Chapter 2002 Find out whereabouts
Magic City Magic Moon Mansion

Shoudian Xianjun pinched the communication jade slip in his hand, the corners of his lips curled up slowly, a smile flashed across a pair of peach blossom eyes, then he turned his hand to put away the jade slip, picked up the wine on the table and drank it all in one gulp , just leaned lazily on the soft bed, closed his eyes and took a nap.

He decided not to go back to the Immortal Sword Sect for the time being. Anyway, Tang Jun was handling the affairs of the ancestral hall, so it happened to let him hang out for a while.

If Tianjun knew that because of the news of his simple return, he would let the palace guard who originally planned to return to the northern fairyland stay in Moyue Mansion and not return, he would probably start guarding the palace guard's villain again , the other party is obviously lazy and doesn't want to go back to deal with the affairs of the Shouzong Palace.

At the same time, in the Devil Emperor's Mansion, the Devil Emperor saw the news from Mo Zhi, and a light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the Sun Demon Moon Demon King would return soon.

After the Demon Emperor put the jade slip back, he directly asked Mo Zhi beside him:
"The families in the Demon Realm are relatively stable recently, right?"

"It's still stable. After being sorted out by the magic moon before, it has been considered stable for 5000 years. It's just that there are some private fights. It's nothing more than resources, but it's still a bit measured. However, since the Zergs were completely driven out of the battlefield, some big The family is a little bit ready to move again."

Mo Zhi worked tirelessly to deal with the jade slips on the table, while telling his boss the news he had received.

"It's all too busy to panic!"

Lord Demon Emperor said sharply.

Mo Zhi kept his hands and mouth still, and began to talk about the general idea of ​​the game.

"She is currently in the Jian family's place in the Eastern Immortal Territory, which is her home. She should stay for a while before returning to Xianjianzong."

Tang Jun opened her jade bone fan and asked with a smile.

Tianjun waited and waited, but before returning to the real palace master of the guardian fairy, he understood the other party's plan after a little thought. He was going to wait in the Demon Realm and simply go back with the identity of Demon Moon, and he would not come back now. You must be able to see simplicity, and you can evade your responsibilities by the way.

Because Tian Miao is a full-level wind spirit root, coupled with the blessing of "wind spirit", when he was promoted to the Mahayana stage, he had already transformed into a wind spirit body, and he practiced the way of the sword, and the Immortal Sword Sect had no reason to refuse .

Tian Yu's chaotic spiritual root was planted in the day after tomorrow, but being able to cultivate to ascension proves that the two sides have already merged very well, because the four of them ascended almost at the same time, so they all arrived in the northern fairyland. In fact, with Tian Yu's spiritual root, It is best to join the Jian family in the Eastern Immortal Domain.

"Your cultivation base is too low. It is not suitable for you to leave the sect to practice now, and you are waiting patiently in the sect. If you go out here, Immortal King Jian will return to the sect. Wouldn't it be a staggered step with you?"

The Demon Emperor rubbed his fingers and said.

Knowing that these four people could not get a satisfactory answer, Tian Jun would definitely go out to inquire, so she simply told them a simple whereabouts.

Tianchong: "I listened to the big brother, and Baibai has just advanced to the second level of the immortal rank, and is still sleeping to consolidate his cultivation. If he knows that we will go out without him, he will definitely quarrel with me."

Several people looked at each other, and junior sister Tian Miao continued to ask:

"What does the Devil Emperor mean?"

"Tianfeng (Tianchong, Tianmiao, Tianyu) pays homage to the acting master of Tianjun!"

Tianchong grew up under the double training of his family and simple, coupled with the blessing of Baibai, the treasure hunting mouse, he was looted in the Feisheng Temple, or he was clever, and directly followed his senior brother to the sect of Xianjianzong. Immortal Sword Sect naturally wouldn't push out such a treasure hunter, so he readily accepted.

Sure enough, although the expressions on the faces of the four did not change, they all made some small movements, and then they left the Shouzong Palace wisely.

"The four of you came to look for me today, but for your master?"

Mo Zhi didn't understand the central idea for a while.

Xianjianzong of the Northern Immortal Territory

Tianfeng: "I think we'd better listen to Patriarch Tianjun. What if we really miss it?"

The four of them got the accurate information, but they didn't make progress, so they immediately bowed their hands and thanked each other.

"That's good! We can organize the preliminary competition of Demon Realm first, and take the top of each cultivation level."

Taking a glance at the four of them, Tian Jun knew what the four of them were up to, and immediately killed them.

A row of four people wore the robes of the inner disciples of Immortal Sword Sect, and saluted respectfully.

Tangning waved the folding fan in her hand and gave an affirmative answer.

Tianfeng is a natural sword bone, so he was directly snatched back by Immortal Sword Sect after ascension, and he was favored in the Ascension Palace. In addition, he came from the Lingyun Continent and participated in the battle with the Zerg. His combat power is not bad, naturally Focus on training objects.

"Let's leave it to them to make a fuss on their own. I'll discuss with the other immortal emperors and demon emperors to see if I can organize a big competition in the seven domains."

"Dare to ask Senior Tianjun, when will Master return to the Immortal Sword School? We want to give her a surprise."

"Yes, senior! When the four of us ascended into the fairy world, Master was seriously injured and disappeared. Now that we finally have some new news, we will take the liberty of disturbing you, hoping to confirm the authenticity of the news."

It was only when the four of them reunited in the cave of Neifeng senior brother Tianfeng that they began to express their opinions.

"Thank you, Senior Tianjun, for letting me know!"

Before Tianjun could wait for the guardian of the palace, nor for Jianjian's return, he welcomed Jianjian's four disciples from the lower realm, Tianfeng, Tianchong, Tianmiao, and Tianyu (yu Jia Yushu) joined hands. visit him.

Tianyu: "It's okay! It's been so long, and I don't care about it for so few days. Although I only have the cultivation level of the middle of the earth through the accumulation of immortal energy, but the master said: the foundation must be well laid ,I am not in a hurry."

The four people are so anxious to see Jian Jian, one is because they really miss their master, and the other is because of Tian Yu's cultivation skills.

"The news is true."

After Tianjun figured it out, he crushed the jade slip in his hand. After Yu Guang saw the blue veins on Tianjun's forehead, the purple armor guard immediately withdrew his redundant eyes. Standing on guard, they didn't see anything else. It is said that every time after Tianjun came back, the master of his house would disappear for a period of time, and they were not surprised.

Tian Miao: "Okay! If it's not in vain, we won't gain so much every time we go out to practice, but Tianyu will be wronged."

Tian Feng, the eldest disciple with the calmest personality, took a step forward and cupped his hands.

Just because he had just ascended at that time, it was not clear whether the Jian family in Immortal Realm was the same as the Jian family in Lingyun Continent, so Tian Yu didn't rush to find Jian's family.

Even after collecting information from various sources, it was confirmed that the Jian family in the fairy world was the direct descendant, and his master recognized his ancestors and returned to the Jian family, but he did not seek out the door.

Tianyu didn't want to be separated from the three senior brothers and sisters, and his family was also attached to the sect, so he chose to join the Immortal Sword Sect together.

After joining the Immortal Sword Sect, Tianfeng, Tianchong, and Tianmiao all exchanged for suitable exercises one after another through their own efforts, coupled with the resources of the fairy world that were simply left in advance. Root's skills were either incomplete, or he felt that they were not suitable, so when the other three's cultivation bases were advancing by leaps and bounds and entered the realm of the Empress of Heaven, he was still wandering in the realm of the Earth Immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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