Chapter 1997 One step away

After simply handling the advance team of the Zerg, they accelerated towards the place where the Seven Squares Immortal World was located. Seeing the immortal stones consumed by the spaceship every day, she, who has no shortage of resources, felt heartache. Communicate with your own live map to ensure that there is no problem with the flight direction.

After another five years of flying in the starry sky without any danger, she simply received a message from Jiexinshi. It is inconvenient for her to enter the space of Jiexinshi now, so she could only release Bai Daze and asked nervously:

"But there is something wrong with Baituan refining the bones?"

"Fairy Jian, don't worry, Jiu Huan is fine for the time being, his cultivation base has advanced to the fifth level, I asked him to temporarily stop refining the bones."

Bai Daze said unhurriedly.

"But because he can't pass the tribulation now, you asked Baituan to suspend refining."

Simply turning his eyes and thinking, he immediately said.

"Yes, now we are in the starry sky, if Jiu Huan rushes through the tribulation here, I don't know what will happen, as long as he doesn't leave that space, he is safe.

It's just that if he continues to advance, and waits until he returns to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm and the Demon Immortal Realm, it may be unfavorable for Jiu Huan, so he is now in a deep sleep state, mainly to comprehend the inheritance of Huan Tianhu, so that when he returns, there will be elders Guided by the side, he should be able to master the innate skills of Huan Tianhu soon. "

Bai Daze explained it very clearly.

"I understand, I've troubled you. Since Bai Tuan is safe in the space, let him practice on his own first. You don't need to be trapped in the space anymore. You can take a look at the starry sky."

Simply knowing that Bai Tuan was fine, he said with a smile.

"So good!"

Looking at the silent starry sky, Bai Daze chatted with Jian Jian.

After learning about the flight process of the spaceship, I also have to feel the simple luck. It has been traveling for more than seven years without any danger, at least half of the distance.

One day a year later, Bai Daze suddenly left the cabin where he was resting, came to the tail of the spaceship, looked at the dark starry sky for a long time, and even released his consciousness. After a quarter of an hour, his expression changed, and he went directly to see Simple.

"Fairy Jane, let the spaceship speed up immediately, something is staring at us, and they are already coming in our direction, and their speed is not slow."

Jian Jian was looking at the jade slips, when he heard Bai Daze's words, he immediately went to the main control room.

The live map in the main control room is still dutifully showing the distance between the spaceship and the Seven Squares Immortal World. Xiao Jianjian is lying on the scroll on her side, with her head resting on her right hand, and she is turning the star map, looking at the situation around the spaceship. At this moment, she seems to be Also found something, sat up directly.

After simply entering the main control room, without a word, he replaced all the fairy stones with fairy crystals, then increased the speed of the spaceship to the extreme, quickly left the current starry sky, and then ordered the living map to say:

"Xiaohuo, look what is following us?"

The corners of Xiao Jianjian's mouth twitched, expressing her frustration at the name her master gave her hastily, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, stepped forward, pulled the star map closer, and brought out the place that she had just discovered, Then zoom in infinitely.

After zooming in on the gray dot that crashed behind their spaceship, it was easy to see that it was a group of unusually tall and strong beasts, like a rhinoceros, but with an elephant trunk.

"This is a starry sky behemoth!"

Bai Daze frowned and said softly.

Simply hearing the name, my forehead twitches. This kind of starry sky behemoth only lives in the starry sky, and they are all in groups, never alone. Because of this, the spaceships in the starry sky are all Walk around them, because they are food in the eyes of the starry sky behemoth.

"Can you get rid of it?"

Ask simply.

"I can only continue to accelerate. Because of their huge size, they consume a lot of energy, so every once in a while, they have to stop to replenish energy, and then they will walk aimlessly in the starry sky, or chase the set goal .”

Bai Daze explained.

Simple, I don't know yet, because she ran fast at the beginning, and because she was willing to use the high-grade fairy stone, the spaceship flew non-stop, and encountered rocks and storms in the starry sky, and the giant starry sky beasts also had to dodge, so she slowly The distance between the two sides was widened.

This time the starry sky behemoth also walked aimlessly, found a simple spaceship, saw that it was the previous target, and followed it again.

"It seems that our spaceship may become the intended target of the space behemoth, and then become their supplementary energy."

Said simply and helplessly.

"Cough, so let's speed up as soon as possible!"

Bai Daze felt that Fairy Jian should not be hurt too much, so he could only speak tactfully.

"I see!"

Simply let Bai Daze go to rest first, while she stays in the main control room, monitoring the distance between the two sides at any time, to ensure that she will not become the other party's supplementary energy.

Just such an accelerated flight, wishing they could return to the Immortal Realm of the Seven Directions in one breath, while the other group followed the spaceship leisurely, but they didn't give up, and the two sides were exhausted in the starry sky.

After another three years, the simple celestial crystal veins are almost consumed, and because of her unlimited supply of celestial crystals, the starry sky behemoth behind her cannot catch up with her spaceship for a while.

The more they can't catch up, the more persistent these starry sky behemoths are. They have been chasing simple spaceships for the past three years, and Jianjian is so angry that he almost swears. The aunt's fairy crystal is not blown by strong winds. Will become pauper!
Just when she was thinking about whether to take out her top grade fairy crystal, Bai Daze came over.

"Fairy Jian, if this continues, we can't afford it. If I can shorten the distance, I can use the space nodes to build a space channel and return directly to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm!"

In the past three years, Bai Daze has fully experienced the simplicity and arrogance, and the immortal crystals are constantly offering, just to get rid of the giant starry sky beast and return to the Seven Squares Immortal World as soon as possible. Because of this, the distance between them and the Seven Squares Immortal World It's getting closer.

During the period, Fairy Jian also thought about doing it, but he persuaded her to come back. It wasn't that he was not optimistic about the other party, but that the starry sky monsters like to attack in groups, or that they beat you one by one, and their cultivation bases were equivalent to masters in the imperial realm. It is simply not something that can be shaken by the current simplicity.

After simply listening to Bai Daze's words, his eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he took out the top-quality fairy crystal that had been cut by Xiao Gushen, replaced the previous fairy crystal, and then ordered Xiaohuo:

"Call out the distance between us and the Seven-Fairy Immortal Realm, and let Bai Xianyou determine the distance!"

Xiaohuo nodded, and was a little excited. With a wave of his little finger, the distance between the two sides was adjusted. At this time, the spaceship accelerated again, and the spaceship had already flown thousands of miles away.

The spaceship also became a little unstable due to the forced speed-up again, and it has a tendency to fall apart. This mid-level spaceship can persist until now, largely because it has undergone secondary refining. Otherwise, under such a high-speed driving, It's already falling apart!
It was also because Bai Daze knew this that he proposed to build a passage to return, otherwise they would both become food for the starry sky behemoth.

"Let them wait. When I advance to the Emperor Realm, I will definitely settle accounts with them!"

He simply muttered angrily.

The star map showed that after they threw off the starry sky behemoth again, Bai Daze stopped the spaceship, then jumped into the starry sky, transformed into his own Bai Ze real body, and quickly began to build a space channel.

"It's now!"

 Babies, Chapter 4 is here, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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