Chapter 1993 The Promise Fulfilled
After two years of flying in the starry sky, Jian Jian and the insect nest finally met.

Although she has been very cautious in the past two years, she still encountered the impact of meteorite groups in the starry sky twice, and was forced to have no choice but to close the spaceship and hide in the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron. Break away from the meteorite group.

This was not avoided. She also avoided two star storms, and deviated from the original position for this reason. It took a whole month to return to the correct position.

So after seeing the worm's nest, Jian Jian and Liu Chuan were very excited and directly accelerated towards the target.

And the guards in the insect nest also found the approaching spaceship. After a scream, the awakened insects came out of the nest. They also obviously regarded simplicity as a midway supply, just to supplement the energy they consumed, and attacked The speed is not slow, even two high-level humanoid Zerg jumped out, ready to attack first.

Simply put away the spaceship, and directly transformed into the real body of Demon Zhan Shura. Although the tall figure was small in the starry sky, he did not fall behind in the battle against the insect nest.

As soon as Moyue Zhan appeared in the line of sight of the humanoid Zerg, they were all startled. It was because they were too familiar with this magic weapon. In the previous battles in the battlefield, they repeatedly encountered obstacles in the defense of the demons. It was because of this weapon. The master of the magic weapon.

Although the Demon Lord of the Demon Moon disappeared later, they also remembered this powerful enemy. As long as the opponent appeared on the front line, he must be their key target of attack. How could the opponent appear here?

Immediately afterwards, he saw the real body of the simple demon, and the two humanoid Zerg looked at each other, and immediately jumped up, rushing towards the simple.

At this moment, the clone of Marshmallow wrapped in a green willow leaf quietly floated into a hole in the insect nest.

In a short time, all the bugs in this nest were pierced by willow branches and died, without even a chance to scream for help.

"Marshmallow, go to the next nest, move lightly, while you are easily restrained in front, we will try to kill as many eggs as possible, so that she can relax!"

Liu Chuan retracted all the willow branches in an instant, and turned into a piece of green willow leaves again, which was wrapped again by the cotton candy that turned into black clouds.

"Marshmallow understands!"

Marshmallow immediately replied via voice transmission, and then led Liu Chuan into the next lair.

The simple and huge fist hit the huge insect nest directly. With the power of space, the force of the swing hit the insect nest heavily, instantly causing the insect nest to deviate from its direction.

The humanoid Zerg immediately stepped forward, directed the rushing insects, and began to intercept simple attacks. At this time, the magic moon turned into thousands of crescent moons, flooding into the insect swarm like a tide, and began to kill the insects.

Simple is to swing a fist quickly in the gap opened by Moyue Zhan. It seems that there is only one punch, but under the double blessing of time and space, there are more than a thousand punches. All attacks fall on the swarm, humanoid Zerg and on the worm nest behind them.

"Marshmallow, bring Liu Chuan back!"

The worm nest had already started to fall apart under the heavy blow of Jian Jian, and the living bugs inside were running around everywhere. Jian Jian was afraid that the marshmallows would be exposed, so he immediately ordered them to return.

"Cotton candy received!"

Marshmallow immediately replied after receiving the master's order through the contract.

"Yanakawa, master let us go back!"

"Okay, let's go! Anyway, I have already destroyed all the eggs!"

Liu Chuan didn't like to fight, his task was completed, and the rest was left to the simple.

The marshmallow that turned into a black cloud wrapped around Liu Chuan, and immediately left the insect nest that was about to be crushed, and quietly returned to Jian Jian's side.

The marshmallow avatar returned to the main body, and Liu Chuan directly wrapped around Zhan Shura's avatar's wrist, striking out from time to time to kill the fish that slipped through the net.

After simply advancing to the Immortal King Realm, his consciousness also increased to the Immortal Emperor Realm, so the situation of the entire insect nest was clearly visible under his divine consciousness, and a group of humanoid Zerg was withdrawn from it.

These high-level intelligent Zerg found that the defense of the insect nest was broken, and immediately went to rescue the eggs and prepared to take them away from here, but found that most of the eggs had been destroyed, so they could only evacuate quickly.

"I want to escape! It's not that easy!"

With a simple smile on his lips, he held the Moxi sword in his hand with one hand, and poured the power of chaos into the sword. The move of "Chaos World" seemed to fall slowly and quickly, directly splitting the insect nest in two, and the chaos With the help of the power of the law of space, it still smashed everything in the insect nest with undiminished power, and spread rapidly to the surroundings with the insect nest as the center.

Within three breaths, the fleeing humanoid Zerg was dragged into the world-shattering chaotic sword shadow, completely turning it into a dreg in the starry sky.

The entire battle lasted only a quarter of an hour. In the simple crazy output, the worm nest was wiped out, and all the zerg on it were smashed into scum, floating around in the starry sky.

Only then did Moyue Zhan and Mo Xijian return contentedly. Because of the sufficient supply of energy in today's battle, the two weapon spirits felt that this time the fight was hearty and comfortable, so they obediently returned to the Yin-Yang Tai Chi plate, I started to cultivate my self-cultivation.

The simple figure slowly shrunk and returned to its original appearance. She raised her hand to release the spaceship, and immediately drove away from the starry sky where she had fought. She was afraid that the noise would attract other starry sky monsters.

After the simple spaceship turned into a black spot, a group of starry sky behemoths followed the aftermath of the battle and found it here.

They are huge in stature, and the smallest star beast is as big as a small planet. They look like a rhinoceros, but they have a big elephant trunk. They are absorbing the power scattered in the starry sky at this time, and sending the fragments of the insect nest into their mouths. , after chewing, swallowed.

One of the star beasts raised its nose and pointed in the direction of simply leaving. After staying for a stick of incense, these star beasts slowly continued to walk away in the direction of simply leaving.

Qianyuan Immortal World
Under the watchful eyes of all the elders, the marked insect nest flickered more and more slowly, then dimmed little by little until it disappeared.

"Immortal King Jian successfully intercepted!"

Bei Mingying said happily.

"should be!"

The second elder said with a smile, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Bei Minghan frowned and said softly:
"I don't know if she was injured or not?"

Immediately, the smiles on the faces of all the elders disappeared.

"Don't worry, I believe that with simple skills, she will be able to retreat completely! Guixu Holy Mountain helped her understand the law of time and advance to the Immortal King Realm. Now she has wiped out the Zerg Pioneers for the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and it will be up to us next." own!"

The Great Elder said loudly.

"Yes, Great Elder!"

The crowd responded in unison.

At this time, it was simple to worry about. After adjusting the direction of the spaceship, she asked Liu Chuan to protect her, while she grabbed the immortal crystal and began to recover the immortal power.

In order to make a quick decision before, she used the Moyue Slash and the Moxi Sword at the same time, and now there is only [-]% of the power left in her body, and she must replenish the loss as soon as possible, otherwise she will not be able to cope with the sudden situation.

At this time, she didn't know that a group of starry sky behemoths were staring at her.

 See you guys tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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