If you miss this time, you have to wait 1 years. Can you guarantee that the rising star of Qianyuan Immortal World will not replace your current position?
At the same time, there is also the allocation of resources, so the opening of Guixu Holy Mountain is the most important thing in Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

The few high-ranking sea beasts stayed in the water prison, and they were also very disturbed. After all, they were put together by unknown things and let them charge into the battle as cannon fodder. Just thinking about it made them grind their teeth in anger.

"Shui Zhen, do you think we have a chance to go back alive?"

Another sixth-level whale shark said.

"If we can make a statement and help the human race persuade Lord Neptune to temporarily truce, we may be able to go back alive."

"Okay, you say."

The other Thunderfish said helplessly.

For this kind of person who dares to think and dare to do, Beimingdi appreciates it very much. Fortunately, the other party is the elder of their Beiming family, and this strategy is a good thing for the entire Qianyuan fairy world.

Sesame squinted her small eyes, and her analysis was very thorough.

After Shui Zhen finished speaking, the entire water prison fell into silence, occasionally the sound of water waves could be heard.

"Well, you are right. The three continents of Mingzhou, Qianzhou, and Danzhou don't need to do anything. There are several big demon families in Mozhou and Nightmare Continent to block high-level sea beasts. Only the weight of these five continents is light, and a few more continents need to be added.

"Don't be so discouraged. I think that fairy should have a way. It's not easy for us to practice so far. Why give up the chance to live! Wait and see!"

After having a general idea in mind, Jian Jian said to Bei Minghan:

"Bei Minghan has already told us your idea, and after discussing it, I think it's feasible, but if you want the other three great families to cooperate, it's better for me to explain the situation."

I remember, you collected a lot of child Gu from Wan Jianzong and Beiming family disciples, can you put them on those high-level sea beasts? "

But simplicity is discussing with Zhima, she wants to use the hand of Haiwang to make the sea beasts controlled by Mozhi useless, at least not to stir up the Thirteen Continents, otherwise the Huangfu clan will definitely take advantage of the chaos and wait for an opportunity move, it will be trickier then.

"Okay, don't worry! I will take care of the line of defense, but you have to take the rotating personnel back."

"Third Elder, we may use this opportunity to bring about a truce, so as not to miss the opening of the Holy Mountain of Guixu. Just listen and see if it is feasible."

At a simple glance, not only did Bei Minghan come back two days late, even the Great Elder came, so he knew that her plan was probably going to be implemented, so he immediately got up and saluted:
"I have seen the Great Elder, how did I startle you!"

"Jian's idea is too bold, and the Great Elder is bothered!"

"okay, I get it."

"Now the origin of the Gu worms in Mingzhou has been understood, and everyone is tacitly aware of it, and those high-level sea beasts, as victims, naturally have the most say. Neptune, this boss should believe it, but if we let him temporarily truce, the chips are not enough."

"Now we have no bargaining chips. If we don't go back, we will become the human race's refining tools and alchemy materials. If we go back, we will be accused of betraying the race. It's all wrong. We might as well die in battle!"

Another fifth-level Thunderfish said.

After closing the mouth of the bottle, present it to the Great Elder simply and respectfully:
"This is the child Gu raised by human Gu. Now it has been controlled by my Immortal Gu, and it can be planted into the body of sea beasts according to the plan. After these specific sea beasts are caught, let the elders of several families put on a show, and they will Automatically leave the sea beast."

As the king of the sea, when he learns that the sea beast tide that he originally controlled was used by others, he will definitely not let it go. Temporarily stopping the sea beast tide and preventing Mo Zhi from continuing to use him is the first step. The second step is to find the culprit The culprit, otherwise I would lose face. "

As soon as Jian Jian rolled his eyes, he came up with this idea, and immediately asked Zhi Zhi for advice.

After taking the crucial sub-gu, Beimingdi disappeared in the sea boat in an instant, as if he had never appeared before.

"Yes, in order not to disturb Mozhi's Human Gu, I haven't refined those child Gu, and I can use them again. I'm afraid I can't do anything about the sea beasts above the seventh rank, but the sea beasts of the fifth and sixth ranks should be fine."

Great Elder Bei Mingdi said with a smile.

Bei Minghan knew that if Jian Jian was not sure, he would not talk to him, so he listened very carefully and would ask questions from time to time. It was already an hour after the two of them finished talking.

Three days later, Bei Minghan returned to the cabin, accompanied by the invisible Great Elder.

Shui Zhen swayed her tail and said in a low voice.

"But just a few of us, will Neptune believe it? Don't think that we have joined the human race and beat us back to our original shape."

Bei Minghan didn't procrastinate and said directly.

"What the master means is that if he attacks other high-level sea beasts in the Twelve Continents, they will also be controlled by Gu insects, so Mozhi uses Gu insects to control the tide of sea beasts.

After thinking for a while, Zhima replied cautiously.

"okay, I get it!"

Simple and Sesame Analysis Road.

After a simple salute, he rubbed the sesame seeds on his earlobes, and then took out a jade bottle from the storage bracelet. After opening the bottle cap, sesame seeds sent the sub-gu controlled by him into it, despite the fact that it was only about the size of a millet. , but there are hundreds of them.

"This matter needs the support of the clan, and it needs to be discussed with the other three aristocratic families. I will go back to the clan's land first, and Elder Jian will temporarily take over the sea defense line for me. I should be able to return tomorrow."

Bei Minghan nodded, got up and left the cabin, he was a man of action, since he had already made a decision, he took action immediately.

Only then did Bei Minghan speak:

"The elders praise you for being bold and careful, and only you can come up with such a method!"

"Didn't Mozhi secretly try to trick me? If that's the case, of course I have to pay back, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of the opportunity he gave me."

 Babies, today's fourth update is here, a fat chapter, see you tomorrow! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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