Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1990 Advancement to Immortal King

Chapter 1990 Advancement to Immortal King
"Third Elder, what happened to Elder Jian? Jielei gathered and then dispersed, and then dispersed again! She didn't seem to notice anything."

Bei Mingzhi pinched the folding fan in his hand and asked worriedly.

"Elder Jian should have fallen into a deep comprehension, and he hasn't left the state of comprehension for the time being, so he didn't feel the gathering of thunder."

Bei Minghan frowned slightly, and was also paying attention to the simplicity of sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

The disciples of the Beiming family were more competitive this time. Fifteen of the top 15 people on the list all successfully entered the holy mountain. They left the holy mountain one after another within ten years. The same is true for the Immortal King of Meditation.

At this time, he has withdrawn from comprehension and is paying attention to the simple situation. In the past ten years, after comprehension, it has happened from time to time for the immortals who left the holy mountain to cross the catastrophe. She is outside, so there are many people who pay attention to her.

"Master! Master! Wake up quickly, you are about to cross the tribulation! This is your immortal king's tribulation! I can't bear it. Master! Master!"

Sesame persisted in calling for simplicity, hoping that she would get out of this state as soon as possible.

The four elders who guarded the mountain have used the power of space to temporarily isolate the simple, preventing the power of time from spreading, and the Jielei also gathered together again. When he didn't react, he quickly fell down.

Lei Jie entered her body, and Jian Jian, who was immersed in comprehension, trembled unconsciously. With the power of Jie Lei scurrying around in her body, her fingers moved slightly, and she began to slowly withdraw from that mysterious and mysterious state.

Sesame sticks firmly on Jian Jian's earlobe, and continues to wake Jian Jian, but because Liu Chuan did not form a bond with Jian Jian, he automatically detached from his wrist when Jie Lei gathered. .

At this time, he had already retreated to the edge of Jielei, turned into a human form, looked anxiously at Jieyun above Jianjian's head, and found that Jielei quickly fell after gathering again, as if he was dissatisfied because he was interrupted many times before.

When Jielei destroyed the meridian all the way and entered the dantian, the yin-yang Taiji disc rotated rapidly, absorbing the power of thunder and lightning around the disc, and Jian Jian was fully awake in Zhima's persistent cry.

"Master! Master! Wake up!"

Zhima's voice had already started to tremble, because he saw that the second tribulation thunder had landed, and in the next breath, he was sent directly into the space and landed on the top of Xiao Gushen's head.

Zhima was stunned for a while before realizing that the master was already awake, so he was sent into the space. It was not in vain that he called his master even if he was struck by lightning.

"Sesame, are you alright?"

Gushen asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, the master finally woke up! I almost thought that this time I would shoulder the tribulation thunder of the Immortal King Realm for the master!"

Sesame lay flat on top of Xiao Gushen's head, and said weakly.

"Brother Zhima, don't worry, the master will not let you take the thunder. You are so small, you can't bear the thunder of the fairy king realm. Ah! Master is going to be promoted?"

Xiao Gushen said with hindsight.


Sesame only replied with one word.

Before Xiao Gucan continued to ask questions, the space began to vibrate. Like every promotion in the past, he began to expand in the simple sea of ​​consciousness, and was consuming the purple tribulation thunder that continued to open up the sea of ​​consciousness.

Since Jian Jian got rid of the enlightenment, she concentrated on dealing with her tribulation thunder. She is confident that she can successfully pass through the tribulation thunder in the fairy king realm. After all, after nine ranks of body training, her physical cultivation has almost reached the fairy king realm.

Today, with the help of the thunderbolt, she further stimulated the residual medicinal power deposited in the internal organs, from the surface of the skin to the meridians and viscera, and tempered it again. It was really painful and happy, and only she knew the sour and refreshing taste.

The tribulation thunder that expanded the sea of ​​consciousness was the last thunderbolt. When it slammed into her body, it was split into two.

The sea of ​​consciousness was expanded again, and the mountains, seas and lakes in the entire Zifu space were slowly revealed along with the expanded sea of ​​consciousness, just like a small world.

Everyone who watched the simple tribulation crossed sweated for her. In fact, the tribulation thunder hardly gave the tribulation passer any gaps to react and rest. They fell one after another. It is not too much to say that there is a seamless connection, simple and direct Flooded by a sea of ​​thunder.

"Tsk tsk! What a hatred, what a grievance! No chance to breathe, Elder Jian didn't even have a chance to throw a lightning shield."

Bei Mingzhi gritted his teeth and said, he felt pain when he looked at it, especially the power of the tribulation thunder, even though he had stood far enough to get out of the range of the thunder calamity, he could still feel the power of heaven, and the monk They are not allowed to watch the fairy king cross the catastrophe, for fear that they will have inner demons.

After the last tribulation thunder fell, the clouds rolled and dispersed, and it took a quarter of an hour before the rain fell.

Simply and greedily absorbing the gifts of the heavens, taking the time to absorb the rain, and enriching the meridians that were emptied due to crossing the catastrophe, there is really no sense of security.

After the clouds cleared in the sky, a simple celestial phenomenon appeared. This time, it was the phantom of Simple himself. The beautiful fairy held a sword in her right hand, and a crescent moon in her left hand. Under her feet was a constantly rotating disc. The wheel of fortune was slowly revolving around her.

After five breaths, the celestial phenomenon of the advanced Immortal King Realm dissipated, Jian Jian had already taken care of himself, and returned to Beiming's residence in one step.

And Liu Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief, and once again turned into a willow leaf and stuck it back to the simple wrist.

"Congratulations to Elder Jian for advancing to the Immortal King Realm!"

All the disciples of the Beiming family came forward to congratulate with a smile.

Simple is to smile and nod in response:

"Congratulations, you have also gained a lot."

He said with a simple smile.

At a glance, she saw that the cultivation of the little disciples of the Beiming family had improved, and even Beiminghan had advanced to the post-immortal realm. It seemed that everyone had benefited a lot from this trip to the holy mountain.

"Elder Jian, this time you crossed the Immortal King Tribulation and alarmed the four elders who guarded the mountain. At that time, the tribulation thunder gathered and scattered, scattered and gathered again, it looked very strange."

Bei Mingzhi said quickly.

"I remember that I entered a special space to comprehend the law of time. I didn't realize it when I was sent out of the holy mountain. I was performing the technique of time regression. That's why that happened. If it wasn't for the thunder that fell and woke me up, I'm afraid I would have to wait I will stop when the immortal energy in my body is exhausted."

After thinking for a while, he explained directly to everyone.

"Fairy Jian is really talented and courageous. She dared to try to comprehend the law of time in the fairyland, and wanted to perform time regression. If the holy mountain didn't send you away, the best situation is that the immortal power is exhausted, and the meridians Fragmentation, the worst case is that the longevity is exhausted and it dies."

The silent and cold Immortal King Beimingsi said in a deep voice.

"Hey! I didn't know that comprehending the power of the law of time in the Holy Mountain actually had such a disadvantage. It caused me to increase my bone age by nearly ten thousand years in vain. If I had known it earlier, I would have chosen to comprehend the power of other laws."

(End of this chapter)

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