Chapter 1994 Ready to go 1
Fairy world of seven directions

Jiumu came to look for Jiushao as usual this day, and after reporting on the Fox Clan, he turned the topic to his own Baituan.

"Brother, it has been 5000 years, and the Zergs have been driven out of the battlefield by us. Why is there still no news from my Baituan? Since the last time I felt heart palpitations, I have never sensed the Baituan again, and I don't know. What's the situation now? Hey!"

After Jiu Mu finished speaking, he sighed heavily.

Jiu Shao's long and narrow fox eyes narrowed slightly, glanced at the sighing Jiu Mu with a little disgust, flicked the non-existent dust on his snow-white robe, and then lazily said:

"Jiu Mu, you come to me every once in a while, what can I do? His feet are on Bai Tuan's body. He insisted on following Fairy Jian, but he didn't see you stopping him.

No one thought that something would happen to Fairy Jian right under our noses. To be honest, Fairy Jian did this to keep the juniors in the Demon Realm. Instead, we have to blame ourselves for letting those bugs in our There is an opportunity to take advantage of your territory, and you have been checking for so long, do you have any clues? "

When Jiu Mu heard Jiu Shao repeating the same old tune, he was also very helpless, but this time after thinking about it, he still opened his mouth and said:

"I have never given up investigating this matter. After confirming that it was the work of the Zerg race, I was looking into who did it. It can trigger the black hole in the starry sky. It must not be lower than the realm of the fairy king. The monster king of the monster race was the first to be ruled out. , after all, there is the demon emperor, they have to make a move, and they have to weigh it.

The demons are too far away from us, and if they make a move, the aura of vitality left behind will definitely be noticed by Huanyi Yaojun who was present at the time, so only the immortal king and immortal king of the human race will be left.

For the past 5000 years, I have been checking in this direction, and in the process of checking, I also found people from the Jian family and Xianjianzong, and they all stared at the same person. "

When Jiu Mu said this, he paused deliberately, and continued without waiting for Jiu Shao to ask questions:

"Western Immortal Territory, Immortal King Yueluan of Mingyue Immortal Mansion, and I found that Immortal King Junli is also under surveillance."

After Jiu Shao heard this, the fox narrowed his eyes and said:
"Didn't I tell you that both the Jian family and Wan Jianzong suspected that Yueluan did it when something happened simply? It's just that they have no evidence."

When Jiu Mu heard this, the fox's eyes twitched, and luckily, he continued:
"Since Yaojun already had clues, why didn't he tell me earlier and let me go around in such a circle?"

"It's not too late for me to say it now! They are just suspicious, there is no evidence, I don't want you to have a preconceived direction of investigation, so I didn't tell you, you and I are of the same race, I naturally believe in the results of your investigation."

Jiu Shao squinted his fox eyes and explained.

He wouldn't admit that he deliberately didn't tell Jiumu, who made him always bother him and let him have something to do, so he wouldn't always find himself crying about Bai Tuan's disappearance.

"Tell me what you found?"

Jiu Shao directly changed the topic.

Jiu Mu pressed the veins on his forehead, and then continued:
"After I found out about Yueluan, I found that the two groups of people who were spying on her were powerful people from the Immortal King Realm. It was precisely because I sensed the existence of other forces that I dared not act rashly."

At that time, he was also worried. He was afraid that if he didn't find anything, he would implicate the Fox Clan instead, so he wouldn't dare to make any big moves.

"Now you have confirmed his identity because the two parties took the initiative to reveal their identity to you."

What Jiu Shao said was very certain.

"Yes! It should be because I have found clues, but I am hesitant to move forward. We have the same purpose and are impatient with my temptations, so we revealed our identities."

After Jiu Mu finished speaking, he touched his nose.

"I see, you continue to follow up on this matter, not only for your Baituan, but also for my demon clan. I will report to the demon emperor. If the Jian family and Xianjianzong have any actions, you will notify me in time."

"Yes, I understand!"

Jiu Mu responded immediately, and then left the cave of Yaojun Jiushao.

Jiu Shao thought for a while, then turned into a cloud of white smoke, and left the cave to meet the Demon Emperor.

Western Immortal Domain Dongting Immortal Mansion
Yueluan was sitting in the cave like a trapped animal at this time, not daring to make any obvious movements. Ever since she realized that she was being watched secretly, she became more and more cautious.

Because all the supporters of the Celestial Clan in the Qifang Immortal Realm were completely destroyed, the Seven Great Immortal Realms not only did not become chaotic, but gradually cleared out all the manpower they arranged. There are no waves to turn over.

After the Celestial Clan was completely kicked out of the battlefield, she fell into an embarrassing situation where no one was available, and lost contact with the clansmen. After finding out that she was being watched, she could only grit her teeth and forgive Immortal King Junli's request for peace. Pretending to forgive him, and moved back to the Dongting Immortal Mansion, while gaining sympathy, he also temporarily saved himself.

She is very clear that now only Junli is the lover of the Immortal King, who can keep her from disappearing for no reason. After all, behind Junli is the Western Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor is the Lord of a Domain!
When the people in the dark don't have sufficient evidence, they won't bite themselves at will.

While Yueluan was meditating, the restriction of the cave was touched, she pretended not to notice, sat cross-legged directly, and began to practice the exercises.

The Immortal King Junli outside the cave waited patiently for a while, and left in a huff when he found no response. Although Yueluan returned to the Dongting Immortal Mansion, he was lukewarm towards him, and he was not cold or hot when they met each other on weekdays. The yin and yang are strange, and they don't let him get close.

While Immortal King Junli was annoyed, he also knew that the two of them were on the verge of tearing each other up because of the Zhanyu incident before, and now they are just doing it for others to see.

He has long wanted to end this relationship, but he also understands that because of what he did before, he has angered the master, and the position of the heir is not guaranteed. He was completely rejected by the master, so no matter what, he could only endure it temporarily.

The two people with their own ghosts lived peacefully in the Dongting Immortal Mansion like this, living their own lives.

Eastern Fairyland Jane's Family

It's another 500-year rotation of the Battlefield. The Jian family did not make mandatory arrangements this time. The disciples of the direct line, collateral line and dependent families of the family can all voluntarily sign up to participate. Once the number is sufficient, they can only wait for the next time.

Jian Kui took the list and went to see his ancestor Qingjun:

"Old Ancestor, both Jian Qi and Jian Lin signed up this time, but their cultivation has not reached the Xuanxian Realm."

"As long as the two of them have reached the minimum level of cultivation to enter the battlefield, let them go! They will grow up anyway, not this time, it will be the next time. Now that the battlefield is relatively safe, let them go and have a look. The place where the seniors of the Jane family fell."

The elegant Qing Jun patriarch was repairing a pot of fairy plants, and said without any haste.

"Yes, Patriarch, I understand!"

Jian Kui responded immediately.

Jian Qingjun put down the jade scissors in his hand, and then continued:
"The person monitoring Yueluan has communicated with the Fox Clan in Yaoyu. I have sent a message to let them continue to monitor. Yueluan will keep it and clean it up when Jian Jian comes back!"

(End of this chapter)

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