Lightning flashes and thunder thunders in the sky above Dujie Peak, and dark clouds roll over. The purple thunder brewing in the dark clouds seems to have received some kind of instruction. won't fall.

The Immortal Shoudian's eyes were closed at this time, and his aura was rising in an orderly manner. Obviously, the breakthrough was smooth.

Immortal King Ziyin looked at the tribulation thunder brewing in the sky, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Senior Ziyin, what happened to the robbery before guarding the palace?"

Simply staring at the blood-colored Miao Dao floating beside Shoudian, from the corner of his eye, he saw Zi Yin's flickering worry, and asked directly.

After listening to the simple question, Ziyin sighed in his heart for the simplicity and sensitivity, so he didn't hide it, and said directly:
"It's very dangerous for Shoudian to cross the catastrophe every time! Especially after entering the Profound Immortal Realm, when he led a team to fight against the invading army of the Zerg, and faced the intelligent Zerg, he almost escaped death and achieved the name of killing God, but he was also on the verge of losing control , the evil spirit in my body soared, and I was finally recalled from the battlefield forcefully.

Afterwards, I forced him to retreat in the sect in the name of recuperating his wounds to cultivate his health. Soon after, he couldn't restrain himself from cultivating to the Immortal Sovereign Realm. With all the merits I earned, and my assistance, I barely survived the thunder disaster, but the fundamental problem was not resolved.

This time he has the blessing of the evil knife again. I am afraid it will not be so easy to advance to the fairy king realm. He himself did not expect to be promoted so soon, so he told me a long time ago that if he really carried Can't help but Lei Jie has fallen, let me not bother to save him. "

After Ziyin finished speaking, she sighed.

Hearing this, Jian Jian raised his eyebrows, it turned out that Immortal King Ziyin agreed to his selfish proposal just now because Shoudian had communicated with this senior long ago.

"The senior should have stopped me just now, I just don't return the knife core to Hong Yi."

Jian Jian still stared at the blood-colored Miao Dao, her eyes never left for a moment, because of Zi Yin's words, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes, which made Dao Ling Hongyi tremble, and she always felt that if she didn't perform well today, she might end up not alone. The word "miserable" can describe it.

"This is his choice, and he is ready to fail and fall."

Ziyin paused for a long while before saying softly.

"Senior, don't worry, with Hong Yi here, she probably doesn't want to see the master she finally recognized fall, let's wait and see!"

As soon as the simple words fell, the first tribulation thunder fell silently.

The purple thunder with the thickness of the mouth of the well hit the top of the guard's head accurately, and everyone around took a breath when watching. Usually, the tribulation thunder of this intensity would be in the third or fourth lane. With this intensity of tribulation thunder, it is conceivable that the remaining seven tribulation thunders will definitely not be light.

Seeing this situation simply, he shook his head and said with emotion:
"I don't know if Shoudian has offended the Dao of Heaven. The first thunderstorm was so cruel, and I don't cultivate more meritorious deeds on weekdays."

As soon as her words fell, the second tribulation thunder fell with great force, and everyone present felt pain, as if the tribulation thunder had struck them.

The Scarlet Miao Dao trembled, as if he wanted to share his master's tribulation thunder, but finally held back, after all, this is the second way!Or maybe he received the master's order, so he didn't rush forward.

After the third tribulation thunder fell, Shoudian was soaked in the sea of ​​purple thunder, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his whole face was distorted, and he was using his whole body's strength to deal with the tribulation thunder.

Everyone watched silently. The fourth, fifth, and sixth tribulation thunders did not stop or brew, and directly struck the guard in the air in a triple combination, smashing him to the top of the peak.

Shoudian couldn't even maintain the posture of sitting cross-legged, with his hands on the ground, he was working hard to refine the thunder calamity, and the seventh tribulation thunder had already fallen like a waterfall.

"Hong Yi, it's time for you to show your performance. If you don't make a move, your master will be struck to death by lightning!"

The simple voice spread into Hongyi's ears without any haste.

The red clothes who were hesitant at first were very obedient this time, the blade turned into a red light, and faced the ferocious seventh tribulation thunder, blocked [-]% of the power of the tribulation thunder, and finally was slammed down, Inserted on the ground next to the guard hall, there are still thunder flowers flickering on it from time to time, and black air overflows from time to time.

"I said that the Miao Dao should be slashed by the thunder more often. Don't you see some impurities now!"

Simply said in a good mood.

At this moment, the bloody Miao Dao, which was still being cleaned by Jie Lei, was trembling uncontrollably, and Hong Yi naturally didn't hear those simple jokes.

At this time, she was in the blade, and her whole body was being washed by the lightning, her black pupils had turned red, the strange lines on her face were flickering, and her figure was also changing between virtual and real, as if it would disappear in the next breath.

And the dark clouds above the guarding hall rolled even more violently, as if they wanted to overturn the thunder pool in the air and then fall down directly, so that this person who has crossed the tribulation could have a good experience of the power of heaven.

"Ancestor Ziyin, activate the tribulation formation!"

A man in a purple robe beside him said in a low voice.

This time, Zi Yin did not refuse, and waved his hand to open the tribulation formation, and the raised transparent light shield enveloped the guard hall, temporarily resisting the power of heaven in the air.

Shoudian struggled to get up, ignoring the shattered cassock, stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth, then grabbed the handle of the Miao Dao beside him, and stood up with difficulty supporting his body.

At this time, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and then he pursed his lips to reveal a sarcasm smile, and looked at the sky with a slightly provocative look, as if he was waiting for the last tribulation thunder to fall.

Seeing such a guardian, Jian Jian was a little surprised. His expression was very interesting, and she seemed to smell something unusual.

The last tribulation thunder finally fell amidst the endless calls, almost submerging the entire Crossing Tribulation Peak. Under such a mighty tribulation thunder, the grand crossing tribulation formation only persisted for less than five breaths, and finally "哗啦" shattered, only blocked less than [-]% of the power of the tribulation thunder.

Then everyone saw that Shou Dian was holding his natal seedling knife, leaping up, heading straight for the remaining tribulation thunders.

"What is the guard doing?"

"Don't you die?"


The people around were all surprised by the desperate way of guarding the palace. Immortal King Ziyin also frowned, only with a simple expression that was still calm. It wasn't that she was ruthless, she did everything she could do, and the rest I can only guard the temple itself.

Undoubtedly, Shoudian and the Miao Dao in his hand were chopped back to Dujie Peak in the end. The peak of Dujie Peak was much shorter, obviously this time it was severely damaged.

The dark clouds in the sky have not dissipated, and it seems that they are also waiting to see the final result, and everyone is waiting patiently.

With a simple sweep of his consciousness, he found the scorched Shoudian lying at the bottom of the pit, where there was still a trace of the unrestrainedness of the past. The Miao Dao in his hand seemed to have lost its luster, as if the spirit of the saber had dissipated. .

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