It's not uncommon for Qing Ji to turn into Yueluan and ostentatiously pass the market outside, but she can't implicate the Immortal Sword Sect, and she can't be easily exposed. This girl's ambition is not small, and they have to help cover it up before it comes to fruition.

"Don't worry, Miss Jian has always been far-sighted. Since she is going to do it, there must be a perfect plan. If there is no blood essence from those two people, we will not be able to use the secret method, and we will not be able to hide it from so many fairy kings present."

Qing Ya said with a smile.

Simply handing it over to Tian Miao's Yin Yuejing, he turned around and was sent to the two of them. Yin Yuejing directly took the two people's blood, and let Jun Li's soul enter an infinite loop, letting him replace Wu Yi's soul and repeat the scene. The process of Wu Yi's demise tortured Junli's soul without stopping for a moment.

Moreover, when Yinyue sealed Yueluan into the mirror, it directly consumed the power of Junli's soul, allowing the two scourges to contain each other, and when Fairy Jian drew her hand, she would take good care of this person and each insect.

Although the simple Immortal King Ceremony ended in just one day, all domains would take advantage of this opportunity to communicate with each other and exchange resources, so the Immortal Sword Sect was thoroughly lively for a month. , Auction, Immortal Sword City under Immortal Sword Sect, even the stalls in the sect are busier than usual.

During this period, 'Junli' had approached Immortal King Jian many times, and every time he couldn't say a few words, he would be interrupted by 'Yueluan', and then he would lead people away with various unreliable reasons. Let's go, let the people around watch a few lively scenes.

After all, Junli is the Immortal King, and he wants to save face. After two or three times like this, he stopped going to Jianjian. For the sake of that little reputation, he finally left Immortal Sword Sect with Yueluan ahead of schedule, and returned directly to Western Immortals. Domain, the matter did not attract much attention from anyone.

Half a year later, Immortal Sword Sect completely quieted down, Jian Jian then returned to the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, first visited Immortal King Ziyin, and then returned to his own cave.

Back in the cave, he simply flipped his hands and took out the Yinyue mirror. The figure of the mirror spirit Yinyue flashed, appeared in the cave, and bowed to her:
"Fairy Jane!"

"What happened to those two?"

Simply sit on the chair above and ask directly.

'Junli' and 'Yueluan' are still on their way back to the Western Immortal Territory, so neither of them can die for the time being, and they can disappear completely only after they have arrived safely in the Western Immortal Territory.

"Fairy, Junli's physical body has been destroyed. I keep his soul intact. I have thrown him into the infinite cycle of Fairy Wu Yi's downfall. I am weakening his soul power little by little, but Yueluan is a bit tricky."

Yinyue replied directly.

"what happened?"

"Although I trapped her, her spirit is not so powerful. I used Junli's spirit power to consume Yueluan's spirit, but the effect was not obvious."

Yin Yue thought for a while and said.

"let me see."


A golden luster flashed across the surface of the handle mirror suspended in front of Jian Jian, and then Yueluan's soul appeared on the mirror surface, and it could be seen that it was Yueluan's charming appearance, but the soul was already black and shiny, And it exudes black air.

Simple, the more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes. It is very similar to the soul of Xinghai who claimed to be the reincarnation of the god king that I saw in the sealed secret realm.

Yue Luan in the mirror seemed to sense that someone was looking at her, and immediately said:

"Simple, you can only imprison my soul, but you can't make me go away. I advise you to let me go. The body and soul I fused are the goddess who was reincarnated and rebuilt in the God Realm. If you touch me, the God will not let me go." If someone finds out, then you will surely fall into a place of eternal doom!"

After the words fell, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Tsk, you're half-human and half-worm now, are you sure the God Realm will accept a monster like you?"

Asked simply and indifferently.

"Hmph! No matter what, I am also a demigod! What can you do with me? Hahaha!"

Jian Jian didn't want to hear the other party's arrogant laughter. When he waved his hand, the mirror surface of Yinyue Mirror fluctuated for a while, and finally returned to its original shape.

"No wonder you have no fear, so you are here waiting for me! I don't know which goddess from the upper world was reincarnated and rebuilt. It is so weak that she was merged with the spirit and soul by the Zerg. It is really funny."

The corners of Jian Jian's lips curled up, revealing a sarcastic smile.

The current situation is a bit tricky, because many things she thought were unreasonable in Yueluan's threatening words can now be figured out.

First of all, before the Zerg launched a large-scale invasion, they must have sent their own vanguard as they did to the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. Because of the small number and small movements, they were not noticed and sneaked into the Qifang Immortal Realm safely.

These intelligent Zerg who sneaked in first will definitely choose the people from the fairy world who are most beneficial to them to replace them, so Yueluan has entered their sight. The male fairy obeyed.

She has not read Yueluan's memory now, so it is unclear whether she was replaced before joining forces with Junli to plot against Wu Yi, or after that.

In short, after she was replaced, she began to spread out in the entire seven-party fairyland. When the Zerg invaded, she would be able to cooperate with the outside and completely occupy the entire fairyland.

It's a pity that the immortals of the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm are stubborn, and the Western Immortal Emperor can't be fully used by her. The battle field was built, blocking her fellow clans out.

She could only hibernate for a while, and then summoned her fellow clansmen, and started to attack secretly, to solve the fairyland family and sect on the main battle side, causing chaos in the whole fairyland, making them internally strife, and not caring about the battlefield, and Jian Qi of the Jian family was like this. Recruited.

At that time, she had just ascended, and it was such a coincidence that she rescued Jian Qi, exposed the sinister intentions of the Zerg, and turned Yang Yang, the target of the Zerg, into her bodyguard.

From then on, she fought against the Zerg. The two sides came and went, starting from the Western Immortal Territory, from the Northern Immortal Territory to the Demon Immortal Territory, and then to the Demon Immortal Territory. Take her to Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

Secondly, the body fusion chosen by the Zerg is to know that even if Yueluan is caught, the people in the fairy world will have nothing to do with her, and even the people in the god world will be alarmed by obliterating her.

Even if Yueluan was really wiped out, after she ascended to the God Realm, she would face an enemy she didn't even know. Thinking about making enemies with others before ascension would make people feel extremely sour.

Can't be killed, can't be let go, just consuming immortal energy to seal it like this will really make people feel aggrieved.

Jian Jian snorted coldly in his heart, that stinky Xinghai was refined by her Ziyu Yinlongcauld, this year Yueluan just went through the process again.

It's just that now she can't find the second sealed secret realm to completely cut off the probes of the gods. She has to think about how to do this, so that she can pick herself up. She doesn't want to make enemies for herself without ascending.

"Yinyue, you continue to seal Yueluan with the power of Junli's soul, don't rush to deal with her, wait for me to think of a perfect plan before moving her."

"Yes, Yinyue understands!"

Yinyue nodded, turned into a streamer and flew into the handle mirror, and fell back into Jian Jian's hand.

As soon as Jian Jian put away the Yinyue Mirror, the restriction of the cave was touched. After sweeping his consciousness, he found that it was the palace guard.

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