1992 - Star Trek
At this time, Jian Jian had risen to an altitude of [-] meters, and the temperature was also dropping rapidly. When she was about to leave the boundary wall of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, she stopped and said to the void:

"Bei Minghan, send it here!"

This is the first time Jian Jian called her name directly. At the same time as her voice fell, Bei Minghan's figure flashed from the starry sky, still in the spotless white robe, with silver hair fluttering in the wind, High cold still.

"There are many unknown dangers in the starry sky, I hope you can return to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm smoothly."

Bei Minghan's cold voice sounded, formally bidding farewell to Jian Jian.

"Thank you!"

Jian Jian smiled at Bei Minghan, then turned around and entered the starry sky. She thought the parting was for a better encounter, and she was looking forward to meeting Bei Minghan again in the God Realm.

Bei Minghan's eyes were always glued to Jian Jian. He saw that the other party jumped into the starry sky and released the spaceship. After jumping into the spaceship, he turned around and waved to him, and then decisively drove away from the starry sky until the spaceship turned into a spot of light. , he turned around and returned to Guixu Holy Mountain.

Jian Jian was in the control room at this time, took out his live map, and after unfolding it, he saw Xiao Jian who was dozing off.

"Get up! We are going back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm now. You are responsible for calibrating your orientation from time to time. If you lose your way in the starry sky, it will be very troublesome."

Jian Jian poked Xiao Jianjian, and said directly.

Xiao Jianjian was woken up, rubbed his eyes, stretched his waist, then jumped up, waved his little hand, and a star map appeared on the scroll, which also marked their current location, and the The distance between nests.

"It took ten years to comprehend the power of the law of time in Guixu Holy Mountain this time, so according to your previous calculation, it will take another four years for the insect nest to reach the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. Now that I am driving towards the other side, I should be able to Block the worm nest halfway."

Jian Jian raised her hand to pull the star map closer, looked at the distance between her spaceship and the insect nest, and said directly to Xiao Jian.

Xiao Jianjian folded his arms and looked at it, then nodded directly, approving the simple judgment.

"Then now we will use the worm nest as the first phase of the marker. Since I have promised to wipe out the entire worm nest, let's get rid of him first."

Simple and direct decision.

Xiao Jianjian nodded cooperatively, and then stayed in the main control room, monitoring the flight path of the spaceship at any time to ensure that he would not miss the insect nest, and was heading in the direction of the seven directions fairyland.

Then he simply came to the deck of the spaceship, looked at the stars all over the sky through the protective cover, and felt very relaxed. He took a piece of Wannian Yuyan fruit that was preserved by Xiao Gushen, and began to eat slowly.

Although she has tried her best to save her, the bone age still shows that she is now nine thousand years old, so annoying!

Because she left in a hurry and left the special environment of the Guixu Holy Mountain, and now she is flying alone in the starry sky, she dare not be careless, and she is not sure whether she can do it after using the time regression technique. After recovering the bone age that was increased in vain, I simply put it aside.

But the beauty-enhancing fairy fruit is definitely indispensable. This ten-thousand-year-old jade face fruit was picked by her in the fruit forest of Xiaoguozi in the secret realm of Yunshang Palace. It was true that one was missing, so it was left alone by the little ginseng. Put it up, now is the time to make a difference.

"Compared with the strength of your advancement to the Immortal King Realm and the longevity of the Immortal King, this bone age is a drop in the bucket, so you don't need to care about it."

Liu Chuan turned into Mr. Pian Pianjia in a green robe, sitting cross-legged next to Jian Jian, persuading his master not to act too much.

Jian Jian had already eaten half of the Jade Flower Fruit, and felt that the skin on her face seemed to be invaded by warm water with a suitable temperature. It was indescribably comfortable, and every pore was absorbing rare nutrients. After Liu Chuan finished speaking, she felt His face became more supple again.

So she continued to eat the remaining half, and said with a smile:
"You don't understand, no female fairy can escape the two ultimate goals of eternal youth and beauty like a goddess!"

"Cut! Isn't it because you are afraid of being old and ugly, it sounds so nice!"

Liu Chuan gave Jian Jian an indecent look, and translated her words very straightforwardly.

"Can you stop being so disappointing? Compliment me a few words and you will die!"

"You just listened to too many good things, and you started to drift again."

One person, one plant pet, just bickering like this, walking towards the worm's nest unwaveringly.

Qianyuan Immortal World
Bei Minghan, who had returned to Mingzhou, retreated for a year, and after stabilizing the cultivation base of the Immortal King, he couldn't wait to go to the Elder Hall to check the family's star map.

The highlighted black spot of the insect nest on the star map is still moving towards the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and the speed is increasing unabated. It seems that the speed has been accelerated because it is getting closer to them.

Bei Minghan frowned, he was a little worried, the insect nest was still moving towards the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, which proved that Jian Jian had not met the insect nest, and he did not know if she was safe and sound this year.

"Third Elder, have you left the customs?"

Bei Mingying's voice sounded from behind him.

"I just left customs today."

Bei Minghan replied.

Bei Mingying glanced at the star map and knew why Bei Minghan appeared here. She coughed lightly and said:

"The worm's nest is still approaching us. Five days ago, the Great Elder summoned us to make preparations in advance. If Immortal King Jane can't keep his promise, we can only solve this disaster by ourselves.

Fortunately, the news has spread this year. Except for the low-level monks and immortals who don't know, the powerful families and sects in the Thirteen Continents are all prepared. Coupled with the news we got in advance, I believe we can handle it. "

After hearing the words of the Eighth Elder, Bei Minghan was silent for a moment before opening his mouth and saying:

"I believe in simplicity, and she will definitely fulfill her promise."

The tone is very certain.

"That's naturally the best. Without the Zerg's vanguard to infiltrate in advance, we will have more time to prepare."

Bei Mingying smiled and replied directly.

Time flies, and another year has passed.

Today, Bei Minghan was cultivating among the icy soul flowers on the top of Jianyue Peak. Suddenly, the elder jade pendant around his waist shook twice. He immediately stopped his work and swept his consciousness. There were only five words in it: come quickly to the elder hall!

Bei Minghan seemed to have thought of something, he left the peak in a flash, and reappeared in front of the elder hall.

Lifting his feet and stepping into the hall, he saw the second elder staring intently at the star map, and Bei Minghan came to the second elder's side in just one step.

"Second elder, what's wrong?"

"It should be that she simply fulfilled her promise. She is currently fighting against the insect nest in the starry sky."

Hua Luo raised his finger and pointed at the marked place, and sure enough, the light spot was flickering non-stop, as if it would disappear at any moment.

But Jian Jian, who received the spaceship and was wrapped in marshmallows, directly showed Zhan Shura's real demon body at this time, and with the cooperation of Demon Moon Zhan, he was bombarding the abandoned star of the worm nest.

The sound of "rumbling" spread far away in the starry sky.

 There is one more chapter, and it will be uploaded after coding.

(End of this chapter)

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