When simply walking slowly into the square, the two little fairy servants who had been accompanying Junli and Yueluan came over with a smile. They were Tianmiao and Tianyu. He made a guest appearance as a little fairy servant.

"Master! Is things going well?"

Tian Miao took a step forward and asked through sound transmission.

Simply smiled and nodded, moved the Yinyue mirror into Tianmiao's storage ring with a wave of her sleeves, then returned to the center of the square as if nothing had happened, and continued to communicate with the fairy kings of various domains, it seems that she just left just to change her body Immortal robe, make yourself more radiant.

"Simple, you are so beautiful today, this fairy robe suits your complexion very well."

Immortal King Heixiao praised with a smile.

"Senior Heixiao is overrated. If you are willing to change into a black robe, you will definitely be more beautiful than me."

Simply said with a smile.

"Tsk, you're still so good at talking."

Immortal King Shuisheng, who was wearing a water-colored robe, naturally joined the conversation between the two female fairy kings:

"Simple, I heard that you went to another fairy world this time, can you tell us about it."

This topic obviously aroused everyone's interest. Immortal King Yiqing, Immortal King Chuxi, Immortal King Shuyun, Immortal King Guixu, Demon King Moqian, and Demon King Fengqi all surrounded him.

"The fairyland I fell into this time is called Qianyuan Fairyland, which is composed of four seas and thirteen continents. Most of the fairylands are seas. Endless Sea, Bosheng Sea, Death Sea, and Space Sea are the four seas. Continent, Continent, Continent.”

It was simple and did not hide anything, and basically said everything that could be said, focusing on the fact that when she returned to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm by spaceship, she encountered a moving insect nest on the way, and her destination was Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

All the fairy kings frowned after hearing this, and each of them thought about it.

"It seems that the Zerg are undecided. Although they were kicked out of the battlefield by us, they have found another way. This is to change the target."

Immortal King Guixu said directly.

"I think it should be that this worm nest is a pioneer sent by them, so I wiped it out."

Simply turning the colorful snow lotus fan in his hand, he replied directly.

"You are quite courageous, you dare to confront them alone, or you are in the starry sky, are you not afraid of what happens?"

Hei Xiao said in admiration.

"That can't let them approach the Qianyuan Immortal Realm smoothly. Although I have left behind in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, I just can't see them slipping away from my nose, and they will naturally disappear."

Simply pursing his lips into a smile, he said domineeringly.

"However, there are indeed some small troubles. I was chased by the giant starry sky and fled back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm. Fortunately, I have enough immortal stones, otherwise the ship would really capsize."

A simple but helpless addition.

"Tsk, that giant starry sky beast has the strength of the Immortal Emperor Realm, and you can meet it all. Fortunately, you run fast!"

Immortal King Yi Qing was speechless.

"Who says it's not! What can I do if I encounter it? I can only escape! My reinforced intermediate spaceship is basically scrapped."

"Simple, I think you should re-refine a high-level spaceship by yourself! What if it happens again?"

Immortal King Chuxi reminded.

"Senior Chuxi said that I have the same plan."

Simply nodded.

"What are you guys talking about?"

'Junli' walked over slowly and spoke very deliberately.

Several fairy kings glanced at 'Junli', but did not answer the words in a tacit understanding.

Only the simple protagonist, in order not to stand in the cold, smiled and said:

"Senior Junli, we are talking about refining advanced spaceships."

"Really? I have some experience"

This 'Jun Li' didn't seem to feel the crowd's rejection of him, so he said to himself.

"A Li, what are you talking to Immortal King Jian, and you are so happy?"

The glamorous 'Yueluan' swayed her waist lightly, stepped forward slowly, and stood beside 'Junli', as if she was not very happy that the other party came to Jianjian's side.

"I didn't say anything, this is just the topic."

'Junli' frowned, and a hint of impatience flashed across his handsome face. Although he hid it well, there were fairy kings all around him. His eyes were like a microscope, so he could see clearly.

"A Li, I suddenly feel a surge of Qi and blood, and my Xianyuan power is not smooth."

'Yueluan' suddenly moved and leaned directly on 'Junli', her complexion also turned pale.

Everyone also felt the fluctuation of the immortal power on 'Yueluan', Jian Jian immediately waved to the immortal attendant behind them:
"Immortal King Yueluan is a little unwell, please send the two distinguished guests back to Keju Peak first."


The two immortal attendants bowed in response, and immediately stepped forward, making a gesture of invitation to 'Junli' and 'Yueluan'.

Although 'Junli' was a little reluctant, but the one in his arms was his Taoist companion after all, he could only smile awkwardly, and helped 'Yueluan' who had a bad face, and temporarily left the square in front of the main hall.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared that Immortal King Yi Qing said disdainfully:

"These two people are worthy of being Taoist couples, they are truly a match."

The irony is very obvious. He still remembers that when he was stationed in the battlefield, the large number of parasites that appeared in the area under the jurisdiction of the Western Immortal Territory were all summoned by Junli, and it seemed that there were also people placed by Yueluan.

In short, the two evaded each other, and the matter was finally settled, but he was very passive for a long time, and almost failed to keep the front line.

"That's why I say they are a match made in heaven!"

Hei Xiao answered.

"The rumor that Jun Li likes beautiful women has not been spread for a day or two. The saint of the mermaid tribe was directly forced to death by him because he disobeyed him. It seems that he is now eyeing Jian Jian again."

Also being the Immortal King of the Western Immortal Realm, Chu Xi has no intention of covering up for Jun Li. This kind of person is really embarrassing to their Western Immortal Realm, because he is the disciple of the Immortal Emperor, otherwise he would have died a long time ago I'm back.

"I don't even know how he got such a good reputation when the battlefield first opened."

Yi Qing complained together.

"With his backing on the Immortal Emperor of the West, he will naturally come up with whatever he wants, so there is no such thing as us who practice hard to advance to the next level.

That's why Yueluan watched him so closely, when she saw Junli talking to Jianjian, she immediately came up to interrupt. "

Hei Xiao sarcastically said.


Although everyone knew that what Hei Xiao said was right, it was difficult to answer the conversation, so she simply slapped the fan in her hand and changed the subject directly:
"I just talked about the Zerg's new path."

The topic continues here, and on the other side, after 'Junli' and 'Yueluan' returned to the remote Keju Peak, they dismissed the two little fairy attendants, and then directly waved their hands to drop the restraint.

'Junli' and 'Yueluan' breathed a sigh of relief. They turned around and saw that they were Qingji and Qingya. They pretended to be Junli and Yueluan, and appeared in front of everyone. Leave with a reasonable excuse.

"Brother, how is my acting skill?"

Qing Ji asked with a smile.

"Barely passed the level. You looked at the simple eyes at that time. There should be a trace of envy and jealousy. You shouldn't be so peaceful. After all, your Taoist companion is chatting with other fairy queens."

Qingya pointed carelessly.

"Hey! If it wasn't for the sake of preventing the Western Immortal Emperor from being suspicious, and these two scourges couldn't disappear in the Immortal Sword Sect for no reason, why should we bother?"

Babies, according to the requirements of the editor, I have made a major adjustment to Chapter 52 of the first volume, and re-modified the unreasonable places and settings before, so I started to code today’s article at [-]:[-] pm. If you re-brush, you will have a better experience.

Pass one chapter first, Fengling will make dinner for her father, try to write two more chapters before twelve o'clock, and the next step is to slowly deal with these two scourges!Stay tuned!

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