Chapter 2007 Pass the test
Shoudian Xianjun was just teasing and simple. He didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and the reason he said made him unable to refuse. He himself wanted to exercise his muscles and bones, so he agreed without the slightest hesitation.

He simply waved his hand to open the restriction, went directly to the most spacious place in the backyard, raised his hand to expand the realm of Manzhushahua, and pulled the guard into the realm in an instant.

As soon as Shoudian raised his hand, he drew the blood-colored Miao Dao out of his dantian. Miao Dao's Dao Ling Hongyi saw the menacing demon king on the opposite side, and immediately appeared. :

"Miss Moyue, your cultivation base is higher than my master's now, so it's not good for the master in battle"

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for a while, now I'm the master of 'your house', that's fine! There's so much nonsense, I suppressed my cultivation to the level of the devil king, and I don't need the magic moon to cut, and I don't need the silent sword. If so, you If you don’t want to, then don’t even try to find your knife core!”

Jian Jian cast a sideways glance at Hong Yi, and directly interrupted the other party's words.

The red clothes must have been pissed off, the lines on his face flashed a red light, and apart from anything else he fell into the Miao Dao.

Simple only activated his own obsidian bracelet, and received the first knife swung by Shoudian, one red and one purple, the shadow of a knife and the shadow of a fist collided together, making the sound of breaking through the air and friction of power, making the whole world Fields flicker.

After Shoudian held the Miao Dao, he changed from his previous idleness, his whole body's momentum changed, his face showed a murderous look, and his figure began to flicker and move in the whole realm, while avoiding simple heavy punch attacks, from time to time, he returned the saber light. , did not lose the wind at all.

At this time, Mo Kuo, Shu Lang, Shu Yu, Bi Shu, and Mo Ran, who were fighting outside the border, all stared at the two opponents.

Shu Yu couldn't hold it back, and said to Shu Lang, who was also the captain beside him:

"Brother Shu Lang, is that palace guard really the master's lover? I think the master is merciless."

"That's just what the guard said himself, and the master didn't admit it. We let him enter the Demon Moon Mansion because he could produce tokens, and his cultivation was higher than ours, and because he was a famous immortal in the Immortal Monarch Realm. , His coming to Demon Moon Mansion is nothing to the master."

Standing aside with folded arms, Shu Lang watched the competition between the two bosses while answering each other's questions.

After hearing this, Shu Yu nodded thoughtfully and agreed:
"You're right, our master has no shortage of men, and this guard was found by himself. Judging from the expression on the master's face just now, it seems that he doesn't want to see him!"

Bi Shu and Mo Ran listened to the discussion of the two half-devil captains, and lit a candle for the two of them in their hearts. If Miss Moyue found out, the two would definitely be cut.

Among the five, only Mo Kuo is serious about watching competitions. After 5000 years of hard work and hard work, and without worrying about resources, he is about to break through the realm of mysterious demons, so watching master competitions is very inspiring for him .

In the realm, the two sides have passed more than 1000 moves, and the speed of the guard's swinging the sword is getting faster and faster, and the angle is becoming more and more tricky. Red sword shadows are flying around in the whole realm, although the rhythm of the attack has been controlled Suppressed, but he still counterattacked quietly.

Although Jian Jian has suppressed her cultivation to the same level as Shoudian's Demon Lord Empress Realm, her fists are actually as strong as a Demon King's realm. Even with bare hands, it is enough for Shoudian to drink a pot.

This time such a good opportunity, Jian Jian intends to end the old and new hatred together, she really wants to smash her fist in the opponent's face.

The Shoudian was in vain, coaxed away her sealed Miao Dao, seriously injured herself, used herself as a coolie, and handled the affairs of Shouzongdian for him, all of which were written down in her little book!
The speed of the simple fist swing is getting faster and heavier, and the huge shadow of the fist is also covering the entire realm, and she subconsciously activated her innate skills to see the trajectory of Shoudian's sword. Chu, saw the timing and quickly threw a punch, so that the opponent's attack could not be fully utilized.

With a sound of "bang", Jane finally got her wish, a purple fist shadow hit Shoudian's face, knocking him into the air and hitting the boundary, she finally felt that her anger was smooth.

Shoudian stood up, rubbed his cheeks, wiped off the blood from the corner of his lips, and said helplessly:
"Miss Moyue, have you calmed down?"

"What if I say no?"

He simply blew on his fist, feeling that the punch was a bit light.

"Then do it again! I can already keep up with your rhythm, but your fist is really hard!"

Shoudian was not angry, a pair of peach blossom eyes glanced at Jian Jian's small and exquisite fist, he felt his teeth were a little loose, it was really the feeling of being beaten for a long time.

Simply seeing that the other party's expression does not seem to be fake, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said:

"Okay, let's continue!"

Immediately, the figure disappeared in place, and a deep crack was opened by a saber light at the place where she was standing before, which showed that the speed of Shoudian's saber was not slow.

The attacks of the two became more and more rapid, and the figures of the two were hardly visible in the entire realm, but the sword, light and fist shadow collided from time to time, and the power of the attack dispersed instantly, echoing in the realm, simply using your own talent skills, took care of Shoudian's cheeks and stomach respectively, and let out a hard sigh.

After the two parted again, Shoudian no longer had the same flirtatious image as before, his hair was a little messed up (he was deliberately pulled up by a simple fist shadow), the marks on both sides of his cheeks were still there, and his robe was also wrinkled.

Shoudian's eyes were exceptionally bright, and he didn't seem to care about his own image, holding the Miao Dao in both hands, ready to continue attacking.

After simply seeing the other party's state, he blinked his phoenix eyes, and then said:

"Now you can completely suppress and control your emotions, and you will not be swayed by the evil knife."

Shoudian was taken aback for a moment, and then he hooked his lips into a smile, understanding why Jian Jian has been disgusting and irritating himself since he saw him, and even wanted to slap people in the face.

"Don't worry, now my contract with Miao Dao is very strong, I will not be swayed by evil spirits, with your Xingyue Bodhi bracelets to purify at all times, I also learned Buddhist practice and began to copy scriptures, the evil spirits of the past 5000 years I've got everything under control, otherwise I won't be able to advance to the Empress Realm smoothly."

Tao Hua, who guards the hall, has a smile in his eyes, and the smile on his face is very dazzling.

Simply call out:


The figure in red appeared again, this time sitting on Shoudian's shoulder, the other party raised his small hand and touched Shoudian's hit cheek with a look of heartache.

"My master can only see this face, how can you say hello to his face?"

Hong Yi said angrily.

Simply declined to comment and said directly:

"Do you still want your knife core?"

One sentence attracted Dao Ling Hongyi's attention.

"Will you tell me where the core is?"

Hong Yi immediately asked.

"Here I am!"

Simple and generous acknowledgment.

"I knew it! I have suspected it too, but why can't I feel it when I approach you?"

Although Hong Yi didn't want to admit it, she really didn't notice it.

"I said before, if you dare to hook up with the guard and go astray, you will always be what you are now! I forgot to tell you, Zi Yu Yin Long Cauldron recognizes me as master!"

Hongyi didn't react for a moment.

"This is a new name. He used to be called 'Heaven and Earth Creation Furnace'. Do you still remember your old friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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