Chapter 2010
The friendship between the three of them was different from others, and they chatted together for a long time.

Moqi's eyes were sharp, and she saw the colorful snow lotus fan in Jianjian's hand, and immediately smelled something unusual, and began to insinuate, and when she learned that it was a parting gift from a fairy in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, she immediately smiled meaningfully.

It wasn't until Shu Yu came to report that there were other visitors that the two got up to leave.

"Don't worry, I will continue the task of refining the concentric knot."

He promised with a simple smile.

"Then Mo Yi and I have the cheek to bother the Demon King, and we will send the refining materials as soon as possible."

Mo Qi also said with a smile on her face.

She always believes that friendship belongs to friendship, and they have already taken advantage of Moyue's hand in refining concentric knots. They must not let Moyue use refining materials. Intersect down.

After the two left, Jian Jian met a few more people, and Mo Zhi was one of the visitors, which surprised Jian Jian, who had been entangled with Mo Ang before, and asked her father who had become a Zerg puppet to get married. He played the best value, and then he didn't appear in front of her. This time, he came to the door with the cheek, not knowing what to do.

"Send Mozhi away, I don't want to see her!"

Simply waved her hands directly, with her current cultivation and status, she was impatient to deal with such a person.

After Mo Zhi was politely invited out of Mo Yue Mansion, her expression turned extremely ugly. She didn't want to come, but when her marriage partner learned that she had some "friendship" with Mo Yue, she asked her to come to congratulate her, and wanted to make friends with Mo Yue. The Moon Demon King, unfortunately, was flatly rejected by others.

This was just a small episode, and she simply didn't take it to heart. One month later, when she feasted on all the forces in the Demon Realm, Mo Zhi had the opportunity to step into the Demon Moon Mansion again.

This is the first time that Moyue has invited people to the Moyue Mansion on such a large scale since she gained a foothold in the Demon Immortal Realm. The city lords, family lords, and friends who fought side by side, all arrived on time after receiving the simple invitation. Magic Moon Palace.

After the simple Magic Moon Mansion was built, it has been relatively low-key. This time, the high-profile also let the invited people see her trenches.

The entire Demon Moon Mansion occupies an area second only to the Demon Emperor's Mansion, almost comparable to a small sect, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, high-level treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere, and there is also a separate Warcraft Garden, which makes everyone speechless , just to maintain these formations, the consumption of magic stones is not a small amount.

Of course, you have to show something when you come to visit as a guest. Everyone brought gifts to the door, but after entering the Demon Moon Mansion, they suddenly felt that the things they had prepared were too much to take out.

Jianjian also attended the event in full dress today, changing into a white fairy dress with dark gold patterns, a complete set of high-level fire spar defense fairy weapons, and the pendants on her chest are the little silver armors she raised. The Yaori red silk that was cut off and placed in the space became her hair band, coupled with the improvement of her cultivation, the whole person is like a luminous body, and people can't take their eyes away from every frown and smile.

After a round of toasting, everyone began to inquire about where Moyue had been before. He simply twirled the round fan of the red lotus fire in his hand, and played Tai Chi with these people with a smile.

At this time, Mo Li quietly approached the Shoudian Xianjun, showing a reserved smile, and then said:

"This fairy, are you also Miss Moyue's guest?"

The peach blossom guarding the temple turned his eyes, looked at the little witch in front of him, and said with a smile:

"What if it's a guest, so what if it's not a guest?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, Miss Moyue is one of the best in the Demon Realm in terms of appearance, cultivation, temperament and background."

Mo Li praised sincerely.

"so what?"

Shoudian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"So there is no shortage of male favorites around her, and all of them are really stunning. It's better for Xianjun not to be hanged on a tree!"

Mo Li had an expression of "I'm doing my best for you."

"Mo Li, your stinking problem hasn't changed yet?"

A simple voice came from behind Mo Li, making the other party change his face immediately, and quickly turned around and said flatteringly:

"Miss Moyue, I just saw this guest sitting alone and bored, so I chatted with him."

"Tsk, you already hold the firm in your hands now?"

Simply ask directly.

"Of course, according to Miss Mo Yue's suggestion, I have driven Mo Kai out of the power center of the family business."

Mo Li immediately reported with a smile on his face.

"Father is a bit displeased, but who made that kid greedy for beauty!"

There was a sarcastic smile on Mo Li's lips.

"Beware of their comeback! This time I came back with an excuse, and your defenses are a little lax again."

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, he said bluntly.

"Miss Moyue, don't worry, I will rectify it when I get back!"

Mo Li said tactfully, then found an excuse and slipped away.

"Miss Moyue, your reputation of being accompanied by beauty resounds throughout the Demon Realm!"

The peach-blossom eyes who guarded the palace narrowed slightly, and joked with a smile.

"These people are jealous. At that time, in order to cover up my identity, I was walking with Tianhong and Tianpo."

Simply and generously admitted.

"The two over there seem to be here for you, so I won't bother you."

Shoudian left wisely.

Holding the wine glasses, Mo Ang and Mo Yang walked towards Jian Jian slowly, both of them became more and more calm, and Mo Ang spoke first:

"Congratulations to Miss Moyue for advancing to the Demon King Realm. Mo Yang and I are very happy to receive the invitation this time!"

"That's right! After accepting the invitation, the eldest brother put aside all the affairs of the Demon Origin City, and set off for the Demon City the next day, for fear of missing the time."

Mo Yang said with a smile.

"I haven't shown up for a long time. I'm afraid some people have forgotten me. It just so happens that I am promoted this time, so I invite old people to gather together."

Simply said with a smile.

"Miss Moyue's reputation has endured for a long time. Now that it is mentioned in Moyuan City, none of the family elders dare to say a bad word."

"At that time, the situation in the Demon Realm was a bit chaotic, so we had to cut through the mess quickly, otherwise the Demon Realm would become chaotic, and the Zerg would have an opportunity to take advantage of it. This is not what we want to see."

"Naturally, it was precisely because of Miss Moyue's decisive action that she found out the Zerg's backhand hidden in the Demon Realm. Otherwise, it's really hard to say what the Demon Realm will be like."

"I've heard enough compliments today, feel free to send me a message if you have anything to do."

Simply said with a smile.

Mo Ang and Mo Yang smiled and nodded, at this time Shu Lang walked to Jian Jian's side, and after bowing, he directly transmitted the voice:

"That Mozhi ran wild and was detained by Shu Yu."

"Give Mozhi to her Taoist companion, and send it away!"


Mo Zhi made another faceless mess, and completely hated Jian Jian, but so what, it was neither painful nor itchy for Jian Jian.

Half a year later, Kui Wu hurried back to Moyue Mansion, excitedly came to see Jian Jian.

"Kuiwu pays respects to Miss Moyue, congratulations to Miss for advancing to Demon King Realm!"

"Thank you for your hard work! It seems that your cultivation base has not dropped in the past two years, and you have already reached the Great Luojin Demon Realm."

Simply said with a smile.

"Kuiwu dare not slack off, otherwise it will be difficult to go out on behalf of Moyue Mansion."

Kui Wu said with a smile on his face.

"Miss Moyue, there is one more person who has been waiting for you for a long time. This time, he returned to Moyue Mansion with me. Do you want to meet him?"

 Dear children, Feng Ling secretly added a new chapter, and the monthly ticket is here~ See you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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