Chapter 2011 Becoming a Faith
Hearing what Kui Wu said, he simply smiled and said:

"The manager of Kuiwu is out walking, and he picked up my old friend?"

"You'll know when Miss Moyue sees you later!"

Kui Wu also sold a pass. First, he made a detailed report on the operation of the entire Demon Moon Mansion during the 5000 years that Jian Jian was absent, and all the income after the resource exchange with the Yaoxian Domain was opened. The time passed.

"Because the Demon Moon Mansion still attracts more attention in the Demon City, the extra resources were sent by the half-devil to the Demon Moon Mansion at the bottom of the Myriad Demon Abyss. There are only enough resources left here to maintain the operation of the Demon Moon Mansion."

Kui Wu finally concluded.

"Well, you've worked hard! I'm back now. With me in charge of the Demon Moon Mansion, there shouldn't be any major problems in the future. You will continue to do so."

Simple and direct instructions.

"Yes, actually, because the mansion is close to the Devil Emperor's Mansion, there are really no ignorant people looking for trouble. Besides, Miss Moyue took a mission to go out. Whether you are here or not, we will take good care of Moyue Mansion."

Kui Wu immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Well, I love to hear what you say! You, the chief executive, cooperate very well with Mokuo. Even if I am not around, it will allow the stable development of Moyue Mansion. I have brought back some suitable resources for you through this experience. Go and see Look!"

Simply said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you, master!"

Kui Wu retreated happily, and beckoned to the young man who had been waiting at the door for a long time, and let him go in to meet his master. The man took a deep breath, straightened his green willow dark pattern robe, and then stepped into the room. In the main hall, with a slightly excited expression, he respectfully saluted Jian Jian:

"Disciple Huaman, pay homage to Master!"

In fact, when Kui Wu was trying to sell Guanzi just now, he simply received a voice transmission from Liu Chuan:

"Yo! It's not easy. The catkins I sent out back then were raised well and even ascended with the owner."

Just this one sentence made Jian Jian understand that Hua Manfei, his only disciple of the magic cultivator, had ascended.

Simply showing off his face with a smile, he gently raised the round fan, held up the prostrating Huaman, let the other person sit down, and then asked:

"Huaman, when did you ascend? How did you meet Kuiwu?"

"In order to cultivate Liu Sheng, the disciple stayed in the Hua family in the lower realm for a relatively long time, and it has only been less than 3000 years since he ascended to the Demon Immortal Realm."

After sitting down properly, Hua began to talk about her own experience.

"The disciple was lucky. When I was applying for the status jade card in the Ascension Palace, I asked the steward if there was a powerful female sorcerer named Moyue in the Demon Realm. It turned out that there was indeed one. After I repeatedly confirmed that it was the master, I'm ready to find you.

Because there is still a distance between Feisheng Hall and the Demon City where you are, the disciple has stayed in the nearest Demon City for five years. While familiarizing himself with the environment, he cultivates and accumulates resources so that he can continue to the Demon City.

There are still legends about the master in the magic city. After I knew what the master did, I had the idea of ​​following your steps, and then I followed the whereabouts of you to eliminate the Zerg backhands, and slowly marched towards the magic city During this period, they passed Wanhua City, Mobi City, and Mowu City all the way, and finally arrived at Moyue Mansion. "

Huaman tried his best to briefly explain what happened after his ascension. Although it was not very detailed, it was simple and clear. For a magician who has just ascended, it is definitely not so easy to find the magic capital safely.

Moreover, Huaman's current cultivation base has only been in the Golden Demon Realm for only 3000 years. To have such a cultivation base, he must have paid a lot.

Huaman continued his narration:
"After arriving in the magic city, I came to the magic moon mansion excitedly. Who knew that I couldn't even enter the door. I was very depressed at the time. After all, after the master ascended, he lost contact with the lower realm, and you were not in the mansion at that time. In the middle, I understand the other party's concerns, so I am going to leave the magic city temporarily and go to a nearby city. While accepting the task, I will accumulate training resources at the same time. When you come back, I will be able to see you at least once.

In the end, I met the steward of Kui Wu, and because I blocked his way, when he waved me away, Liu Sheng was not happy, so he left my dantian automatically, climbed up the pillar at the entrance of the master's mansion, and let me be safe. Stay in shape.

The appearance of Liu Sheng caught the attention of Kuiwu steward, and he asked me a few more questions. I was afraid that he would snatch my Liu Sheng, so I said that you are my master, and the proof is my pet Liu Sheng. , was gifted by you, and in the end, Steward Kui Wu brought me into the Magic Moon Mansion.

Afterwards, Mo Kuo and Shu Lang repeatedly confirmed that Liu Sheng and your plant pet came from the same source, so I temporarily stayed in Mo Yue Mansion.

Manager Kui Wu would go to the Fairy Realm every once in a while, and he said that you went to the Fairy Realm before, and I wanted to try my luck, so I would accept the escort mission to the Fairy Realm. The cultivation resources gradually stabilized like this.

I finally saw Master today, I am very happy! "

After Huaman finished speaking, a smirk appeared on his face, reminiscent of when they first met.

"Although you are my registered disciple, you are the rare one among all my disciples who is practical. You are recognized by the Dao of Heaven to be able to ascend smoothly, and you will just stay in the Demon Moon Mansion to practice hard in the future."

Simply said with a smile.

"Thank you, Master, for your love!"

Huaman immediately stood up and saluted to express his gratitude. Now that he has a master, he feels that he is really a part of Moyue Mansion. Before, he always felt uneasy.

"Actually, when I first ascended, I was a little dazed. After all, when I was in the lower realm, I was a top existence. After ascension, I seemed to have returned to the state when I first started practicing. During the five years in Magic City, I have seen it even more. The weak eat the strong in the Demon Immortal Realm.

Fortunately, I had the accurate information from Master at that time, and there was a legend about you in Mosuo City. Every time I heard more details, the goal in my heart became clearer, because I had faith in my heart, which also became the driving force for my cultivation. It persisted all the way. "

Huaman expresses her feelings.

This process is a must for every ascension fairy. Some people start again, some people stay where they are, and some people lose their original intention of cultivation, and then disappear in the fairy world after a setback. These are all normal but.

Simple and a little emotional, she has now become the belief of others.

"Speaking of which, I was no better than you when I first ascended. You have stayed in the Magic City for five years in peace and stability, but I was followed by people as soon as I left the Ascension Palace. A place like Luanfeng Tower that sells furnaces."

Briefly, she also talked about her unlucky experience in the early days of her ascension, and the process of her being forced to quickly improve her cultivation.

Although Huaman has heard of some things, but now listening to the righteous master himself, it is a different feeling. He knows that his master can have the current status and cultivation level, but he has sacrificed his life and dao in exchange for it. Compared with it, he felt that he was lucky, at least he still had a master to go to.

Then he simply asked about the situation of the demons in Lingyun Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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