"Lord Devil Emperor, during my rest period, my Immortal Gu has checked the Demon Realm again, and I haven't found any traces of Zerg."

After Jian Jian met the Demon Emperor alone, he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, talking about what he had done during his time in the Demon Realm.

"I know, thank you for your hard work!"

The Devil Emperor glanced at Mo Ran who had turned into a little black dragon and coiled around Jian Jian's wrist, and replied.

Simply pretending not to see it, gathered the sleeves of the gown to cover Mo Ran's body, then continued to say after considering the words:

"There are still Zerg wandering around the periphery of the battlefield, and they are still ruthless. I'm afraid they will make a comeback if they get the chance."

"how do you want to do it?"

The Devil Emperor asked directly.

"Kill Zongzu, once and for all!"

The simple answer is also straightforward.

"Tsk tsk! You girl, I really dare to think. Why did the seven emperors join forces to build a battle field? It's because we were not sure about killing that Zongzu! From your tone, there is a way to strangle the other party?"

The Devil Emperor stroked the wine glass in his hand, squinting his eyes and asked.

"There is a way, but my current strength is not enough, and I need your support, Devil Emperor!"

Simple and immediate.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? How long have you been promoted to the Demon King Realm? Prepare well, and when the time is right, I will naturally help you."

The Devil Emperor said with a meaningful smile.

It seems that the news passed to him by the Immortal Emperor of the South is true, and nine times out of ten it will be reflected on Mo Yue. As the Devil Emperor, he already has his own judgment.

It simply felt that the Devil Emperor seemed to have seen through her mind, but she only smiled, then agreed, and offered her farewell in a timely manner.

Afterwards, Jian Jian took Mo Ran and quietly left Moyue Mansion together with Shou Dian, announcing the retreat to the outside world, avoiding everyone's sight.

A year later, Jian Jian and Shou Dian returned to Xianjianzong on the deadline.

The Shoudian reluctantly returned to the Shouzong Hall. Seeing the main lord swaying into the main hall, Tianjun soothed the blue veins on his forehead, without saying a word, handed over the lord's token and a handover After presenting the jade slips with both hands to the Shoudian Immortal, he bowed respectfully and left the Shouzong Hall in a graceful manner.

"Tsk, why did you leave without saying a word!"

Shoudian complained after receiving the token and jade slips.

Immediately, he glanced at the purple armored guards in the hall, and all the purple armored guards cursed in their hearts: You have left your responsibility to Tianjun Shangxian, and you are happy outside, and if they give you a good face, it is because of Tianjun's good self-restraint!But they didn't show it on their faces, saying that they were on duty seriously and didn't see anything.

Shoudian lazily returned to the main seat, and began to look at the jade slips slowly. Without Bi Shu serving tea and snacks, he was really not used to it. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

With nothing to do, Tianjun went to find Tianli who had just left the customs, and the two went to visit Jianjian hand in hand.

He received the news as soon as he returned to the sect, otherwise he would not have caught the Shoudian Xianjun so accurately, and relieved himself of the courage to guard the Zongdian.

In Jianjian's cave in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, Qingji, Qingru, Qinghuai, and Qingya's four immortals from Jian's family met with Jianjian, and Qingji first began to say:
"Immortal King Jian, your timing is really accurate, we are all afraid that you will not come back in time!"

"They're all from my own family. Why do you call me so unique? You should just call me simple!"

Changed the subject with a simple smile.

"That's right, they're all from the Jian family. The Immortal King Jian is for outsiders to listen to. How are things going when you go out this time?"

Said in a clear and loud voice.

"I went to Demon Realm, and after I dealt with everything there, I rushed back as soon as possible."

Simply said with a smile.

"Okay, this is the process of the Grand Ceremony, you should familiarize yourself with it first, and ask me if you have any questions."

Qing Confucian Xianjun smiled elegantly, and handed Jian Jian a jade slip.

"This time we were invited by Immortal Sword Sect to draw up the entire ceremony process together. We have tried to simplify it as much as possible. You can take a look first."

Qing Huai first praised Immortal Sword Sect's meticulous workmanship, and then said that they had already made the biggest concession, and the remaining steps could not be reduced any further.

Jian Jian immediately grasped the spirit and replied with a smile:

"Let everyone worry about it, it's simple and clear, and everything follows the arrangement."

The four immortals of the Jian family nodded in satisfaction.

"Patriarch Qingjun said that you want to use this Immortal King Ceremony to settle some matters, but about Yueluan?"

Qing Ji asked directly.

"Exactly, she plotted against me again and again, and this time she caused me to leave the Seven Squares Immortal Realm for so long. I must avenge this revenge!"

Western Immortal Domain Dongting Immortal Mansion
Ever since she received the invitation from Immortal Sword Sect, Yue Luan has a feeling of trepidation. She knows very well that although she and Jian Jian have never really faced each other face to face, they have fought against Jian Jian for a long time. In the middle of the ruthless practice, he grew up rapidly, and returned after disappearing this time, his cultivation base has been promoted to the Immortal King Realm.

This made her fall into panic. After receiving the invitation this time, she felt like the dust had settled.

Both are Immortal Kings, but she is very aware of the gap between herself and the other party. When fused with this body, Yueluan is not famous for her combat power, but for her beauty. But after getting back together this time, Junli never touched her again.

This time, both she and Junli were invited by name, even if it was just for superficiality, the two of them had to attend, and there was no excuse to refuse, after all, Immortal King Xiyue, who together with Junli was in charge of the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, Invitation not received.

Although the other party was a little unhappy, they still had the opportunity to take over the rights of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, so they were urged to leave a long time ago. After all, it was considered a grand event. Immortal kings and demon kings from all domains would attend, and it was also a good way to connect with each other. Chance.

Junli also has his own plan. This time, he can deepen his connection with the other immortal kings of the six domains and exchange information, so after receiving the invitation, he is ready to set off with Yueluan.

Yueluan dragged left and right until there was really no reason to shirk, and then boarded the spaceship with Junli to the northern fairyland.

Yueluan sat cross-legged in a separate boat room, her beautiful eyes closed, and she was thinking about how to deal with going to Xianjianzong. After all, the environment was not good for her, and she still had a fluke mentality. Openly attack her.

While Yueluan was thinking about the countermeasures, the spaceship slowly arrived at the Immortal Sword Sect in the Northern Immortal Territory.

In the past two years, because of the news that Xianjianzong will hold a fairy king ceremony for Fairy Jian, the fairy city near Xianjianzong has become lively. Those who want to watch the excitement, those who want to do business with Xianjianzong, and the families who have received invitations, etc. Waiting, it almost made Xianjian City overcrowded.

Even so, there are still people who keep coming here, and even bring their own residences. Anyway, there are all kinds of people, and they really show their talents.

"Dang" a sound of a heavy bell came from the Immortal Sword Sect, and the Immortal King Ceremony officially began.

Babies, upload the first three chapters, and there are two more chapters to come, upload them after coding, Fengling is going to make dinner!On the last day of February, dear friends, don’t keep the monthly pass that you haven’t sold, fly to Fengling’s bowl quickly! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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