Chapter 1986 The Hateful Person
After Bei Minghan saw that Manzhushahua's boundary was put away, he explained a few words to Bei Mingzhi who was looking around vigorously, and then came to Jianjian's side in a flash, and asked with concern:

"Any injuries?"

"No! I used a life-saving talisman!"

He said with a simple smile, then raised his hand to lightly brush between his eyebrows, and the forehead ornament that sealed the last attack disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

The leading elders who were watching around saw that Jian Jian was standing in the air unharmed, and beside him was the third elder of the Beiming family. They caught it.

"Elder Jian, did you strangle Mozhi just now? Are you injured? Among the disciples of our family's trip to the holy mountain this time, two elite disciples' cultivation levels dropped suddenly, and then recovered, and even improved. I don't know if it's because of you?"

The tall and strong Kai Shance took a step forward and was the first to ask.

Because Kai Shance has not interrupted and simply communicated, he knew that Mozhi would definitely look for an opportunity to make a move on this trip to the Holy Mountain of Guixu, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to lead the team himself.

Even though they took precautions in every possible way, there were still two disciples in the top [-] of the "Tianweibang" in the Weishan family who were parasitized by Gu insects, so he was the fastest to follow the breath. The attack talisman of the Demon King Realm bestowed by the ancestor must kill Mo Zhi, the culprit.

Fortunately, simplicity is still very powerful. It really killed Mozhi. It is estimated that except for a few aristocratic families and big sects like Wan Jianzong, everyone else was kept in the dark, so he directly stood up and asked the elders In other words, he knows the inside story, so the questions he asks are critical and not sharp, so that he can answer them easily.

Simple and natural, he bowed his hands to the leading elders around him, and then said succinctly:
"Mozhi has already been strangled by me. Just now, the cultivation bases of the disciples of various families and sects have dropped and increased suddenly. It is because Mozhi manipulated the Gu worms planted in the disciples' bodies to transfer the cultivation bases of these people into his own body. The increase in cultivation level will kill me!

Later, because of the betrayal of the human Gu that he had cultivated, his cultivation base did not increase but decreased, and the situation described by the Demon Monarch Kuishan appeared. "

Some of the elders nodded, some were puzzled, some still didn't seem to believe it, and some were a little conspiratorial, thinking that things should not just be based on simple one-sided statements.

For this kind of reaction, Jian Jian felt that it was normal. Since she had done the matter, she would naturally give an explanation to the people in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and then she transmitted the sound transmission Zhima to release the sub-gu that hides the soul of the human gu.

Everyone looked at the little black dot held by Jian Jian in their palms, and they were all thoughtful, Jian Jian didn't make a fool of himself, and said directly:
"I only know half of the whole story. What I really know is this human gu. It is because of his existence that the lives of all the elite disciples can be saved. Now let him explain it himself!"

A weak soul phantom slowly emerged from the body of the black child Gu, with the same boyish face as Mo Zhi, except for the gray hair and dull eyes, making everyone sure that this was not Mo Zhi's soul.

"You make a long story short, there is not much time left for you!"

Said simply and lightly.

The soul phantom bowed to Jian Jian, and then turned to the big brothers standing in the void, and said hoarsely:

"I am Mo Zhi, the real Mo Zhi! The man who occupied the magpie's nest is my twin brother!

We are twin brothers of the same mother, but because I have a good cultivation talent, I am hardworking, and my cultivation base has improved very quickly, so my parents pinned their family's hopes on me and almost all their resources on me body.

Because of my aptitude, my younger brother's improvement in cultivation is slower than mine. Fortunately, he is very talented in domesticating fairy beasts and monsters. If the family continues to develop slowly like this, the family will definitely get better and better. It's just that the parents want to make the family stronger and faster. Arise, and let the two of us become one.

I became the heir to the family who was praised by everyone as having good aptitude, diligent cultivation, and talent for taming animals. From then on, when I was active in front of people, my younger brother became my shadow, and I could only live in my shadow forever .

In order to improve his beast taming skills, he found a way to control fairy beasts and monsters by accumulating Gu worms in a fragment of his family's collection.

I don't know how much thought and time he spent on researching Gu insects. Finally, after I was seriously injured and rescued back to the clan, he said he had a way to save me, and then turned me into a human Gu, and it was a Gu that only obeyed his orders. Worm, through the master-servant contract, he directly absorbed my cultivation and became me.

And I, who was forced to become a human Gu, turned into a walking dead after being deprived of my cultivation base. I began to accumulate child Gu, planted on the demon immortal he selected, and deprived others of their cultivation base little by little, all the way. Let him cultivate to the Demon King Realm, and I have been guilty of many crimes.

I don't want to die. He said that I owe him this. He doesn't even have a name. He will always be my substitute. Even my parents take it for granted. He hates us and our family!

If it weren't for us and the family, he would be an ordinary demon cultivator, working hard to pursue his own way, instead of becoming a stepping stone for me and the family.

Until Fairy Jane appeared, she discovered the Zi Gu that I had planted on the fairies, she found my existence along the way, and reached a deal with me, I took back all the Zi Gu released, and the fairy helped me to escape! "

Zhenmozhi's voice became smaller and smaller, and his spirit became more and more transparent. Amid the slight sound of waves, he told the reason why the two brothers had turned against each other.

Simply raised his hand and flicked a golden light of merit to envelop the weak soul, and began to wash away the bloody sins on the soul.

Seeing this scene, the leading elder of the Xiling family's eyes flashed. It was obvious that this was the reason why the other party was willing to betray Yuan Mozhi.

Immortal Wan Heng sighed helplessly. Some things cannot be clarified with a single sentence of right and wrong. They are always caused by greed. If you let the youngest son pay, I'm afraid the final outcome will not be like this.

"Third Elder, please protect me."

Simply whispered to Bei Minghan who was standing beside him.

Bei Minghan nodded immediately.

Jian Jian then sat cross-legged on the marshmallow, took out the sword-shaped guqin again, placed it on his knees, plucked it with his jade fingers, and this time played "Burial Soul".

The sound of the Guqin resounded throughout the Basheng Sea. From the sadness and anger at the beginning, to the calmness and relief later, the sound of the piano soothed the demon's transparent soul.

After burning a stick of incense, Bianhua flowers competed to open in the air, and then a tall black arch appeared, and two figures, one black and one white, stepped out of the door and asked without anger and prestige:

"Who summoned the gate of reincarnation?"

(End of this chapter)

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