Chapter 1983 Sea Beast Ebb Tide
Neptune is not stupid, no matter what happened to the sea beast tide was a conspiracy of the human race, or their infighting affected the sea beast tide, but it was his subordinates who really suffered the loss, and it is not known how many sea beasts were secretly controlled.

If it really messed up the Thirteen Continents and touched the nerves of the human race, it would not be a restrained battle between the two sides, it would really be a life-and-death battle, and the sea beasts would not necessarily suffer, but what about in the future?

You must know that although sea beasts reproduce very quickly, they can really grow to the seventh or eighth level, which is unique in a million. The most important thing is that it takes time, but the human race is different. Even if they are weak, they can use talismans, fairy artifacts, Battle arrays, and elixir to replenish losses at any time.

Neptune is very sure that before the low-level sea beasts grow into high-level sea beasts, most of them will become the cultivation resources of the human race. What she has to consider is the future of the sea beasts, not the relief of the momentary anger in front of her.

In the end, before the battle of the entire tide of sea beasts developed in an even weirder direction, the king of the sea ordered the sea beasts to retreat. This two-and-a-half-year sea beast tide retreated under the surprised eyes of everyone in Thirteen Continents!
Sea King is also ruthless. After she ordered the withdrawal, the sea beasts that did not return as scheduled were all killed by the high-level sea beasts she sent alone. At least they made a contribution to their own group, so that they could send materials to them.

This move shocked the mid-level and high-level sea beasts. Why did the sea king do this?

At this time, Shui Zhen took the few sea beasts who were lucky enough to come back alive, and immediately began to explain the wise decision of Sea King, explaining vividly and vividly, and guiding those sea beasts with underdeveloped brains to think carefully, is it during the tide of sea beasts? , There are high-level sea beasts that do not obey orders and act privately.

Only then did these sea beasts realize that there was a problem among them, and then hurriedly returned to their lair and began to investigate the black sheep in the clan.

It is credit to them to find out by themselves, if they are found out by the king, it may implicate their entire group, and the deep sea became lively for a while, each of them was in danger, and was always alert to the abnormal behavior of the same group around him.

Among the Thirteen Continents, apart from Qingzhou, Fengzhou, and Liangzhou, which were not involved, the high-level powerful immortals in the other continents knew what was going on, but no one told the Jingzhou Huangfu clan.

The tide of sea beasts receded. Half of the sea beasts he controlled through human gu were strangled by the human race, and half were strangled by the sea beasts themselves. He lost the help of the sea beasts and was caught off guard.

Jian Jian was the first to receive the news, and she immediately asked Zhima to take back the Zi Gu planted on several high-level sea beasts in Shuizhen. Zhima was still a little unhappy, because these were all his prey.

A series of coughing sounds came out, and black blood flowed out of Human Gu's mouth continuously, but his face softened a lot. After a while, the other party raised his head, looked at the gloomy Mozhi, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Perhaps. Fairy Jian and her Immortal Gu. From the very beginning, I didn't believe that my surrender was just using me! You are my master, you can kill me with just one thought, and you know. All my thoughts, Fairy Jian Accumulating Immortal Gu, how could she not know?"

After speaking, he straightened his chest.

"You trash, you can't even do this thing well! Did you reach an agreement with Na Jian in private and want to get rid of me!!!"

Bai Tuan shook his nine snow-white fox tails and said with a smile.

"I am a human Gu who holds my soul in your hands, how can I betray you, maybe if you let me tell the other party the news, they will know that it is your trap, so I will use my tricks!
It's ridiculous that you can't calculate others, but you find me to vent. My every move is done according to your orders. You, the master, know what I think best. Why do you blame me? "

"Yes, master (fairy)!"

Those sea beasts that were strangled for simplicity made him even more heartbroken now. Now that Sea King is on guard, he can no longer secretly plant Gu worms. How can this keep him from being annoyed, and human Gu is the object of his anger.

At this time, Mo Zhi was in that black cage, torturing Human Gu, the young man's face was full of ferociousness, looking at the Human Gu whose wailing sound was weakening, but the anger in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"Okay, I'll call you Jiuhuan again when someone from outside comes. You haven't answered my question yet, are you out of Jian Yuefeng?"

After a brief glance at Zhima, Zhima nodded reluctantly, letting Zi Gu get away from the sea beasts without a sound.

And Jingzhou suffered the most, especially the Huangfu royal family, there were countless casualties, the outer city and the inner city disciples were completely opposed, and the most important thing was the death of Huangfushan's natal Gu, which made their situation worse.

The two responded immediately.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Simply put.

With a small ginseng on his head, Jiu Huan also came to join in the fun and said:

"Now that the tide of sea beasts has receded, it is estimated that the Beiming family will set off soon to head to the Holy Mountain of Guixu in Pasheng Sea. We may not come back after we leave this time. You should also be prepared."

He briefly glanced at Jiu Huan and asked directly.

"Bai Tuan, you left Jian Yuefeng?"

Simplicity is obviously to prevent Jiu Huan from changing the subject.

As soon as Jiu Huan heard it was simple, he still called him by his nickname. After scratching his ears, he said:
"Fairy, you have to call me Jiuhuan, so that you can show my might."

"Fairy, we only watched the excitement at the foot of the mountain for a while, and didn't leave Jianyue Peak. If you're not here, if something really happens, we don't even have anyone to call the shots. We're not stupid."

And the dying Human Gu was finally thrown to the ground like a rag.

"Fairy, the Beiming family is very lively now. I saw that many families have sent invitations, and the summoning talisman is flying all over the peak, and your young disciples have all received the summoning talisman."

Human Gu's words were intermittent at the beginning, but later words became more coherent.

"They are the sea beasts who persuaded Neptune. If something goes wrong with them, Neptune will definitely suspect that our human races have joined forces to do the game. It will be counterproductive. We will walk in a chic way and leave the mess to Qianyuan Immortal Realm. It's not kind."

Mo Zhi's harsh voice echoed in the air.

After Ren Gu finished speaking, he raised his head to reveal his own face exactly the same as Mo Zhi's, with a weird smile on his face, as if mocking Mo Zhi's incompetence, so he could only get angry at him here.

After Mozhi was ridiculed, he calmed down instead, because he felt the incomparable joy in the human gu's heart, and laughed at his helplessness, even a female fairy in the fairy king realm couldn't deal with it, so he only knew how to find a sense of presence in him, and calculated For so long, nothing has been obtained.

"Hmph! I'll let you live a few more days, and I'll kill the Fairy Jane you're talking about!"

Immediately Mozhi sneered, and with a light wave of his hand, the weird red runes on Human Gu's limbs and neck reappeared, this time no matter how painful it was, Human Gu did not let out a scream.

 Dear children, first two chapters will be uploaded, and there will be two more chapters to be uploaded after dinner, please wait a moment!Going to Guixu Holy Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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