Chapter 2012 Spirit Yun Changes
"The Heavenly Demon Palace is still the leader of the Demon Race. After the Zerg War, the Lingyun Continent experienced a boom in ascension. Many Mahayana True Venerables who participated in the war have been ascended one after another. The sects and families have undergone a major reshuffle. After Mo Su Palace Master ascended to the throne, Mo Jian succeeded as Palace Master.

At the beginning, everything was fine, but Mojian was not satisfied with the Heavenly Demon Palace being suppressed by the Heavenly Sword Sect, and kept making small moves in private, trying to provoke a dispute between Taoism and demons. Of course, these things were done by the ancestors who avoided Qingxiu in the back mountain. And my family bears the brunt.

Because the Hua family was supported by their master, and they devoted all their strength to support them during the battle against the Zerg, in exchange for the protection and support of the Heavenly Demon Palace, but Mo Jian wanted to erase all traces of you in the Heavenly Demon Palace, Don't even let your portrait exist in the Heavenly Demon Palace. "

When Huaman said this, he was still angry in his heart. He did this to obliterate the existence of Master and all her achievements.

"After the Hua family found out, they gradually arranged for the family disciples to slowly withdraw from the Heavenly Demon Palace, and reported to the sect from time to time. The family disciples disappeared or fell, and they were going to gradually fade out of everyone's sight. The Hua family will never Will participate in the battle of Taoism, especially if I am still there.

But that Mojian actually wanted the Hua family to be cannon fodder, and wanted our family to disappear. At that time, the conflict between Tianmo Palace and Tianjianzong had escalated, and there was a small-scale fight. Both sides had losses, so he wanted to push us out. Top pot.

I simply asked Liu Sheng to go to the forbidden area in the back mountain of the Tianmo Palace to imprison the True Lord of Mozang, and sue Mojian fiercely. Let's see him provoke the battle between Dao and Demon. "

Huaman was a little angry, and his voice raised two points, obviously he was also very angry at that time.

"Don't worry, it's all over."

Simple but comforted Hua Mandao, since she has already ascended, she will not interfere in the affairs of the lower world. Before ascension, she did everything she could, and she has a clear conscience.

"After Mozang Zhenzun left the customs, he directly summoned the head of the black-robed guard who succeeded him. He learned that Mojian was trying to provoke a war between Taoism and demons, and wanted to erase your existence in Tianmo Palace. He directly slapped you After Mo Jian died, I let out a sigh of relief for those demon cultivators who disobeyed him and were killed and framed."

When Huaman said this, his tone relaxed a lot, and he continued:
"Afterwards, those families who encouraged Mo Jian to provoke the war between Dao Demons were all purged, and with the ancestor Mozang in charge, the Tianmo Palace quickly regained its stability.

Then the ancestor went to the Heavenly Sword Sect to plead guilty, explained the reason for the previous conflict, and hoped that the stability of Lingyun Continent would not be affected by some people's wrong decisions.

The cultivation environment they have now was obtained by sacrificing many seniors, and those ascended seniors only accounted for one-fifth of the participants. "

What Hua Man said was the truth, even Jian Jian almost lost his soul at the beginning, if it wasn't for the sliver of protection from Lord Yan Luo, he would probably have lost his soul.

"However, after an in-depth investigation of the Tianmo Palace, it was discovered that there were actually people who had defected to the Zerg race in it. Since then, the Lingyun Continent has become vigilant again, and the disaster of the war between Dao and Demon has dissipated."

Huaman made a concluding speech at the end.

Simply turning the round fan of the red lotus fire in his hand, he said casually:
"Without foreign enemies, these people want to provoke internal strife. I really don't know what they think. Taking advantage of the growing aura of Lingyun Continent, they don't improve their cultivation, but they want to fight for a false name. How much do they hate me? , I want to erase the traces of my existence."

"Their calculations are wrong. What you have done for Lingyun Continent can be erased from the mere Jade Slips and disappear. Before I ascended, I heard that someone was very lucky and got what you left behind. Fuze."

Huaman said with a smile.

"Indeed, when I first ascended, I didn't know what was going on in the Immortal World. I threw some low-level resources all over the Lingyun Continent. It would be a good fortune for anyone who got it."

"It is precisely because of this that what Mo Jian did did not get the support of most people in the Heavenly Demon Palace. Only those families with impure goals jumped up and down, enjoying the protection of the Heavenly Demon Palace, but they still want to slander you. It's really good. shameless!

Therefore, the destruction of Mojian and those families did not receive any sympathy, but quite a few people fell into trouble. "

"You don't have to be too angry. Mojian started the incident as the owner of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Most of the people around him are on the sidelines. It's not clear whether he made a personal decision or whether he got the help of the ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Therefore, it is not easy to act hastily. Even the Hua family chose to withdraw!
After Mo Zang killed Mo Jian, he gave a clear attitude towards this matter, and those families and people who did not want to make a move took action. "

Simply said with a smile.

After talking about the past with Jian Jian, Hua Man and Jian left the main hall contentedly. After chatting with each other today, his goal became more determined, his mood improved, his aura changed, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough.

At this time, Liu Chuan floated away from the simple wrist, and turned into a handsome young man in green robes, coughed lightly and said:

"After you've finished telling the story, I'll go see the younger generation, and I'll mention Liu Sheng by the way, this kid's cultivation speed is a bit slow!"

Simply pursing his lips and smiling, he said:

"You just go, I didn't stop you, you are just such a junior, you need to give some pointers."


Liu Chuan waved his hand, turned around and left the hall, and went to find his junior.

Sesame said quietly:

"Master, Liu Chuan has been communicating with that junior just now. He doesn't know what they talked about. He is worried, so he has to go to see the situation."

"He got such a talented junior, so he was naturally nervous."

Simply said with a smile.

"Zhima, did you discover anything else during your time in the Demon Immortal Realm?"

"Master, because you have entertained the city lords of various cities and some old friends, the sub-gu that I took the opportunity to send out has basically spread all over the entire Demon Realm, unless these Zerg can avoid all my sub-gu, otherwise there will be discovery .”

Zhima immediately reported that he had expected that his master would return to the Demon Immortal Realm not just to show his face.

"Well, well done, I will stay for a while, and then I will return to the Northern Immortal Territory, Yueluan is still waiting for us! Before you leave, take back the subgu, don't leave any excuses."

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

She was ambushed, seriously injured and fell into the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. The Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron was almost scrapped, and she still hasn't avenged her!

"Yes, Master!"

A year later, Jian Jian and the Immortal Shoudian received a message from Tang Jun at the same time, asking them to return to Xianjianzong as soon as possible. The Immortal King Ceremony is about to be held, invitations have been sent out, and Jian Jian, the protagonist, must attend.

Shoudian has been living like a fish in water in Moyue Mansion for more than a year. If he has nothing to do, he will fight with Jian Jian, play chess, cultivate his body and mind, and he is a little bit reluctant to leave.

After receiving the message from Tangjun, he reluctantly embarked on the journey back to the northern fairyland with Jian Jian, and met the Devil Emperor alone before Jian Jian left.

(End of this chapter)

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