Simply turning her phoenix eyes slightly, she knew the reason why Shou Dian came to see her. After waving to open the restriction, Shou Dian, who was dressed in a white fairy robe, walked in. Today's clothes are more serious, not so flamboyant.

"I have seen Immortal King Jane!"

Guarding the hall is a serious way of saluting.

"Sit down, it's hard for you to wait for so long to come looking for me, is it the red clothes who urged you to come?"

Turning the round fan with a simple smile, he said directly to Shoudian.

"Not all. Where's that bastard Junli? I want to settle some accounts with him."

A stern look flashed in Taohua's eyes, who guarded the palace, and said bluntly.

Simple actions have the cooperation of Shouzongdian. As the master of the first palace, he naturally knows it very well.

"Is it for Wu Yi? Don't worry, he will definitely not end well. It's just that I'm using his soul power to seal Yueluan now. On the contrary, Yueluan is more difficult this year. I'm afraid I won't be able to ask you for a while. talk."

It's simple and it's not hidden. After all, Shoudian cares so much about Wu Yi, a friend, and has been thinking about it for so long. He wants to avenge his friend, but because of the existence of the Western Immortal Emperor, he can only bear it until now.

Now cooperate with her to detain both Junli and Yueluan, Shoudian will definitely not miss this opportunity.

"I understand. Thank you, Immortal King Jian, for doing what I wanted to do but couldn't."

With a rare serious face, Shou Dian cupped his hands to thank Jian Jian.

"No problem! Since you're here, let's go see Immortal King Ziyin together."

With a simple wave of the fan, he spoke directly.

Shoudian didn't understand, he came to see Jian Jian, why did he go to see Immortal King Ziyin together, but Jian Jian didn't explain to him, and took him to see Immortal King Ziyin together.

Immortal King Ziyin was making tea. Seeing Jian Jian going back and forth, he looked at the guard who came with her, and waved his hands to let the two sit down. After his immortal tea was ready, he asked:
"You two came to see me together, but what's the matter?"

Shoudian directly turned his attention to Jian Jian, obviously he was not very clear.

Jian Jian took a sip of the fairy tea first, and then said:

"Senior Ziyin, I am going to return the core of the Scarlet Miao Knife to Shoudian. Do you think it is appropriate now?"

Only then did Shoudian realize the reason for simply bringing him to see Immortal King Ziyin.

Miao Dao was trembling in the dantian guarding the hall, seemed very excited, Hong Yi was a little excited, she had been looking forward to something for 30 years, today finally had the following, she immediately sent a sound transmission to guard the hall:
"Master, master! Let this woman return the knife core to us today!"

Shoudian didn't pay attention to Hongyi, but turned his attention to Immortal King Ziyin, he also wanted to hear the opinion of the ancestor.

Immortal King Ziyin paused when he poured the tea after hearing the simple words, then put down the teapot, glanced at the calm Shoudian, and then said:

"Girl Jian, you should ask Shoudian this question, after all, it is related to his cultivation?"

Simply turned to look at Shoudian, looked straight into the peach blossom eyes of the other party, and asked bluntly:

"Shoudian, are you ready?"

Shoudian ignored Hongyi's excited urging voice, nodded solemnly, and then said:


Simply grinned, and then said to Immortal King Ziyin:
"Senior, then the two of us will protect the Dharma for the palace guard!"

Then Zi Yin and Shou Dian saw, and with a simple wave of their hands, the egg-sized knife core reappeared with red light, and the runes on it flickered, as if they were calling for something.

Zi Yin and Shou Dian didn't expect that the simple action was so fast, and the knife core was sent out so simply.

Immortal King Ziyin waved his sleeve robe, and his boundary was formed, enclosing simplicity and guarding the palace.

Jian Jian took a step back and looked at the blood-colored Miao Knife that had already flew out automatically. At this time, the vibration frequency of the Miao Knife and the core of the knife and the flickering of the runes were almost synchronized, and then the two sides were slowly approaching.

The peach-blossom eyes of the guardian of the palace narrowed slightly, and he directly hovered cross-legged on the other side of the miao knife and the core of the knife, watching the fusion process of the two sides.

