Chapter 1982
Bei Minghan and Jian Jian went to the water dungeon, and personally sent Shui Zhen and other high-level sea beasts away from the sea area of ​​Mingzhou, which made the high-level sea beasts feel very uneasy.

With a bright smile, he said softly to several sea beasts:
"Our two sides are at war now. Since you have been arrested, you would not be allowed to leave. It's just that some people's sinister intentions have been involved. I don't know how many of your sea beasts have fallen. In order to make the king of the sea take precautions, So we send you off in person.

I hope that after you go back to see Neptune, you can tell her the matter. It is best to suspend the tide of sea beasts, and it will not be too late to fight after the troubles are resolved. We believe that neither side likes to be led by the nose by dark people. "

After speaking briefly, he turned over the round fan in his hand, and a jade slip quietly lay on the round fan, and handed it to Shui Zhen.

Shui Zhen immediately rolled up the jade slip, and after putting it away, she immediately expressed her opinion:

"Fairy, don't worry, what we have experienced ourselves, we will naturally report to the king truthfully."

After finishing speaking, they immediately sank into the sea, fearing that if they were too late, the other party would regret it and would not let them leave.

The high-level sea beast that sank into the sea disappeared in the sea outside Nether Continent in an instant.

Watching these sea beasts leave, Bei Minghan said in a deep voice:
"Will they take Yu Jian back?"

"If they can't bring the jade slips to King Hai, they can use their own death to explain directly to their king!"

To be honest, if the Beiming family does not stand on her side, this plan cannot be implemented. After all, she is just a guest elder of the Beiming family. The cooperation of the big family is still not convincing.

It's just that before we rushed up, we encountered an ambush, and those human immortals who helped us were also arrested. It didn't look like they were acting, but they seemed to be prepared.

Moreover, when we were under control that day and were about to sneak into Nether Continent, someone inside Nether Continent came to meet us and even opened the back door for us.

Simply smiled and chatted with Bei Mingying for a few words, then returned to Jianyue Peak, and then really had to wait, not only Beiming's family, but also the other three great families that Beimingdi personally went to.

Shui Zhen and other high-level sea beasts all turned into half-human figures, with their heads lowered, not daring to look at their king.

She is now more and more admirable of simplicity, she can always find a point to counterattack in an unfavorable situation, and she is bold enough, and the methods and strategies she proposes are also tricky enough, fully considering the situation, advantages and disadvantages of both parties, She personally felt that the plan had a great chance of success.

"it is good!"

After hearing this, Bei Minghan knew that Jian Jian had tampered with these high-level sea beasts.

Bei Mingying said with a smile.

Sea King raised his hand and crushed the black Gu worms, she decided to wait and see what happened.

First Nether Continent, then Qian Continent, and Dan Continent also sent back similar news. This time, the batch of high-level sea beasts came back without their lives, and after being directly strangled, they became the cultivation resources of the human race.

Back at Beiming’s home, I went to the Elder’s Hall to hand in the task, and happened to meet Bei Mingying sitting in the town, she helped clear the task, and then praised:

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said coldly.

"I am also looking forward to success, so that I will have the opportunity to enter the Holy Mountain of Guixu and experience the elegance of the Holy Mountain."

"Elder Jian is humble! But if the truce is really brought about, the entire fairy world will probably accept our Beiming family as a favor."

"I see, you go down first!"

The ethereal and melodious female voice sounded in the cave, and the few sea beasts who were waiting next breathed a sigh of relief.

The subordinates dare not talk nonsense, but the actions of the few of us to attack the Nether Continent are really strange. This time, there are even human races inside to support them. The subordinates are willing to swear the oath of heaven and have never colluded with the human race. Why do these Can people appear there accurately and open the door of convenience for us? "

"Wang, the few of us were indeed counted, but the one who controlled us and the one who captured us were not the same group, and through the words of the other party, it can be confirmed that the person who released the Gu worm to control us has an enmity with the one who captured us.

After reading the jade slips brought back by Shui Zhen, the king of the sea above was silent for a while, which made the atmosphere of the whole cave more and more dull.

"Elder Jian, it's hard work for you to sit on the sea defense line for me. I'm back now, so you can go back to your family and wait for news!"

Simple and not refusing, the idea that should be made has already been made, the hole that should be dug has been dug, the sea beast that should be sent away has also been sent away, and the rest can only be waited for the reaction of Neptune, so she left very quickly. deft.

"Elder Jian, if you can really force the tide of sea beasts to stop this time, you will be the first to do it."

Haiwang waved his hand and asked Shui Zhen to go down. She still didn't believe such a coincidence. She was more inclined to fight among the human races. She just wanted to use her to solve the other party, so she would not make a decision lightly. .

The sea beast tide once every 3000 years is an unwritten agreement between us and the human race. It is not only for experience but also to reduce the consumption of cultivation resources, but this has never happened.

In a reef cave in the deep sea, it was as bright as day at this time, and fist-sized night pearls were inlaid on the reef wall, covering the entire cave. At this time, the cave was surprisingly quiet, only a few aquatic plants were gently swaying.

Shui Zhen thought for a while, and said all her discoveries and doubts. Neptune has always been suspicious, and she dared not hide anything.

The other sea beasts also nodded in agreement, until they were caught, they were a little confused, not knowing why they acted privately, and it was without the order of the sea king.

After all, Haiwang asked aloud.

"Are you sure you haven't been tricked by the human race? Didn't the human race deliberately play for you?"

However, shortly after Shui Zhen returned to the deep sea, she received news from the front that all the mid-level and high-level sea beasts participating in the battle had acted privately, and even attacked their own race, which made Haiwang's face darken again.

"I don't dare to take the credit. Although I came up with the idea, I also took advantage of Mozhi's desire to deceive me. In addition, if there is no strong support from the family, even if the elders come forward in person, even if I speak out, those families will You won’t believe me either. If it’s the first achievement, it must be the Beiming family!”

The Demon Continent and the Nightmare Continent also strangled many sea beasts that did not attack according to the plan. The Demon Clan even summoned Neptune to question whether they wanted to break the routine and officially enter the state of death or death?
The angry Sea King almost gritted his silver teeth, but he couldn't explain it, because the attacking mid-level and high-level sea beasts did attack against her orders.

Afterwards, Fengzhou, Yanzhou, Lingzhou, and Jianzhou all sent back similar news, but these continents neither released any abnormal sea beasts, nor sent messages to communicate with Neptune.

Instead, he directly strangled the mid-level and high-level sea beasts that were secretly attacking, raised his combat level in an all-round way, and began to mobilize immortals from all over the continent. , and even began to advance to the deep sea.

Neptune realized that there was indeed a problem with this tide of sea beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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