Chapter 1989 The Law of Time
The four guarding elders stood around the main peak of the holy mountain, making a formula with both hands, injecting the power of immortality, magic, and demon into the formation pattern protecting the holy mountain. After all 200 people entered the holy mountain, it was closed. At the entrance, the holy mountain became quiet again.

The four of them fell into an inconspicuous hill in the Guixu Sacred Mountain Range. There was a thatched hut that looked like a peach blossom garden halfway up the mountain. The four of them sat down directly under the crooked neck tree in front of the house.

"This year is much more lively than the last time the holy mountain was opened."

The only female elder among the four said.

"Indeed, there is another fairy from Outland on the list, have you seen it?"

Jiu took off his wine gourd a long time ago, took a sip of the wine happily, and then answered. He always felt that the female fairy looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"I see, she is a great beauty. I just stared at her twice, and she immediately turned back to look in my direction sensitively!"

The female elder said with a smile.

"The news they brought this time is also very exciting. The jade slip that Jiu Lao showed us before is really known by others."

The four mountain guard elders immediately talked about the latest news they received.

If it is simple here, you will be able to recognize at a glance that the wine old man who never leaves his hand is the Luo Tian Shangxian she met in the sealed secret realm last time, but the other party's current cultivation base has reached the level of the queen of the fairy emperor. The environment is only one step away from ascension.

But it was because of the simple confirmation of the news in the jade slip that the four elders who guarded the mountain suppressed their cultivation, and guarded the holy mountain of Guixu for another 1 years. They did not ascend without any worries until the battle with the Zerg was over. God Realm, these are all things for later, at this time the four of them have already discussed the matter of delaying the ascension.

Here it is simple step by step, measure the height of the holy mountain with your own steps, and walk towards the top of the holy mountain at a constant speed.

Bei Minghan also kept the same pace with Jian Jian. As for the Bei Mingsi Immortal King who had met Jian Jian, he just nodded coldly to the two of them and disappeared on the way to the top of the mountain.

Three days later, the distance between people with different cultivation levels widened.

After another seven days, the people who entered the holy mountain had already separated. Although they were still walking towards the top of the mountain, they went in different directions.

Jian Jian finally separated from Bei Minghan, she was walking in the thick white mist at this time, and with Zhima and Liu Chuan accompanying her, she didn't feel lonely.

The day before Jiu Huan and Bai Daze entered the holy mountain, she took them back into the boundary stone space and began to fuse the remaining skeletons of the Huantian fox. With Bai Daze watching, she felt relieved.

How long you can stay in the Holy Mountain this time, and what you can comprehend, all depends on your own chances. If you comprehend it, you can leave early. go out.

After walking for another three days, she was enveloped by the oncoming icy air. She didn't break through forcefully, and sat on the ground directly, summoning the "Ice Spirit" hidden in the root of the ice spirit, and began to understand the law of ice Power.

Because the "Ice and Snow Dance" she practiced has entered the fifth floor, so Bing Ling has gained a lot of weight under the accumulation of ice element energy. The most important thing is that she is more agile and smarter. Cooperate with simple exercises to improve your cultivation.

When Simplicity and "Ice Spirit" merge into one, the body becomes extremely light, like a crystal snowflake, wrapped in wind and snow, floating between the sky and the earth, with a graceful and graceful figure, like an elf in the snow, waiting for Simple to leave In this situation, we have already reached the top of the mountain.

She simply closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the top of the mountain she saw in her eyes had been divided into many different spaces by invisible transparent ripples. She only had a little bit of divine consciousness, and she had the power of five or six laws. flashed by.

Dazzling the simplicity, she forced herself to concentrate and use her innate magical powers to slow down the changing speed of the power of many laws that passed her eyes, and then captured the power of the law of time without the slightest hesitation. In a flash, he entered the time law space.

The moment she entered, Jian Jian found that her bone age was increasing rapidly. In the short time of three breaths when she sat cross-legged, 500 years passed by in a flash.

The power of the law of time envelops simplicity, and her bone age continues to increase and decrease. Pressing down on the anxiety in her heart, Simple uses her talent and supernatural powers to the extreme, and begins to observe the trajectory of time.

Lines of time are imprinted on Jian's pupils, fleeting, rushing past in the same direction, Jian Jian tries to attach his consciousness to the lines of time, and then calms down to walk with time.

If there are outsiders watching, they will find the figure sitting cross-legged, flickering, always changing between virtual and real, and although her appearance has not changed at all, but the bone age is still increasing, but slowly, The rate of increase is slowing.

The growth of bone age slowed to the extreme, and finally stopped, and Jian Jian also survived the first stage of understanding time. At this time, the outside world has passed five years, some people have left the holy mountain one after another, and some people have fallen into comprehension and cannot extricate themselves.

Simply raising his hand, he accurately grasped the line of time, and then let the time flow away from his hand, and then he found that he was already [-] years old, and suddenly his face was a little dark!
Although she doesn't want to admit it, she really cares about her age, because she comprehends the power of the law of time, and her bone age is [-] years old for no reason. Still very unhappy.

Jian Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and began to try to manipulate the power of time, which is more difficult than comprehending the power of time. This time, she completely put herself in time, closed her five senses, and made herself a part of time, and then tried to Turn back time.

At the beginning, it is simple to control the time back for one breath, and then slowly increase, five breaths, a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, half an hour, and an hour.
Five years passed in a blink of an eye, and Jian Jian was sent out of the top of the holy mountain in an unconscious state. Immediately afterwards, the sky was struck by lightning and thunder, and a thick cloud of robbery quickly formed above her head. Thunder robbed.

But Jian Jian was still unaware, supported by marshmallows, hanging cross-legged in the air, trying to reverse time over and over again, even because she left a specific comprehension space, she was promoted to the Immortal King Realm with the help of the power of reverse time The strength is spreading to all around.

The most obvious is the robbery cloud above the head, gathering and dispersing, then reuniting again, switching back and forth in time forward and backward, making other onlookers dumbfounded.

The four elders guarding the mountain sensed the abnormal change of time at the first time. With a flash of their figures, they surrounded Jian Jian in the middle, and then began to close the space, preventing the time reversal technique from expanding its scope of influence.

And Zhima was about to die of anxiety, the tribulation thunder above his head rang once in a while, and then scattered again, he was a little numb, and was trying to call Jianjian through the contract seal, couldn't he survive the tribulation well?
Also anxiously paying attention to the simple one, there are still the elders and disciples of the Beiming family.

 Babies, there are four chapters today!See you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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