Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2008 Taking the Seal and Printing the Moon

Chapter 2008 Retrieve Yinyue
After Hong Yi heard this, her pupils shrank, the rune on her cheek flickered twice, and she immediately floated into the air. Now she understood the simple threat.

It is true that the other party cannot destroy her own blood-colored seedling knife, but now she is separated from the core of the knife, and the other party has the core of the knife, but the "Heaven and Earth Good Fortune Furnace" can directly refine the core of the knife, making her body forever incomplete.

"My red clothes keep my word, and I haven't led the master into evil ways. You can rest assured, and now I am the master's natal knife. If I am incomplete, it will be bad for the master."

At such a time, Hong Yi can only admit that he is weak, the situation is stronger than others, and he is eagerly looking forward to the return of the knife core.

"Okay! You and your master have performed well during this time. When I return to Xianjianzong, I will consider returning the knife core. If it makes me unhappy, then don't talk about anything! You can't even scold me secretly in your heart." !"

Simply turning the black gold ring on his finger, he said with a smile.

Hong Yi was suffering in her heart, but she couldn't say it out, although she really wanted to encourage her master to overthrow him, but she knew very well that if she didn't say her master didn't want to, even if she wanted to, she might not be able to beat him, she could only be stern. With a small face, he nodded to Jian Jian, and then dodged into the bloody Miao knife.

After simply letting the red clothes be deflated, he was in a good mood to accept his manjushahua realm. Shoudian only had time to retract the seedling knife into his dantian, but he still appeared awkwardly in everyone's sight.

The five people standing on the front line of eating melons immediately stepped forward to salute with interest. Out of the corner of their eyes, they glanced at the ravaged Immortal Shoudian, and then lowered their eyes, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Simple but pleasantly surprised, he said:
"Mo Ran, are you already at the eighth level?"

"Yes, after you disappeared, I returned to the Demon Moon Mansion and refined the Demon Dragon Neidan that you left me a little bit, and it took 5000 years to advance to the eighth rank! There is a chance to attack you."

Mo Ran Fang Zheng's serious face flashed a touch of chill.

"Mo Ran has a heart. Although I went out to practice this time, it was a bit dangerous, but it was not without gains. My cultivation base has also improved. What happened last time will definitely not happen again."

With a simple smile reaching his eyes, he said something that only Mo Ran could understand.

"Moran understands that from today onwards, he will be by the master's side."

Moran arched his hands.

Simple is to continue to ask Mo Ran while walking:
"Is your eighth-level cultivation still stable?"


"Have you been affected by the memory of the magic dragon Neidan?"

"Fortunately, the basics were laid well before."

Mo Ran talked about his refining process while walking, and the group returned to the meeting room of the main courtyard. The guarding fairy, who was ignored by the guards of Moyue Mansion, touched his swollen cheek and decided to go back to the residence to heal his injuries.

After simply sitting down again, Mo Kuo handed over his hands and said:

"Master, the Devil Emperor's Mansion has accepted your post and asks you to go directly there tomorrow."

"Okay, Mo Kuo and Mo Ran will follow me to see the Devil Emperor tomorrow, while Bi Shu, Shu Lang, and Shu Yu are preparing a banquet in the mansion."

Simply make a decision.

"Yes, Master!"

Five people responded at the same time.

After a brief glance at the five people, it seemed that he realized why his chief steward had disappeared?
"Where's Kui Wu? Why haven't you seen him?"

"My lord, since you connected the shop in Yaoxianyu with a bridge, Kuiwu steward has escorted the resources every now and then, and retrieved the proceeds by the way. I have already sent him a message, and he will return soon."

Bi Shu took a step forward and replied respectfully.

"Tsk, I can't tell, I'm still restless."

"You all go to work! Don't be around me, I won't go out again during this time."

Seeing that none of the five people wanted to leave, Jian Jian said with a smile.


Several people turned around and left, only Bi Shu walked last and was stopped by herself.

"After I left the Demon Immortal Realm, you handled the rest of the matter very well. Your decision to avoid the Demon Immortal Realm was right."

Simply affirmed Bi Shu's approach.

"This is what Bi Shu should do. When I returned to Moyue Mansion with Mo Ran, I was investigated by Mo Kuo for a long time. If I hadn't taken out the Yinyue Mirror and the spirit of the mirror had testified for me, I wouldn't have been able to enter the gate of Moyue Mansion." .”

Bi Shu said happily with a smile.

Immediately, he took out the Moon Mirror that he carried with him, and handed it back to Jian Jian.

Bi Shu knew in her heart that the purpose of borrowing the Moon Mirror was to protect her from being discovered by the Zerg. Because of her simple disappearance, the Moon Mirror had protected her for 5000 years, and she was very content.

Feeling the familiar breath, Yin Yuejing appeared in front of Jian Jian in the next breath, and said with some excitement:

"Fairy Jane, you are finally back!"

"Well, I made you worry!"

Simply looking at Yinyue with a small crescent between her eyebrows, she felt very kind, and then said:
"I'm going back to Demon Realm this time. Apart from doing business, I'm taking you back. Here's your chance for revenge."

Jian Jian raised her eyebrows and said to Yinyue with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Yinyue concealed the excitement on her face, and respectfully cupped her hands in thanks.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Ever since she was sealed into the secret realm of Yunshang Palace, then she regained her body and ascended to the Immortal Realm with Mosu. She had waited for too long, and finally she was able to avenge Wu Yi.

Yinyue's figure flashed, and she returned to the Yinyue mirror. The mirror slowly floated into Jian Jian's hand, and she put it in the storage bracelet.

"Miss Moyue, your guard Jiang Yang, Qing Ji Patriarch decided to let him leave, and the guard contract you signed with him is considered complete."

Bi Shu thought of the indestructible Jiang Yang who was with the Yaoxianyu before, and immediately added.

"It's okay, it's just a deal."

Jiang Yang does not melt bones, they cultivated differently after all, signing a contract with the other party at that time could only be said to be an expedient measure.

The two chatted for a while, and Bi Shucai resigned reluctantly.

On the other side, the Shoudian Immortal returned to his residence and used the exercises to reduce the swelling on his cheeks. After the Shoudian returned to normal, Hong Yi began to complain through voice transmission:
"Master, you have to help me retrieve the core of the knife, otherwise the Miao knife will not be able to exert its full strength, and it will also affect you. That simple one has disliked me since the beginning of the lower realm, and it will be revenged."

"If you want to file a complaint, you should first see how you are doing. If it didn't touch her bottom line, she wouldn't keep targeting you."

The Immortal Shoudian received his merit and said lazily.

"Hey! I didn't want to leave the lower realm as soon as possible, so I used some tricks. I didn't expect that Haiyan would use such a method that hurts others and hurts himself, and even caused me to be struck by lightning. Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent so long in the lower realm."

Hong Yi felt very wronged, her body had a vicious aura, and before she did anything, that Haiyan was affected by the vicious aura, his temper was already extreme, and after being affected, he began to use all means to improve his cultivation, In the end, she was targeted by Tiandao and couldn't even ascend, so she was the one who was implicated.

"We have performed well in the past two days, and after returning to the sect, we will get your knife core back."


On the other side, Kui Wu, who had already left the Fairy Realm and had already traveled halfway, received a message from Bi Shu. After confirming the content of the message, he immediately told the half-demon guards on board happily:

"Miss Moyue is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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