Xiao Jinxian quickly took the fairy stone, and said respectfully:

"Thank you for the fairy king's reward. Actually, it's not far away. Walk along this gravel road, and after turning a corner, you will find the most beautiful scenery on the main peak. There is also a gazebo there!"

After finishing speaking, the two little golden fairies saluted immediately, then hurriedly turned and returned to the Grand Ceremony Square.

Junli straightened his magic robe and cast a cleansing technique. Then, in a flash, he arrived at the place Xiao Jinxian pointed at just now, and saw the fairy king sitting in the pavilion at a glance. Graceful, but his brows are wrinkled.

And Yueluan who was sitting in the pavilion also found Junli, turned her head to look at him, and then looked away. She thought that Junli found out that she was not there, so she came to find her.

"How will you be here?"

Junli asked impatiently.

"Why can't I be here? Do I continue to stay by your side and watch you drool at Immortal King Jane?"

Yueluan turned back mercilessly.

Originally, he wanted to maintain some dignity, but Jun Li's eyes betrayed himself, don't think she didn't see the obscure and disdainful gazes cast by the surrounding fairy kings.

Moreover, after her meticulous dressing up, it was still nothing more than simple, and before the ceremony started, she heard the voice transmission conversation between the two immortal servants, so she turned and left without even saying hello.

After she came out, she calmed down, knowing that this was a very disrespectful behavior, and she was also afraid of Jian Jian secretly attacking her, so she chose to sit in the garden closest to Dadian Square. It can also return to the square as quickly as possible, or alarm those fairy kings.

"Can you stop slandering your Taoist companion like this, what good does it do you?"

"You can do it, but I can't say it. What's the reason?"

A look of contempt flashed across Yueluan's originally delicate and beautiful face.

"Do you think everyone is blind? Why are you and I placed at the bottom of the table? You heard the voice transmission of the two little golden fairies just now. Why do you need to deceive yourself?"

"You are really making trouble for no reason. We are here to watch the ceremony. If we don't look at the protagonist, who are we looking at?"

Jun Li argued a little bit to cover up.

"Oh! Then the eyeballs that don't need to look won't turn!"

Yue Luan sarcastically said.

"You're still talking about me! If you hadn't dawdled and procrastinated, would we have arrived in the end? We didn't even have time to make friends with other fairy kings."

"Tsk, with your reputation that has fallen to the bottom, who wants to make friends with you?"

"You are unreasonable!"

"You're the one who is interested in sex!"

The two started arguing with each other. Because they were too focused, they didn't notice that the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated for a moment, and then calmed down again.


A sigh came, causing the two of them to shut up instantly, and turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.

Immediately, the pupils of the two shrank, Jun Li's face changed drastically, and he said in a trembling voice:


"Brother, don't you remember me?"

A female cultivator in a blue robe walked towards the two of them step by step, with a slight smile on her cold and soft face.

"Junior Sister Wu Wuyi, aren't you?"

Junli took a step back uncomfortably, he didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

"I have been killed by you, Yueluan, and our good master!"

Wu Yi took over what the other party hadn't finished speaking.

"Hmph! Playing tricks! Now that you're dead, don't appear in front of us again. A concubine who can't stand on the stage, since you have completed the mission of your amulet, you should leave quietly."

Yueluan got up and walked out of the gazebo step by step, her words were also unusually harsh, which did not match her delicate face at all.

"Tsk tsk, you are really a vicious snake and scorpion, but the master and senior brother still allow you to exist, but it is a pity that he can't protect himself now, and you are not far away."

Wu Yi chuckled, raised his hand to stroke the broken hair on his sideburns, and said maliciously.

Yueluan's eyes darkened, and the moment she raised her hand, a hairpin was inserted towards Wu Yi in front of her.

Wu Yi didn't dodge or dodge, and let the hairpin come out through his body and land on the ground, directly overturning the gravel road.

"Tsk tsk, that's how you sneaked up on me back then!"

Wu Yi suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, and said to Yue Luan.

Yueluan and Junli frowned at the same time, such a big movement did not alarm anyone, and the two immediately became alert.

"You're not Wu Yi, who are you?"

"It's hard for you to remember Wu Yi, but how can you forget me?"

Wu Yi in front of him began to change, from Wu Yi to a bright mirror.

"It's actually you! You have been crushed by Master, why are you still here?"

Jun Li frowned tightly, and immediately held a fairy sword in his hand. He had seen the madness of this mirror before, and Hong Yu and the others fell directly after being sucked away by this mirror.

Yueluan sensed that something was wrong, immediately retreated, and started to attack everywhere, hoping to leave here as soon as possible, she felt that this space had been locked, otherwise no one would come here until now.

Jun Li also raised his hand and waved his sword, but in the next breath, the copper-colored handle mirror appeared above their heads, and the golden light shot from the mirror instantly enveloped the two of them, and that terrible suction came, making the two of them Realizing that something was wrong, he began attacking the mirror above his head.

At this time, Jian Jian's figure flashed and appeared within the golden light range. He slapped Junli directly, and directly photographed him into the mirror, before turning to Yueluan.

This change was so sudden that Yueluan was startled, and after seeing the simplicity, she immediately realized that what was supposed to come had finally come.

"what do you want?"

Yueluan tried her best to stabilize her figure, staring at Jianjian with bloodshot eyes.

"I should ask you this! Since the Dharma-ending Era, you have used soul divisions to plot against me, and I have been chasing you all the way."

Simply playing with the long hair in his hand, he said meaningfully.

Yueluan was taken aback for a moment, and then she came to her senses, remembering the soul that had returned from the lower world, and the culprit who destroyed her soul was standing in front of her.

In the next breath, Yueluan screamed, covering her head and howling.

Jian Jian dodged behind the other party again, using [-]% of his strength, and photographed Yue Luan into the mirror of Yinyue.

Yueluan's physical body couldn't bear the simple heavy blow at all, and before entering the Yinyue Mirror, it was already torn apart, and the moment the spirit and soul left the body, they were sucked into it together by the Yinyue Mirror.

The small garden instantly regained its tranquility, and simply waved his hand to restore the place that the two attacked just now, then raised his hand and took the Yinyue mirror back into his hand.

"Thank you Fairy Jian, Yinyue thanked you for your help on behalf of Wu Yi, so that she will get revenge!"

"You're welcome! They're my enemies too! You have to treat them well, and don't let them die so quickly."

Jian Jian narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and said bluntly.

"Fairy, don't worry, I will not let them live or die! Yueluan, the bedbug's body is slowly gluing together."

Yin Yue said directly.

"Don't let her soul return to her body."


After Yinyue replied, she fell into silence.

Jian Jian turned around, changed into a light blue fairy dress, and changed her hair accessories before she said:


"Master, I am here!"

"The task was completed very well, we are going back!"


Cotton candy's cute voice came.

Immediately there was a burst of transparent ripples around, and the marshmallow turned into a little cloud again, sticking to its owner's bun, and simply returned to the Grand Ceremony Square.

Babies, a fat chapter is here!Thanks to all the donors who voted, recommended and rewarded!Fengling is definitely worthy of everyone's subscription and support, and this month's update is 23 words!See you tomorrow!

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