Simple is Jing Mimi's sound transmission Immortal King Ziyin:
"Senior Ziyin, if the Evil Knife merges and affects the Shoudian, causing him to fall into evil ways, I will be responsible for dealing with the Scarlet Miaodao, and you will be responsible for restraining the Shoudian, what do you think?"

Immortal King Ziyin heard this, a trace of helplessness flashed across his handsome face, and then he said via voice transmission:
"Girl Jane, can't you think about the good?"

"Senior, I think so too, but the painful lesson from last time is still vivid in my memory. I almost fell, so we have to prepare for the worst."

Briefly pursing his lips, Transsion explained.

"Okay, listen to you."

Immortal King Ziyin responded directly.

Afterwards, both of them turned their gazes to the Bloody Miao Knife that had been assembled in the air.

The core of the knife merged into the back of Miaodao, and the aura of the evil knife became more and more tyrannical, and began to spread slowly to the surroundings. Miaodao shook slightly, then suddenly changed direction, and shot towards Jianjian.

Jian Jian stood beside Immortal King Ziyin, without panic at all. Before Ziyin made a move, Moyue Zhan flew out first, and with a "bang", directly smashed Miao Dao back.

"Things with no memory!"

Said simply and disdainfully.

"Hong Yi, if you dare to come again, I will let Mo Xi and Mo Yue devour you first, and then I will break up your body. This time, I will never give Miao Dao a chance to fit together."

Simply stroking his sleeves, he calmly said threatening words.

The peach-blossom eyes of the guardian of the palace narrowed, his figure flickered, and he directly held the Miao Dao that flew back upside down, and said coldly:

"Red clothes, this is the last time!"

Hongyi huddled in the seedling knife and didn't dare to show her head. She was a little excited, and finally she was a whole body, so she wanted to make a fool of Jian Jian who had been making a fool of herself. Unexpectedly, she was not only threatened by the other party, but also hated by her own master.

Holding the Miao Dao, Shoudian apologized to Jian Jian:
"Sorry, I didn't control the natal knife properly!"

"It has nothing to do with you, it's that little girl who needs to clean up! How do you feel now?"

With a simple wave of his hand, Moyue Slash was taken back to Dantian, and he directly asked Shou Dian Dao.

"It doesn't have much impact, I just feel that I should be promoted."

At the same time as Shoudian's words fell, the surrounding celestial powers fluctuated significantly, and they flocked to Shoudian's body. He directly held the Miao Dao, sat on the ground, and entered a breakthrough state.

Jian Jian and Immortal King Ziyin became serious at this time, and now is the highlight.

The return of Miao Dao's knife core and its complete body have led to the promotion of the palace guard. Whether it can successfully pass through the Immortal King Realm and suppress Miao Dao's evil spirit is all in this catastrophe.

"I'll take the guard to the land of crossing the catastrophe, you follow."

Ziyin waved his sleeves and rolled up the guarding hall, and disappeared in an instant, and Jian Jian's figure flashed, followed by him and disappeared in place.

Dujie Peak of Immortal Sword Sect gathered the high-ranking immortals in the sect at this time, and they were all guarding the advancement breakthrough of the hall.

Zi Yin originally wanted to start the tribulation formation, but was simply stopped:

"Senior Ziyin, the blood-colored seedling knife is an evil knife. Now that the body is complete, the evil spirit may be more serious. This will easily affect the mind of the palace guard. It is better to let the sky thunder a few more times. At least it can purify the evil spirit. As long as she doesn't want to stand by Watching your master fall, you have to bear the thunder yourself, there are not many opportunities like this, let's not miss it."

Zi Yin slowly retracted the hand that hadn't been waved yet.

Babies, here's the third update, rest early after watching it!

Tomorrow Fengling's update will be a little later. My aunt's house is a treat. I'm going to help out early and let everyone know.See you tomorrow~
PS: On March 3, Fengling will take a day off~ let's continue tomorrow!I’m just going home now, I’m too tired~ I’ll add more tomorrow~

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