Chapter 1996 Ready to go 3
When Mo Kuo and Shu Lang heard this rhetoric again, they were already numb!
When the two heard about it for the first time, they were so convinced that their master liked beauties, and there was never a shortage of male favourites, but they had never heard of this one.

Shu Lang's reaction was the fastest, and he retorted at the time:
"You're lying. My master's favorite is Gu Hong. Before taking the mission and leaving the Demon Immortal Realm, he sent them back to the clan land of the Demon Moon Mansion."

After hearing this, the Immortal Shoudian turned his eyes and knew who this Guhong was. This is also a talent, capable of bending and stretching, dormant in the Demon Immortal Realm as a male favorite, and finally retreated completely!It seems that the Ascending Immortals of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the lower world are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Bi Shu, who returned to Moyue Mansion, kept giving them winks, her pair of red fox eyes almost blinked, and only then did she attract the attention of the two of them.

Bi Shu took out the token Yinyue mirror that was simply left behind, and restored her original appearance. After explaining the reason, she stayed in the magic moon mansion to practice smoothly, and by the way helped to take care of the chores in the magic moon mansion.

In the blink of an eye, 5000 years have passed, and with the supply of sufficient resources, her cultivation has been promoted to the Golden Demon Realm, and she has lived up to Simple's great help.

After Shoudian Xianjun left, she explained the identity of Shoudian Xianjun to the two of them, and asked them to be more polite to this big boss in the future.

"I just said that this name is a bit familiar. I didn't expect it to be the palace guard of the Immortal Sword Sect."

Shu Lang rubbed his chin and sighed, and then continued:
"Our master is still charming."

Bi Shu knew that Jian Xianjun's identity as Taoist and Demonic Shuangxiu had not been revealed yet, and the people in Moyue Mansion didn't know about it, so she didn't say much, she just revealed her identity as the guard, reminded them to be more polite, and didn't say anything else.

Back to the present moment, Shouden finished speaking the old cliché, and then asked:
"What about Mo Ran?"

"Xianxianjun, he is retreating!"

"Why are you closed again?"

The guardian fairy asked.

This time, before Mo Kuo could reply, the robbery clouds over the Demon Moon Mansion immediately gathered, and the thunder and lightning began to strike, as if there was a robbery thunderbolt in the next breath.

Everyone seemed to be used to it, Shu Lang muttered to himself:

"It's time to cross the tribulation again! He's going to cross the eighth-level thunder tribulation this time!"


Mo Kuo only replied one word, and then everyone saw a magic dragon wandering out of the retreat, hovering over the magic moon mansion for a week, and after a dragon roar, it went to the special place for surviving the tribulation.

The first purple thunder had already landed, and Moran was a little dizzy from the chopping. He shook his head, then mobilized his magic power, and began to forge each dragon scale with the tribulation thunder.

Immediately after the second, third, and fourth tribulation thunders did not give Mo Ran any chance to breathe, as if he was in a hurry, he struck down the eight tribulation thunders in one breath, and then closed the robbery cloud, but it did not descend temporarily Rain.

Mo Ran's split skin was ripped apart, and the huge dragon body was curled up at the bottom of the pit, surrounded by bloodstains and large pieces of fallen dragon scales. His breath was very light, as if it would disappear at any time. At this time, he was absorbing the residual consciousness in the magic dragon ball.

The magic dragon inner alchemy obtained from the fairy realm, because of his continuous absorption and refining for 5000 years, has now become the size of a pigeon egg. After completely refining the magic dragon inner alchemy, he will be able to advance to the ninth level , will be the most powerful magic pet and become the master's helper.

It is because of the support of this belief that Mo Ran was able to raise his cultivation level to the eighth level in just 5000 years. Of course, it is due to the contribution of the magic dragon Neidan, as well as the result of his hard work.

A full half an hour later, Mo Ran opened his huge longan eyes, and the sky suddenly rained down on his broken body. The split body healed together again, the fallen dragon scales grew back, and the dragon claws were split. The broken nails also grew back, sharper and shimmering coldly.

Mo Ran flicked the dragon's tail, flew up into the air and opened his mouth to inhale, inhaling all the rain that fell from the sky into his mouth. Colorful rays of light flashed on the dragon scales. The entire demon dragon was already a kilometer long, hovering over the Demon Moon Mansion, and the entire Demon City All magicians see it.

"Tsk tsk, Moyue's luck is good! This little devil dragon followed from the lower realm to the Demon Immortal Realm, and now he has advanced to the eighth rank. Even if Moyue is not around, no one would dare to bully Moyue Mansion."

Mozhi Mojun said to the Demon Emperor beside him.

"I really want to grab it!"

Mo Zhi added another sentence, and was glared at by the devil emperor, and then looked thoughtfully at the magic dragon hovering in mid-air.

The reason why this little guy is working so hard is because his master was plotted against, and there has been no news so far. He desperately hopes that he can be his master's helper, so after returning to the magic city, he began to refine the magic dragon inner alchemy. He knows it.

But the inner alchemy of the demon dragon is simply obtained from the dragon clan of the Yaoxianyu, so sometimes the opportunity comes, and it can't be stopped.

Mo Ran absorbed Gan Lin, and then put away the real body of the magic dragon, turned into a man in an ink robe, came to the crowd, cupped his hands and said:
"Thank you for protecting me!"

"Congratulations to Moran for advancing to the eighth rank!"

Everyone congratulated Mo Ran.

There was a smile on Mo Ran's face, and he politely returned the salute, and retreated again on the grounds of stabilizing his cultivation.

"When can I find such a loyal magic pet!"

Shoudian Xianjun sighed, and then continued to stay in Moyue Mansion, euphemistically claiming to represent Moyue to deal with the mighty demons who came to congratulate him.

After Mo Kuo, Shu Lang, and Bi Shu heard this, their expressions were exactly the same: what a big face!
When Mo Ran advances to the rank, Jade, who is far away in the Yaoxian domain, has a sense. Because of the same vein, the demon energy around Jade also begins to fluctuate, and there are signs of breaking through the fifth rank. In the past 5000 years, she has also practiced hard. There is no moment of relaxation. If the master is not for them, she will not be plotted against. She must get this place back!
The eldest brother took a shortcut and refined the magic dragon inner alchemy. In these 5000 years, her cultivation base has made a qualitative leap, but she has no shortcuts to take, so she can only work harder. When the time comes, the eldest brother finds the culprit to settle the score She didn't want to just stare aside.

After five breaths, the robbery cloud gathered above the emerald's cave, she immediately put aside distracting thoughts and greeted her fifth-level robbery thunder.

At the same time, the moon of the raccoon orc clan also raised his cultivation level to the middle level of the fourth level.

On this day, Yue Yue couldn't practice meditation anyway, so she left the cave and went directly to find Patriarch Huanyi. She still had many questions about the construction of the space channel. Since she couldn't practice quietly, she went to ask Patriarch Huanyi for advice. .

Huan Yi has a good impression of the moon. Although he ascended from the lower realm, he has awakened his natural supernatural powers and never slack off in cultivation. It is congenitally deficient at birth.

"Old Ancestor, Moon would like to ask you how to build a space channel to an unfamiliar place?"

asked the moon respectfully.

"Since it is a strange place, it is a place that you have never set foot in, in this case."

In the middle of Huan Yi's words, she stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise on her face, and then glanced at the moon beside her, immediately rolled her up and disappeared into the cave.

 Babes, there will be another chapter later~ Feng Ling will go to have a meal first, and then come back to continue the code words.

(End of this chapter)

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