Chapter 1985 Once and for all

Bai Daze looked upright, and he expected to be easily noticed, so he was not surprised by her question, and nodded directly.

"Tsk, it seems that the fortune has been pulled down a bit this time!"

Simply turning the newly acquired colorful snow lotus fan in his hand, he said indifferently.

Bai Daze didn't nod this time, but he didn't deny it either.

Simply looking at the other party's expression, he already had a rough guess, and he grinned at Bai Daze, then turned and went back to the cabin.

Bai Daze could only swallow the words that came to his lips, and turned his head to see Bai Tuan who was squinting at him with fox eyes.

"Brother Bai, is Fairy in great trouble this time?"

Bai Tuan asked seriously.

"Some tricky!"

Bai Daze told the truth.

"Can I help the fairy?"

Bai Tuan was a little anxious, but asked patiently.

"Your cultivation base is not enough, just don't hold back when the time comes, and leave the rest to the fairy! She should be able to deal with it."

Bai Daze said softly.

Because just now, the simple luck has changed again, but this time it is in a good direction. Although he didn't say anything, his recent performance has already indirectly reminded the other party, and the rest of him also It's not easy to intervene.

In the following days, Jian Jian seemed to know nothing. He continued to drink tea and play chess. When he had time, he would point out the formation of Baituan. Insufficient, but it has benefited these disciples a lot.

Entering the inner circle of Pasheng Sea, the originally sunny weather suddenly changed drastically, with lightning and thunder, and the raging sea churning, it seemed that everything staying on the sea surface would be smashed to pieces before giving up.

"Master, he is here!"

Zhima has recently been energized by 12 points, and his spiritual consciousness has been covering the entire Pasheng Sea. When the human gu revealed a trace of breath to remind him, he also sensed the other party, so he immediately told Jian Jian.

"Third Elder, take good care of the disciples of the Beiming family, and I will return as soon as I go."

Simply stood up and said to Bei Minghan who was on the side.

"But the other party is here?"


Immediately, Jian Jian didn't wait for the other party's answer, and disappeared into the boat room in a flash.

Since receiving Bai Daze's indirect reminder that day, she gave up her previous plan to kill Mozhi, and chose another method.

When the simple figure flashed, her manjusawa realm spread along with it, spreading to the entire sea area, followed closely by the marshmallow, which turned into a red cloud this time , making the Manjusawa realm more agile.

Mo Zhi didn't expect that this woman boldly opened the realm before he made a move. He really thought that he, the Demon King, was a fake. In the next breath, his figure also appeared in the sky of lightning and thunder.

"It's now!"

The moment the simple divine sense locked onto the opponent, a bright light flashed between the brows, and the life-saving talisman that had been ready to go was activated immediately, locking onto Mo Zhi's figure, and the overbearing chaotic sword shadow slashed straight at the somewhat blurred Mo Zhi. immature.

At this moment, Mo Zhi felt the threat of death, the power of that sword was not something he could bear, how could it be possible?The opponent actually has the strength of the Immortal Emperor Realm!This is impossible!
Mo Zhi persuaded himself over and over again, the veins on his forehead popped out, he raised his hand with difficulty to catch the human Gu, and wanted to let the human Gu die for him, and now the eldest brother is his substitute Gu.

It's not that he doesn't want to hide, but that the sword has already locked on him, and the coercion of the Immortal Emperor Realm makes him unable to move at all. Being able to pull the human Gu out of the space has exhausted all the magic power in his body.

All of this did not escape the simple divine sense, a look of disdain flashed across her phoenix eyes, and she directly ordered:
"Sesame, help Ren Gu get out of that body!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhima received the order, and circles of golden light radiated from her body, using the sub-gu released by the human gu, directly dragged the soul of the human gu into the sub-gu.

The human gu aura in Mozhi's hands weakened rapidly in the next breath, and the other party was also cruel. Before Mozhi gave the command of the soul, he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the black spot between the eyebrows. Absolutely.

And the sword shadow has arrived, first smashing the human Gu in Mo Zhi's hand, then Mo Zhi's arm, and then spreading to the whole body.

"Ah!" Mo Zhi's shrill scream resounded through the night sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder, which made people's scalp go numb.

Mozhi is still resisting, he is drawing the power of all the people who have been infected by the seed Gu, just to preserve his soul, he is not reconciled, he has already made up his mind, he will draw the power of all the hosts of the seed Gu into his body, and then Even if he failed to attack the Demon Emperor Realm with all his strength, it would be easy to kill him easily, but it was a pity that the opponent did not give him this chance.

"Master, he is extracting the power of the host and using up the power of the life-saving talisman!"

"You do the opposite! Anyway, his cultivation base is not obtained from serious cultivation, so it should be returned to others!"

Instructed simply and indifferently.

"Yes, master! Let me show you what Zhima is capable of!"

Sesame definitely worked hard this time, and even used the fairy crystals that he had previously privately hidden. With the help of the weak aura of the human gu, he began to extract the power from Mozhi's body in reverse. Insufficient, was shattered by the sword shadow.

The simple boundary has already enveloped the entire Pasheng Sea, and also cut off Mozhi's retreat.

Standing on the deck, Bei Minghan looked at the blooming manjusawa on the sea, feeling extremely anxious in his heart, but still ordered himself to calm down. There were disciples of Beiming's family behind him, but the coercion emanating unconsciously made Beiming All the disciples stayed away, only Bai Daze stood calmly on the deck.

In the Thirteen Continents, immortals, magicians, and demons experienced abnormalities one after another. First, their cultivation bases fell without any signs, and when they were almost dying of old age, their cultivation bases inexplicably began to recover, and even began to surpass their current cultivation bases.

And the same situation happened on the ships of other families and sects going to Pasheng Sea, which made the elders of the leaders change their faces, and they were about to help the elite disciples of the family to stabilize their cultivation. recovery, and even growth.

It stopped when it continued to increase by one level and attracted thunder, and then a black Gu worm flew out of the disciple's heart automatically, and turned into fly ash when it landed. They all knew it well, and immediately followed the last remaining power, rushed to the Zhongwei of Pashenghai, and saw the blooming manjusawa.

Mo Zhi didn't even keep her own soul, and was finally annihilated under the shadow of the sword of chaos, completely disappearing between heaven and earth.

Seeing the opponent annihilate, Jian Jian didn't put away the realm, but held the Soul Beating Whip in his hand, and with a light wave, countless whip shadows fell on every corner of the realm, leaving no dead corner, even She will not let the remnant soul go.

Sure enough, under the cover of the Soul Beating Whip, another ray of remnant soul was forced out, and after the remnant soul dissipated, Jian Jian opened his hand and put away his realm.

At that time, the sea surface had also returned to calm, the clouds scattered and the thunder rested, and under the sky full of stars, the simplicity of the manju sahua cassock was very eye-catching.

 Babies, Mozhi has received the lunch box!The heroine is actively preparing to return to the Seven Squares Fairyland, and she will definitely go back this month, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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