Chapter 2003

After the four of them got together for a short time, they separated and continued to start their own practice step by step.

Tianfeng went to Jianjian Peak to practice swords, Tianchong accepted the mission of the sect, and set up a medicine field to plant fairy grass and fairy plants, Tianmiao took the task of drawing symbols, and worked hard to raise his level of drawing symbols to the second level In the middle, Tianyu took over the task of sorting out the library of the outer door. This is also a process of accumulating knowledge, and he is very patient.

After Tianjun learned that the four of them had returned to their daily practice, he did not pay too much attention to the four of them. He also looked forward to the simple return, but Senior Brother Tianhong went to "Leihai" to practice alone, and has not returned yet. , I don't know if the other party has received the message he sent.

And Tianhong, who was missed, was wandering in the sea of ​​thunder at this time.

It is said that it is a sea of ​​thunder, but it is actually a basin, but because of its special location, the entire basin is covered with purple thunder, and it is connected to a robbery cloud in the sky, so the lightning and thunder have never stopped, and The further you go, the stronger the thunder power and the greater the destructive power.

For Lei Lingen, Tianhong, this is the most suitable place for him to practice, and Jian Jian had agreed with him before that he would come to Lei Hai for a trial, but Jian Jian was seriously injured and missing, so he had to come by himself. He has already entered the depths of Leihai by virtue of his cultivation in Luo Tianshang Xianjing.

It's just that the thunder power here is already comparable to that of Jielei, but it will stop after enough strikes, but not here. The purple thunder in the basin seems to be connected with the thunder pool in the sky, and every ten breaths, it will stop. It will be chopped down one by one, and as Tianhong goes deeper, the interval time is getting shorter.

He has stayed in the same position for ten years, unable to move any further. After this wave of tribulation and thunder passed, Tianhong had no choice but to slowly retreat out of the basin.

Eastern Fairyland Jane's Family

Qingjun was in a good mood, and his simple return made the Jian family's position in the Eastern Immortal Territory even more stable.

"What do you think?"

It's just that the qi and blood in his body are surging now, the celestial energy is disordered, and his face is extremely ugly, because he knows very well that the arrival of the first calamity proves that the remaining four calamities will follow.

Simply said with a smile.

"Old Ancestor, those Zerg races did not leave the Qifang Immortal Realm, which proves that they are not dead, but they took the next best thing and aimed at the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, thinking that there would be a place for them to replenish their energy.

After hearing this, Jian Qingjun looked away from the chessboard, nodded directly, and confirmed his simple guess.After all, he simply found out that there was a problem with Yueluan, and he arranged for another ancestor of the Jian family to watch Yueluan after the other party disappeared, so he was not surprised to simply come to this conclusion.

"Old Ancestor, why don't you unite with the seven masters of the Emperor Realm and kill that Zongzu directly? Isn't it once and for all!"

"Their Zongzu seems to have never recovered. In order to support the Zongzu, these Zergs have also suffered a lot of loss, and they have not taken down our Qifang Immortal Realm. Without supplements, they can no longer launch a large-scale invasion war, just wandering Outside the battlefield.

Simply drop the sunspot in your hand and ask your ancestors directly.

Qingjun said with a smile.

"As expected of being the direct descendant of my Jian family, your character alone surpasses mine!"

Patriarch Qing Jun liked the foresight and foresight of his descendants very much, so he was also willing to listen to her opinions.

The simple Heizi blocked the escape route left by Baizi in advance, and then she looked at Qingjun and said directly.

After simply listening to his ancestor's explanation, he turned his phoenix eyes and asked directly:
"Is it because the Western Immortal Emperor is not cooperating?"

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good!"

"The old ancestor is amazing! I just want to cultivate a fairy in a smooth way, so that I can ascend to the God Realm smoothly in the future."

After Zongzu gets energy replenishment and wakes up, he will be able to attack the Qifang Immortal Realm again. Only when Zongzu is completely dead, the remaining bugs will be nothing to fear. At that time, we will strangle them completely, so that we can solve the problem The predicament of the seven directions fairy world. "

"After forcing the Zerg out of the battlefield, do they still have any action? When I returned to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, thanks to the blessing of the divine beast Bai Daze, I directly built a space channel, and the Demon Immortal Realm had Huan Yi to meet us, so I didn't meet the guards. Zerg outside the battlefield."

Western Immortal Emperor had a premonition, so he moved his secluded cave to the forbidden area behind the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and used the strongest defensive formation, so that he could barely cross the cave when the formation was destroyed and the cave collapsed. Live your first catastrophe.

He briefly touched a few golden threads on his wrist, and said to Immortal King Qingjun with a smile:
"Old Ancestor, I have obtained the artifact that my family has protected for generations, so I will naturally take on the heavy responsibility of protecting the family. With my current cultivation, I can only use one round of the 'Wheel of Fortune'. If I advance to the Emperor Realm, plus With the help of the other six masters in the imperial realm, I am sure that I can fully activate the 'Wheel of Fortune', and with the power of nine rounds, I will definitely be able to kill the weak Zongzu!"

"You girl is going to cut off the Zerg's retreat, and it's very good to do so."

Southern Immortal Realm Picking Star Building

"Those bedbugs came back from our place, and now they have turned their target to the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. On the way back, I destroyed the Pioneer Bug Nest and left enough information for the immortals in that realm. I believe they can Can handle it."

Jian Jian was playing chess with Patriarch Qingjun, while talking about his experience in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and focused on the emergence of Zerg.

Hearing what you said about the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, I think the Zerg must have determined that our bones are difficult to crack, so they shifted their targets, but I'm afraid they will be disappointed this time. "

Simply put it bluntly.

Simply pinching the chess piece in his hand, thoughtfully, and then slowly said:

Qingjun directly laid out the problem she was about to face.

"It's not that no one has mentioned your idea, but some people don't cooperate! If the other six emperor realm powers have any accidents, the area they guard will be chaotic, so internal and external difficulties, it is better to maintain the current state, at least for now Drive the Zerg out of the battlefield."

"I know, so I want to take the Western Immortal Emperor instead!"

"Your idea is very good, but if you want to implement it, your cultivation base needs to be improved, and advancing to the imperial realm not only depends on your accumulation, but also depends on the right time and place, and finally the harmony of people. You should know that a domain can only support A fairy emperor."

Simply pursing his lips and chuckling, he expressed his good wishes.

As soon as these words came out, the situation in the sky over Jian's house suddenly changed, and far away in the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion in the Western Immortal Territory, where the Western Immortal Emperor was retreating, there was no warning, and there was a formation of nine strikes that directly sent the opponent to the retreat. Cleave open, smash the cave, and the first of the five kalpas came so abruptly.

Immortal King Qingjun laughed loudly and said three "good" words in succession.

Xing Gui watched the stars with the Great Elder that day, and both of them sensed the bleakness of the Western Immortal Emperor's Fate Star at the same time, and there was a faint tendency to fall.

"Great Elder, I have finally waited for this day!"

Xing Gui gritted his teeth and said softly.

If the Great Elder wasn't by his side, I'm afraid he didn't hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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