Chapter 2001

Yueluan's feeling is very bad, now she doesn't even have any available siblings around her, she wants to get a few Zerg puppets out, but in the eyes of the simple Immortal Gu, there is no way to hide them, instead of being She took it as a handle, it was better not to do it than to give the other party a chance.

At this moment, the restriction on Yueluan's Cave Mansion was activated again. She swept her consciousness and found that it was the female fairy attendant in her courtyard. After restoring the cave, she adjusted her facial expression and waved her sleeve to open the restriction.

"What's the matter? Don't disturb me when I'm practicing, why don't you have a long memory?"

Because Yueluan was in a bad mood, she also spoke a little meanly.

"Fairy forgive me! Immortal King Junli sent someone to inform. Today, the Immortal Emperor announced that he will retreat and attack the Immortal Emperor's Middle Realm in three days, so he asked all his disciples to go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. The Immortal Emperor has something to do. You are the Immortal King Junli. Taoist companion, he said that you must attend."

The female fairy servant was reprimanded, and immediately knelt down in fright and explained that it was very embarrassing for her to be caught between the two fairy kings.

Yueluan frowned after hearing this, and felt even worse, but now she had forgiven Junli on the surface, so this time, she really wanted to go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"Did Junli say when he would pick me up?"

"After Immortal King Junli asks you to take care of it, go to the front yard, where he will wait for you."

The fairy waiter said immediately, afraid that if he spoke slowly, he would be blamed by Yueluan again.

"I see. Go and report to Junli, and tell me that I will be there in a while."

Yueluan waved her hand and told the servant to leave, sat at the jade table in the yard for a while, then got up to meet Junli.

At this moment, Junli's mind was floating. Does this master's retreat mean that he still has a chance? He thought about it carefully. In the past 5000 years, he has not made any mistakes again, and he has successfully completed the things that the master told him. He also persuaded Yueluan to come back, which is considered to have saved a lot of reputation. This time, if there is a chance, he can continue to take charge of the affairs of the Demon Emperor's Mansion.
Yueluan swayed her waist lightly, walked into the front yard slowly, and saw Junli who looked thoughtful, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then with a slight smile on his lips, he said softly:

"A Li, what are you thinking? You're so preoccupied that you don't even notice I'm here?"

Jun Li immediately raised his head, looked at Yue Luan, who was still beautiful, with a complicated look in his eyes, and then said with a smile:

"Luan'er, hurry up and meet Master with me! He announced the retreat this time very suddenly, I don't know if he has a new understanding, maybe this time he will let me take charge of the affairs of the Demon Emperor's Mansion"

Before Junli could finish his words, Yueluan immediately understood his intention, which was to regain the approval of the Immortal Emperor and pave the way for his future advancement.

After Junli finished his long speech, Yueluan immediately said empathetically:
"Master, the old man must have his own considerations. Although you had a small problem with the temporary management of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion last time, it was the first time for you at that time, and you will inevitably make mistakes. Now that you have such a good opportunity, you can do it. Grasp it well, I will naturally support you!"

After Jun Li heard this, although he felt a little awkward, he still smiled and said:

"It's still my Luan'er who is understanding. With your support, I will remind you that I will not let Master down this time."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and took Yueluan's green hand, and left Dongting Immortal Mansion.

However, the protagonist of the meeting, Western Immortal Emperor, was forced to retreat. Recently, he has a feeling of being overwhelmed by dark clouds. In the end, he could only choose to retreat and avoid it temporarily.

Southern Immortal Realm Picking Star Building

Xing Gui looked at the reappearing Emperor Xing, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, this time he was more sure of his guess.

Because the emperor star first appeared in the sky above the fairyland, and then turned to the sky above the eastern fairyland. This coincides with the time when Immortal King Jane returned to the fairyland, and also coincides with her trajectory. Her return is the most annoying thing in the fairyland now. The attention-grabbing news, coupled with the fact that she did not deliberately cover up her whereabouts, all of this is justified.

Xing Gui clenched the star stick in his hand, and then turned to look at the starry sky of the Western Immortal Territory. As a result, the moment the New Emperor Star appeared, the star of the Western Immortal Emperor's life began to dim, and even had a sudden turn for the worse. He predicted that the other party After experiencing the three declines, the five kalpas are approaching.

He has plenty of time, and he will wait until the most appropriate time to give the opponent a fatal blow in order to avenge the Western Immortal Emperor for forcing Master to death, he is not in a hurry!
Xianjianzong of the Northern Immortal Territory

Ziyin looked at the news jade slip in his hand, and the smile on his face deepened a bit. This girl Jian really kept surprising them. After being seriously injured and disappeared, she came back intact, and her cultivation base was even promoted to immortal Wang Jing, really gratifying.

Also receiving the news was Lu Lian, the former peak master of the Refining Peak. He stroked his mustache happily, and was satisfied that he had included Jian Jian in their Refining Peak. He then raised his hand and sent a message to his little disciple Mo Kun. A messenger symbol.

After Lu Lian succeeded in breaking into the Immortal Monarch Realm ten years ago, he handed over Qi Refining Peak to his big disciple Fang Kai. With the assistance of Qiu Wei and Mo Kun, the transfer of power to Qi Refining Peak was very smooth.

In addition, after the Qijian peak produced a powerful disciple named Jian Jian, it led to a wave of cultivation among the disciples of the entire Qifeng peak. Not bad, such a virtuous circle will make Qifeng's development even better.

After burning incense, Mo Kun rushed to his master's place of pure cultivation. After bowing his hands and saluting, he asked:

"Master, you are so anxious to find me, but what happened?"

Mo Kun's bronze-colored skin remained the same, his figure became more stalwart, and his face remained calm. His cultivation had already advanced to the initial stage of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, and he was recruited by his master after he stabilized his cultivation not long after leaving the customs.

"Hehe, it's a good thing! Simple is back!"

Lu Lian stroked his mustache and said with a smile.

"Junior Sister Jian is back? Where is she now? Do you want me to pick it up?"

When Mo Kun heard that Jane came back, his eyes lit up, and there was a smile on his face, obviously he also missed this little junior sister very much.

"You can't call her junior sister now. Her cultivation base is now higher than that of a teacher, and she has already advanced to the Immortal King Realm. She has returned to Jian's house to report her safety. It is estimated that she will return to the Immortal Sword Sect after a while. Can you send me a letter?" Contact her with the news, so we can meet her when the time comes."

Lu Lian sat on the main seat and said to Mo Kun in a good mood.

"Hiss..." Mo Kun gasped. In just 5000 years, the other party rushed into the Immortal King Realm. He thought that the time it took for him to advance to the Profound Immortal Realm was short enough, but he didn't expect that his junior sister would not! It should be called now The master has given him such a big surprise.

"Yes, Master! Mo Kun will contact Master Jian to confirm the time when she will return to the sect and let you know."

Although surprised, Mo Kun was still happy for Jian Jian and accepted the task happily.


Almost at the same time as Immortal King Ziyin, Tianjun received the news of Jian Jian's return to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm. He read the news twice, and then he was sure that Jian Jian had really returned. Shoudian Xianjun passed the news.

 Babies, a fat chapter is uploaded!Feng Ling kept her promise, and she brought the heroine back to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm before the end of the month!See you tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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