Chapter 1998 I'm Back
Bai Daze turned into Bai Ze's true body, surrounded by a bright white halo, mobilized his innate supernatural powers, and began to build a space channel. Countless white silk threads overflowed from his body, and then connected with each other according to certain rules, extending all the way to the distance.

She simply waved her hand to close the spaceship, and she came to Bai Daze's side in a flash. At the moment of the other party's reminder, she quickly raised her hand to inject the immortal power into the continuously extending lines. In her eyes, this space channel is composed of interlaced lines. , so she accurately injected power into the opponent's lack of strength, making the entire space channel more stable.

Because of the simple injection of power, when the space channel approached the fairy realm, Huan Yi sensed it immediately. He was not sure that the other party was Jian Xianjun, so he rolled the moon directly and rose above the raccoon beasts.

And Bai Ze and his wife also seemed to feel something, they both opened their eyes from meditation at the same time, Bai Ying got up first, felt it carefully, and said to Bai Yan beside him with a happy smile:
"Husband, it's Daze's breath!"

"Well, I figured he should come back, let's go meet him."

There was also a smile on Bai Yan's handsome and unparalleled face, which made Bai Ying stunned for a moment, then she smiled and stretched out her hand to pull her husband up, and the two disappeared in the cave. stayed in the cave.

Huan Yi stood in the air with the moon, raised his hand to grab it, caught a trace of force that was impacting the boundary wall, and let the moon carefully identify it.

That trace of power seemed to be able to distinguish the moon, and after a circle around her body, it dissipated in the sky above the raccoon orc land.

"It's my master! It's Fairy Jian! It must be her! The moon will not admit it wrong! Please help the ancestor!"

Yue Yue was a little incoherent with joy, but used four affirmative sentences to confirm that it was Jian Jian who was constructing the space channel, and then looked at Huan Yi with dark eyes, urging the other party to help.

After Huan Yi got a positive answer, he didn't waste any time, and started to use the innate skills of the raccoon beasts. Golden threads flowed from his body, and he was quickly building a channel to connect with the white space channel mixed with gray power as soon as possible. connected.

The fluctuation of power here naturally alarmed the raccoons and beasts. The elders flashed and came to the mid-air, asking the moon who was anxiously looking at the sky:
"Moon, what happened? Why is the ancestor building a space channel? And it's going out of the realm?"

The male elder who spoke for the moon before asked with a frown.

"It's Fairy Jane, she's coming back! I don't know who worked together to build the space channel back, and it happened to be captured by the ancestor. After he asked me to confirm that it was Fairy Jane, he started to build the channel at the same time, trying to connect with their space channel. It saves them a lot of effort.”

The moon turned back immediately, crackled and explained what happened, and then turned back to stare at the sky, a black light flashed in his eyes, and began to mobilize his own innate supernatural powers to see how the ancestors constructed the space at close range, now Huanyi Lao Isn’t what Zu did was the on-the-spot answer to the questions I raised before!
Several elders looked at each other, and they all showed surprise. They didn't expect that Fairy Jian would return to the Qifang Immortal Realm after 5000 years. This is incredible news.

In the next breath, the figures of Bai Ze and his wife appeared in the sky above the raccoon and beast clan.

"I have seen two seniors!"

The three elders saluted immediately.

"Come here, everyone, please don't take offense! We sensed that the person who built the channel was a dog, so we came here to help him!"

Bai Yan politely explained to the three elders.

After all, their couple is a special existence in the Demon Immortal Realm, and they rarely set foot in the territory of other races, unless they are invited. This time it is uninvited, so I have to explain it.

"It would be great if this is the case! My ancestors sensed the fluctuations in the space channel, and confirmed that part of the power belongs to Fairy Jian, so they started to build a channel to meet them. According to Master Bai, the other power should belong to you children."

The elder raccoon beast said immediately.

"Yes, my wife has also made a move, there should be no problem, let's wait and see patiently."

Bai Yan still explained patiently and kindly.

"That's good! That's good!"

The three elders also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is very dangerous to establish a channel to break through the boundary wall. If something goes wrong, it will be backlashed by the boundary wall. This belongs to the self-protection of the boundary, so it will be this way when they know that Bai Ying will make a move.

Bai Ying raised her hand, and the white power immediately climbed up the golden passage built by Huan Yi. Because of her joining, the construction of the passage was faster, and because she and Bai Daze came from the same power, the two sides saved the process of mutual testing , In just a moment, because of the same source attracts each other, the rapid docking was successful.

Bai Daze in the starry sky squeezed out almost all the power in his body because of the construction of the channel. Even with simple support, he still had some overdrawn power. When the first crack appeared in his inner alchemy, he caught the power from his mother. There was also a trace of other people's power mixed in, but he sensed it right away, and then merged with the channel constructed by the other party without hesitation.

"Fairy Jane, the construction is complete, let's go!"

Bai Daze said immediately.

A simple look at the white halo on Bai Daze's body has dimmed, and he knows that the opponent's strength has been exhausted, so he immediately takes a step forward, wraps up the opponent, plunges into the space channel, and disappears into the starry sky.

Simply spread the wings of the phoenix, turned into a streamer, and quickly flew at full speed in this special passage. She knew that Bai Daze was not enough to support this space passage for a long time, so she had to be fast, even faster!
She didn't realize that since she entered the space channel, the channel behind her was disappearing rapidly, turning into silver light spots and falling in the starry sky.

In the sky above the Raccoon and Beast Clan, Huan Yi and Bai Ying both sensed that the space docking was successful, and after nodding to each other, they continued to output energy to maintain the space passage, otherwise Jian Jian and Bai Daze would still not be able to return smoothly.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, half an hour, an hour, when the demonic power in Huanyi's body was almost consumed, suddenly the spatial fluctuations in the passage became more and more intense. , a golden-red fireball appeared in midair.

Following Jian Jian retracting the golden-red phoenix wings, her white figure appeared in midair out of thin air.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was Xianjun Jian who had been missing for 5000 years. No, he should be called Immortal Jian now. The Goddess's delicate face remained the same, and it was the shrunken Bai Daze who was held in her arms.

Jian Jian slightly hooked his lips towards the crowd, revealing a long-lost comfortable smile, and opened his vermilion lips lightly:
"I am back!"

(End of this chapter)

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